Residential permits: $35.00 per year.
Commercial permits: $125.00 per year.
Senior citizens 65 or older are exempt from paying the annual registration fee.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-21/4.2(b); Ordinance 1210, § 4, 8-13-96; Ordinance 1863, § 3, 9-8-09; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Fee for each false burglary alarm in the preceding 12-month period:
4 to 5: $55.00.
6 to 8: $85.00.
After 8: $120.00.
Fee for each false robbery alarm in the preceding 12-month period:
4 to 7: $100.00.
After 7: $150.00.
Each false panic/duress alarm in the preceding 12-month period:
4 to 7: $100.00.
After 7: $150.00.
Providing the wrong permit information to the responding agencies: $25.00.
Failure to provide a responder within 30 minutes when requested by law enforcement authority: $50.00.
A permit holder shall pay a fee assessed under this section within 30 days after receipt of notice of assessment or be subject to a ten percent penalty fee.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-21/4.9(a); Ordinance 1210, § 5, 8-13-96; Ordinance 1863, § 3, 9-8-09; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Permit reinstatement fee: $100.00.
(Ordinance 1863, § 3, 9-8-09)
Alcoholic beverage permits (in accordance with state law).
(Code 1974, § 11/2-21/2; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Impoundment of animals:
First impoundment: $30.00.
Second impoundment: $45.00.
Third impoundment: $55.00.
Fourth impoundment: $105.00.
Feed and care, per day: $15.00.
Feed and care for estrays (livestock): Per day: $50.00.
The owners shall pay for any veterinarian or drug fees incurred for the animal while it is in the custody of the city.
Newspaper advertisement: Actual cost.
As determined from time to time, and if more than one animal is advertised in the same advertisement, the cost per head shall be divided equally among the animals sold or redeemed.
Adoption of animals:
Dogs: $10.00.
Plus actual cost of rabies vaccination and applicable spay or neuter fees.
Cats: $5.00.
Plus actual cost of rabies vaccination and applicable spay or neuter fees.
Should a person wanting to adopt an animal desire to take the adopted animal to a veterinarian of their choice for rabies vaccination or spay and neutering, the name, address and phone number of the veterinarian shall be provided to the animal control officer prior to adoption.
Proof of rabies vaccination, spay and neutering must be returned to the city animal shelter within 30 days. Failure to provide proof of surgical alteration can and will result in the issuance of a citation.
Registration fee for dogs and cats without city registration tag picked up by the city animal control: $10.00.
Dangerous dog registration:
Dangerous dogs kept within city, per year: $50.00.
Dangerous dogs sold to or moved to another address within the city, per move: $25.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-3.8; Ordinance 1109, § 5, 4-13-93; Ordinance 1179, § I, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1572, § 1, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1811, § 2, 5-27-08; Ordinance 1877, § 1, 5-25-10; Ordinance 1878, § IX, 6-8-10; Ordinance 2253, § 1, 8-24-20)
A contractor registration fee shall be paid in addition to other provisions provided in chapter 14. The fee for all contractors establishing registration data shall be $100.00 annually, per 12-month period. Plumbing contractors shall not pay a registration fee.
Reinspection or after hours or other related fees:
Building reinspection per hour (one-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection
Building after hours (two-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Plumbing reinspection per hour (one-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Plumbing after hours (two-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Mechanical reinspection per hour (one-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Mechanical after hours (two-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Electrical reinspection per hour (one-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Electrical after hours (two-hour minimum):
Each additional reinspection:
Inspections in which no fee is specifically indicated (one-hour minimum):
[Each additional reinspection:]
For use of outside consultants for plan review and inspections or both:
Actual cost
Stop work fee:
Investigation fee: An amount equal to the permit fee that may be assessed for work conducted without the proper permit having first been obtained.
(Ordinance 1097, § I, 10-13-92; Ordinance 1645, § I, 8-31-04; Ordinance 1877, § 2, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2087, § 1, 9-8-15; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Permit: $50.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-4.20(b))
Permit: $100.00.
(Ordinance 1692, § III, 5-31-05)
Permit: $15.00.
(Fee will not be assessed if roll-off container was received from solid waste provider and rental charges were subject to gross receipts franchise fee.)
