The owner of each multifamily dwelling complex within the city which shall be used for the purpose of human habitation or residence shall comply with the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
Each dwelling unit shall contain at least 150 square feet of habitable floor area for the first occupant and at least 100 square feet of additional habitable floor area for each additional occupant.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
In each dwelling unit of two or more rooms, each room occupied for sleeping purposes shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area for one occupant and shall contain an additional 50 square feet of floor area for each additional occupant of the sleeping room.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
Maximum density for each dwelling unit (occupant load) shall be as follows:
One bedroom or efficiency unit, no more than three occupants per unit.
Two bedrooms, no more than five occupants per unit.
Three bedrooms, no more than seven occupants per unit.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
At least one-half of the floor area of every habitable room of a dwelling unit shall have a ceiling height of at least seven feet; and the floor area of that part of any room where the ceiling height is less than five feet shall not be considered as part of the floor area in computing the total floor area of the room for the purpose of determining the maximum permissible occupancy thereof.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
The owner, lessor or property manager of a complex shall be primarily responsible for the maintenance, structural soundness and operative condition of the entire complex properties and all installed systems, including but not limited to plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning systems and parking areas thereof, and shall be responsible for the following:
Water and sewer systems.
Provide in all dwelling units a kitchen sink and a lavatory basin. Such kitchen sink and lavatory shall be connected to the municipal water and sewer systems.
Provide in all dwelling units a flush water toilet and a bathtub or shower connected to the municipal water and sewer systems.
Every kitchen sink, lavatory basin and bathtub or shower in each dwelling unit required by the provisions of this article shall be connected and functioning with both hot and cold water lines. The owner shall provide and maintain connected and functioning water-heating equipment and facilities for every dwelling unit which shall be connected with water lines with a design capability of heating water to a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit as to permit an adequate supply of hot water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, and bathtub or shower at a temperature of not less than 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Such water-heating facilities shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this section regardless of whether or not the heating facilities of the apartment or dwelling unit are in operation.
Air conditioning shall function to at least 15 degrees differential between the inside and outside temperature. If the owner pays the electrical bill, the owner shall provide the required electricity.
Every dwelling unit or apartment with heating facilities shall be provided with a design capability of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms to a temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit at a distance of three feet above floor level, and the facilities shall be operable when necessary to maintain the temperature, but gas jets installed prior to 1978 may be provided in lieu of other heating facilities. Where the owner or property manager pays the fuel bills or utilities for the heating equipment, the owner or property manager shall be responsible to provide heat to each dwelling unit. Portable heating equipment, including but not limited to, kerosene heaters, portable propane heaters or portable electric heaters may not be used to meet the requirements of this section other than for temporary emergency uses not to exceed 15 days when the devices are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Ensure that every bedroom in a dwelling unit shall have at least one window or opening facing directly to the outdoors capable of being opened to the maximum size allowed by the design of the window fixture.
Repair all cracked or broken out (partial or complete) windows.
All windows must meet the requirements of the current building code, except those which conformed with all applicable laws at the time of their construction and which have been adequately maintained.
Every opening in any dwelling unit which is used for ventilation purposes from a dwelling unit directly to or from outdoor space shall be equipped with insect-proof screening, which shall be provided by the owner and shall be installed and maintained in a manner affording complete protection against entry into the dwelling unit of flies, mosquitoes and other insects. However, it shall be the responsibility of the occupant to replace windows or screens broken by the occupant.
Repair or replace all window screens on openable window(s).
Paint, waterproof and repair to prevent deterioration due to the elements, which shall include but not be limited to: loose siding, siding with holes, excessive cracks or rotted boards which permit air or water to penetrate rooms or the void spaces in walls or other structural components, loose roof covering, holes or leaks in roof which cause damage to the Structure or rooms, rotting, and sagging or deteriorating supports for steps, stairs and porches.
Exterminate insects, rodents or other pests in all occupied and unoccupied units of duplex, triplex or other multiple-family dwellings, a minimum of once a year by a state-licensed exterminator, and single-family dwellings as needed by the owner or by a state licensed exterminator. If the occupant fails to maintain the dwelling unit free from rodents, insects and vermin, such shall be the ultimate responsibility of owner.
