The owner of any dog or cat shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies by the time the animal is four months of age and at regular intervals thereafter in accordance with rules adopted by the department of state health services.
A veterinarian shall supply the owner of a vaccinated dog or cat with a rabies vaccination tag which shall have stamped upon it the veterinarian’s name and vaccination certificate number. It shall be unlawful for an owner to have, harbor or keep any dog or cat without a current rabies vaccination tag fastened securely to a harness or collar worn about the shoulders or neck of the dog or cat.
(Code 1974, § 3-61; Ordinance 2090, § 1, 10-13-15)
Every person owning or keeping any dog or cat immunized against rabies, as provided in section 10-131, shall procure a written rabies vaccination certificate, signed by the veterinarian administering the vaccine, and the name and address of the owner.
The animal control officer or any peace officer may request to see rabies vaccination certificates at any time, and the failure of the owner or person in possession of such dog or cat to furnish such certificate of vaccination upon such request shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(Code 1974, § 3-62(a), (b))
Every physician or other medical practitioner who treats a person for any animal bite shall within 12 hours thereof report such treatment to an animal control officer giving the name, age, sex and precise location of the bitten person and such other information as the officer may require.
(Code 1974, § 3-63)
Any veterinarian who clinically diagnoses rabies, or any person who suspects rabies in a dog, cat or other animal, shall immediately report the incident to an animal control officer, stating precisely where such animal may be found, if known. If a known or suspected rabid animal bites or scratches a person or other animal, such incident shall be reported as required in section 10-133.
(Code 1974, § 3-64)
Any dog or cat which has bitten a person shall be observed for a period of ten days from the date of the bite. The procedure and place of observation shall be designated by the animal control officer in compliance with state law. If the dog or cat is not confined on the owner’s premises, confinement shall be by impoundment in the city animal shelter, or at any veterinary hospital of the owner’s choice. Such confinement shall be at the expense of the owner. The owner of any dog or cat that has been reported to have inflicted a bite on any person shall on demand produce such dog or cat for impoundment, as prescribed in this section. Home quarantine, as defined in this article, may be allowed only in those instances where permitted by state law and agreed to by the animal control officer. Refusal to produce such dog or cat constitutes a violation of this chapter and each day of such refusal shall constitute a separate and individual violation. Any prohibited animal which has bitten a person shall be caught and killed and the brain submitted for rabies examination to a state department of health certified laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
The city may sell and retain the proceeds, keep, grant adoption, or dispose of any animal that the owner or custodian does not take possession of within 72 hours following the final day of the quarantine. The animal shall be subject to removal and disposal at the direction of or by the animal control officer if found to be rabid or if it cannot be maintained in secure quarantine facilities.
(Code 1974, § 3-65)
Quarantine observation may be made at the owner’s home if the following qualifications are met:
Secure facilities are available at such designated place, and approved by the animal control officer.
The dog or cat is contained in an enclosed structure, house or garage for ten days.
If maintained outside, the dog or cat must be behind a fence from which it cannot escape and on a chain from which it cannot break loose, or inside a covered pen or kennel from which it cannot escape.
The dog or cat must be kept away from other animals and people, excepting those in the immediate household.
The animal may not be removed from the place of quarantine without notice and consent of the animal control officer.
The animal or owner were not in violation of this chapter at the time of biting.
(Code 1974, § 3-66)
The head of animals that have died of rabies or are suspected of having died of rabies shall be turned over to an animal control officer or a licensed veterinarian for dispatch to an authorized state department of health certified laboratory for diagnosis.
(Code 1974, § 3-67)
Whenever any animal is infected with rabies or suspected of being infected with rabies, or has been bitten by an animal known or suspected of being infected with rabies, the owner of the animal, or any person having knowledge thereof, shall immediately notify the animal control officer and furnish information, if known, where the animal may be found, and all particulars of the incident.
(Code 1974, § 3-68)