(Ordinance 1708, § III, 9-27-05)
Editor’s note–Section 1 of Ord. No. 1506, adopted Nov. 13, 2001, repealed in its entirety § 30-10, electrical permits, etc. Said section pertained to electrical fees, and derived from Code 1974, § 11/2-4.114. Ord. No. 1645, § II, adopted Aug. 31, 2004, repealed §§ 30-7-30-9 in their entirety. Former §§ 30-7-30-9 pertained to electrical contractor’s license, master electrician’s license, and apprentice electrician’s license, and derived from Code 1974, § 11/2-4.97(d), § 11/2-4.98(d) and § 11/2-4.99, respectively.
See section 30-13(g). Fence ordinance variance request: $250.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-4.135(c); Ordinance 1645, § III, 8-31-04; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Permit fee schedule for installation of satellite television reception dishes is based on the cost of construction as stated in section 30-13(a), (b).
(Code 1974, § 11/2-4.150(b))
Residential permit fees for single-family, two-family, and townhome family construction or demolition are calculated at the following rates:
New construction: $1.00 per square foot.
Residential alterations, renovations, and/or additions: $1.00 per square foot.
Commercial and multifamily residential construction or demolition permit fees, including signage are based on the value of the work.
Commercial and multifamily residential (new construction (combination), remodel, and miscellaneous) permit fee:
Total valuation
$1.00 to $500.00
$501.00 to $2,000.00
$70.00 for the first $500.00 plus $6.30 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof.
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00
$179.20 for the first $2,000.00 plus $25.20 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00
$747.60 for the first $25,000.00 plus $19.60 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00
$1,274.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $14.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00
$2,100.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $11.90 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00
$6,860.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $9.80 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
$1,000,001.00 and up
$11,760.00 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $8.40 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
Note: Fees for reroofing and the installation of water heaters are by separate flat fee as reflected in subsections (k) and (n).
Plan review fees:
Plan review fees for all commercial projects shall be 65 percent of the computed building permit fee. A nonrefundable plan review fee shall be assessed to all commercial and multifamily building permit applications at the time of plan submittal. A building permit application is not considered received until the plan review fee has been paid. Note: A separate review fee will be assessed for engineering review of civil plans associated with any project or development.
Engineering plan review fee for civil engineering plans will be as follows: $500.00 per submittal (to include one resubmittal) for any project or development up to one (1) acre. An additional $50.00 will be added to the initial review fee for each additional acre or portion of acre above one (1) acre. Subsequent reviews will be assessed at $500.00 flat.
Plan review fees for all residential new dwelling construction shall be $350.00. Plan review fees for all other residential dwelling construction shall be $150.00. A nonrefundable plan review fee shall be assessed to all residential building permit applications at the time of plan submittal. A building permit application is not considered received until the plan review fee has been paid.
Accessory buildings:
All skid based accessory buildings greater than 120 square feet: $70.00.
All slab based accessory building greater than 120 square feet: $100.00.
Certificate of occupancy(including temporary): $75.00.
Electric permit: $120.00.
Fence permit fee:
Single-family/two-family/townhome family residential installation of fencing permit fee: $100.00.
Commercial and multifamily residential development fence permits will be based on commercial and multifamily residential permit fees within subsection (b). Fence installation valuations for commercial and multifamily development will be provided by cost estimates from the contracting installer.
Landscape irrigation permit and plan review fee:
Single-family/two-family/townhome family residential installation of landscape irrigation systems permit fees:
New irrigation system: $150.00.
Existing irrigation system additions/alterations (if altering system less than 50%): $60.00.
Commercial and multifamily residential development landscape irrigation permits will be based on commercial and multifamily residential permit fees within subsection (b). Landscape irrigation installation valuations for commercial and multifamily developments will be provided by cost estimates from the contracting installer. An irrigation plan review fee of $100.00 will apply to all irrigation plans (multifamily and commercial) submitted in support of a landscape irrigation permit application.
Backflow protective devices, each replacement: $60.00.
Mechanical permit: $120.00.
Plumbing permit: $120.00.
Reroof fee (commercial and multifamily): Fee based on valuation of work as per subsection (b).
Swimming pool permit: $550.00.
Temporary utility service: $75.00.
Water heater replacement:
Single-family/two-family/townhome family residential: $75.00 per water heater unit when not included as a portion of an additional plumbing permit.
Commercial and multifamily: Based on valuation of work as per subsection (b).
Other methods for determining the fee calculations or project valuations for unique or unusual projects may be approved by the building official.