Provide central garbage and refuse disposal where there are more than four dwelling units on the premises
Provide and maintain railings for stairs, steps, balconies, porches, and elsewhere as specified in the building code in force at the time of construction. Replacement of any required railings shall be in compliance with the current edition of the building code. Buildings in existence at the time of adoption of this article may have their existing use continued if such use was legal at the time of the adoption of this article, provided such continued use is not dangerous to life.
Repair holes, cracks, and other defects in stairs, porches, steps and balconies reasonably capable of causing injury to a person.
Maintain floors, walls, ceilings and all supporting structural members in a sound condition, capable of bearing imposed loads safely, in conformity with the current building code.
Repair or replace chimney flue and vent attachments that do not function properly.
Repair holes, breaks, substantial cracks, and loose surface materials that are health or safety hazards in or on floors, walls, ceilings or entry ways, breezeways, sidewalks and similar areas used for foot traffic.
Provide and maintain a moisture-resistant finish or material for the flooring or sub-flooring of each bathroom, shower room, and toilet room.
Provide screened cross-ventilation openings of not less than one and one half square feet for each 25 lineal feet of wall in each basement, cellar, and crawl space.
Eliminate a hole, excavation, sharp protrusion, and other object or condition that exists on the land and is reasonably capable of causing injury to a person.
Securely cover or close a well, cesspool, or cistern.
Provide drainage to prevent standing and stagnant water on the premises. Ponding of water shall not exceed a 24-hour period under normal rainfall periods.
Remove dead trees and tree limbs that are reasonably capable of causing injury to a person.
Connect plumbing fixtures and heating equipment that the owner supplies in accordance with the applicable codes.
Provide and maintain in operating condition supply lines for electrical service to each dwelling unit intended for human occupancy.
Provide and maintain in operating condition electrical circuits and outlets in compliance with the electrical code adopted by the city.
Connect to a chimney or flue each heating and cooking device that burns solid fuel or burns a fuel that must be vented to the outside.
Maintain the interior of a vacant structure or vacant portion of a structure free from rubbish, garbage, storage and stored items. Secure all vacant or unoccupied dwelling units from unauthorized entry and vandalism.
Install and maintain the parking lot, fire lane and required paved areas, including legible parking stripes and fire lanes, in accordance with city ordinances.
Maintain all required fire detection and extinguishing appliances including but not limited to: smoke detectors, fire alarm systems, fire hydrants and portable fire extinguishers. All dwelling units must be equipped with operable smoke detectors of an approved type. For purposes of this section, the fire marshal and/or building official will have final determination on what items are required based upon the codes in effect at the time the building was built and subsequent applicable changes.
Maintain all swimming pools in a sanitary condition and remove all water and debris from a swimming pool not so maintained or in accordance with other City ordinances.
Provide and maintain all gas service lines to each dwelling unit that is heated by natural gas or has water heating devices or cook stove fueled by natural gas. If the owner pays the gas bill, the owner shall provide necessary gas service.
Remove inoperable, unsightly, junked, unregistered and or abandoned vehicle(s) from the property.
Install and maintain premises identification numbers which shall be eight inches high with a width of one-inch minimum for main buildings and four inches high with a width of one-half inch minimum and for all unit doors a minimum of two inches high.
Provide, in all dwelling units, safe and unobstructed means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level. When an unsafe condition exists through lack of or improper location of exits, additional exits may be required to be installed. The use of burglar bars or other security devices that prevent an immediate exit from the interior of the dwelling unit is prohibited.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
The landlord shall provide to each tenant an emergency telephone number or other means of communications which shall be answered 24 hours each day in order that the tenant may report needed repairs or emergencies or seek information or answers relative to landlord-tenant matters which cannot wait until regular business hours.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)
A tenant in a complex shall be responsible for the following:
Shall maintain those portions of the interior of a dwelling unit structure under his control free from rubbish, garbage, and other conditions that would encourage infestation of insects, rodents, and vermin, and unsanitary conditions;
Shall keep occupied area and all plumbing equipment and facilities provided in a clean, sanitary condition at all times;
Shall connect plumbing fixtures and heating equipment that the occupant supplies in accordance with the applicable city codes;
Shall not alter a dwelling unit or its facilities so as to create a nonconformity with division 3 of this article;
Must adhere to reasonable occupancy standards;
Must adhere to all applicable garbage and trash disposal standards; and
Shall not tamper with any required fire protection apparatus.
(Ordinance 1975, § I, 11-13-12)