The city shall provide emergency medical service within the corporate limits of the city and outside such corporate limits under such mutual aid agreements as may be from time to time established by and between the city and other political subdivisions and as provided in this article.
Emergency medical service may be provided to injured or ill persons outside the corporate limits of the city when a mutual aid agreement exists by and between the city and the political subdivision wherein such injured or ill person shall be located, or upon determination of the existence of emergency circumstances by the fire chief or his designate.
No person shall provide ambulance service for the transport of persons from locations within the corporate limits of the city except only for nonemergency calls, transfers or the transport of deceased persons, except as may be specifically authorized under mutual aid agreements of the city or by the fire chief of the city or his designate, upon the determination of the existence of an emergency as provided in section 26-90.
(Code 1974, § 11-46)
The city manager is authorized to provide for the equipping, operation and administration of such emergency medical service, which emergency medical service shall be operated by the fire department and shall be under the supervision and control of the chief of the fire department, subject to the guidelines established in this article and under such rules and regulations as the chief of the fire department shall, with the approval of the city manager, from time to time promulgate for the proper operation thereof.
(Code 1974, § 11-47)
The city manager shall designate an emergency medical director who shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state and who shall advise the chief of the fire department in the administration, equipping, training and operation of the emergency medical service.
(Code 1974, § 11-48)
The fire department shall provide emergency medical service, and requests for emergency medical service shall be made to the police department and/or the fire department. The chief of the fire department and chief of the police department shall establish the appropriate procedures, rules and regulations for the receipt and coordination of requests for emergency medical service and the dispatch of fire department personnel and equipment in response thereto. Fire department emergency medical attendants shall have the authority to pick up and transport any injured or sick persons found on public or private property as determined by such emergency medical attendants to then and there have need for emergency care and/or transport for such injury or illness. Emergency medical attendants, under rules and regulations promulgated as provided in this article, shall have the sole authority to determine the medical facility to which the injured or ill person requiring emergency medical transport shall be taken.
(Code 1974, § 11-49)
Fees and charges for emergency medical service provided by the city will be as established in section 30-30. The person for whom emergency medical care and/or transport has been provided or, if such person is under disability, such person’s parent, spouse or guardian shall be responsible for the payment of all fees or charges for such emergency medical care and/or transportation, which fees shall be payable to the city in accordance with chapter 30.
(Code 1974, § 11-50)
No person shall initiate, communicate or request the dispatch of emergency medical service of the city knowing that such request is false or baseless.
(Code 1974, § 11-51)
No person shall, with intent, hinder, interfere or obstruct personnel of the fire department in providing emergency medical care or transport for any person.
(Code 1974, § 11-52)
Any person violating the terms and provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 1-12 of this Code. Each day that such violation continues shall be a separate offense. This penalty shall be cumulative of all other remedies. Any such violation shall be deemed a violation of a provision governing public health under section 1-12 of this Code.
(Code 1974, § 11-53; Ordinance 1077, § XXI, 5-12-92)