Fee refunds: Fees collected in accordance with this chapter may be refunded under the following conditions when requested in writing by the person who paid the fee within 180 days of the collection of the fee.
Fee collected in error.
Any fee in this chapter that was collected in error shall be refunded in full.
Permit fees.
When a permit is withdrawn or canceled by the applicant before any work has begun as authorized by that permit then 80 percent of the permit fee shall be refunded. If any work has begun in accordance with the permit, then no refund shall be granted.
(Ordinance 1506, § 2, 11-13-01; Ordinance 1645, § IV, 8-31-04; Ordinance 1837, §§ 3, 4, 12-9-08; Ordinance 1877, § 3, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2087, § 2, 9-8-15; Ordinance 2221, § 1, 5-28-19; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
The schedule of cable television franchise fees is as follows:
Annual franchise: 5% of gross revenues.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-41/2.30; Ordinance 1073, § III, 2-11-92)
Operational permits.
(Operational permits are valid for one year unless specified otherwise herein or as allowed by the current adopted edition of IFC.)
Amusement buildings: $210.00.
Retail sales (gun shops, etc.): $70.00.
Commercial storage: $210.00.
Other uses (gas perforating, construction use, etc. ): $210.00.
(15-day permit unless specified otherwise on the permit)
Flammable/combustible liquid:
Removal of fuel from tanks: $70.00.
Tank removal from service: $140.00 per tank.
Change of contents–Tank: $70.00 per tank.
Manufacturing and processing: $140.00.
Gates crossing fire lanes: $56.00 per site.
Hazardous materials: $105.00 per site.
(Includes aerosols, battery systems, compressed gases, cryogenic fluids, flammable and combustible storage/handling/use and refrigeration permits as defined by the IFC if within the scope of those permits)
Storage tanks: $210.00 per site.
Hot work operations: $105.00 Comps Haz-Mat Permit when approved by AHJ
Liquid or gas fueled vehicles in assembly building: $70.00.
LP gas: No fee.
Mobile fuel dispensing operations: $140.00.
Open burning–trench (TCEQ air curtain): $700.00.
Open burning–Cooking ceremonial: no charge.
Pyrotechnic special effects (fireworks-aerial): $560.00.
Pyrotechnic special effects (theatrical) per time period specified on permit: $105.00.
Short-term rental - fire marshal annual inspection fee: $100.00.
Speed bumps in fire access road (fire lane): $56.00 per site.
Construction permits.
*All construction permits, unless otherwise specified herein, are charged a fee based on the cost of the work to be performed. The fee table used is the same table used for valuing miscellaneous permits as specified in subsection 30-13(b) of this chapter.
Aboveground and underground storage tanks*
Generator belly tanks that are manufactured as part of the generator: $210.00.
Battery systems*
Chemical fire extinguishing system*
Compressed gas systems*
Cryogenic fluids*
Egress control devices*
Fire alarm and detection system*
Fire lane repair: no charge.
Fire sprinklers/standpipes/fire pumps and related equipment*
Flammable or combustible liquid operations*
Gate installation (powered gates crossing fire lane or private street)*
Hazardous materials*
Industrial ovens*
LPG installations/modifications: $105.00.
Mechanical exhaust hoods (vent A hoods)*
Private fire lines*
Smoke control*
Speed bumps (installed in fire lanes)*
Spray booth/spray room/dip tank installation*
Storage tank misc. and related equipment*
Storage tank removal: $140.00 per tank.
Temporary membrane structures, tents and canopies: $70.00 (30-day permit).
Miscellaneous fees.
After hours inspections: $100.00 per person per hour with a four-hour minimum.
Expired permit fee: $70.00.
No permit fee: An amount double the permit fee may be assessed for work that is conducted without the proper permit having first being obtained.
Reinspection fee: $100.00 per inspection after three inspections/reinspections when assessed by the fire marshal.
Standby fee: $100.00 per person per hour (four hours minimum).
Plan review fee: 65 percent of the construction permit fee.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-6.1(e)(4); Ordinance 1097, § III, 10-13-92; Ordinance 1179, § II, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1208, § I, 6-25-96; Ordinance 1478, § 1, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1699, § I, 8-30-05; Ordinance 1988, § 1, 2-26-13; Ordinance 2307, § 1, 6-28-2022; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Solid waste.
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Effective for customer billings beginning April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 (solid waste services billed in arrears):
Residential curbside: $11.06/month.
Backdoor service: $14.64/month.
Commercial Front-Load Rates
Pickups Per Week
2 YD
3 YD
4 YD
6 YD
8 YD
Commercial Roll Off Rates
Rental per Day
Total per Load
Deposit per Container
20 YD
30 YD
40 YD
28 YD
30 YD
35 YD
40 YD
42 YD
Commercial hand load two (2) times per week: $28.06 per month (limit four (4) bags).
Casters: $20.79/month.
Locks: $10.41/month.
Special Pick Up Rates
1–5 yds
6–10 yds
10–15 yds
>15 yds
Roll off rates will apply
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Effective for customer billings beginning April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025 (solid waste services billed in arrears):
Residential curbside: $11.39/month.
Backdoor service: $15.08/month.
Commercial Front-Load Rates
Pickups Per Week
2 YD
3 YD
4 YD
6 YD
8 YD
Commercial Roll Off Rates
Rental per Day
Total per Load
Deposit per Container
20 YD
30 YD
40 YD
28 YD
30 YD
35 YD
40 YD
42 YD
Commercial hand load two (2) times per week: $28.90 per month (limit four (4) bags).
Casters: $21.41/month.
Locks: $10.72/month.
Special Pick Up Rates
1–5 yds
6–10 yds
10–15 yds
>15 yds
Roll off rates will apply
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Effective for customer billings beginning April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026 (solid waste services billed in arrears):
Residential curbside: $11.73/month.
Backdoor service: $15.53/month.
Commercial Front-Load Rates
Pickups Per Week
2 YD
3 YD
4 YD
6 YD
8 YD
Commercial Roll Off Rates
Rental per Day
Total per Load
Deposit per Container
20 YD
30 YD
40 YD
28 YD
30 YD
35 YD
40 YD
42 YD
Commercial hand load two (2) times per week: $29.77 per month (limit four (4) bags).
Casters: $22.06/month.
Locks: $11.04/month.
Special Pick Up Rates
1–5 yds
6–10 yds
10–15 yds
>15 yds
Roll off rates will apply
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Effective for customer billings beginning April 1, 2026 through March 31, 2027 (solid waste services billed in arrears):
Residential curbside: $12.09/month.
Backdoor service: $16.00/month.
Commercial Front-Load Rates
Pickups Per Week
2 YD
3 YD
4 YD
6 YD
8 YD
Commercial Roll Off Rates
Rental per Day
Total per Load
Deposit per Container
20 YD
30 YD
40 YD
28 YD
30 YD
35 YD
40 YD
42 YD
Commercial hand load two (2) times per week: $30.66 per month (limit four (4) bags).
Casters: $22.72/month.
Locks: $11.37/month.
Special Pick Up Rates
1–5 yds
6–10 yds
10–15 yds
>15 yds
Roll off rates will apply
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Effective for customer billings beginning April 1, 2027 through March 31, 2028 (solid waste services billed in arrears):
Residential curbside: $12.45/month.
Backdoor service: $16.48/month.
Commercial Front-Load Rates
Pickups Per Week
2 YD
3 YD
4 YD
6 YD
8 YD
Commercial Roll Off Rates
Rental per Day
Total per Load
Deposit per Container
20 YD
30 YD
40 YD
28 YD
30 YD
35 YD
40 YD
42 YD
Commercial hand load two (2) times per week: $31.58 per month (limit four (4) bags).
Casters: $23.40/month.
Locks: $11.72/month.
Special Pick Up Rates
1–5 yds
6–10 yds
10–15 yds
>15 yds
Roll off rates will apply
Monthly rates (in dollars).
Base service is blue bag service.
Bin or cart service rate is in addition to base service.
Senior base service is blue bag service.
Senior bin or cart service rate is in addition to senior base service.
Recycling services billed in arrears.
Effective for Customer Billings Beginning
Base Blue Bag
(Base +)
(Base +)
Senior Base Blue Bag
Senior Bin
(Base +)
Senior Cart
(Base +)
Apartment Unit
Contractor will be eligible to receive an increase in monthly contractual rates on March 1, 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027, as set forth in Ordinance No. 2327. The monthly service rates (above) will be adjusted accordingly.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-7.14; Ordinance 1102, § I, 12-8-92; Ordinance 1164, § I, 1-24-95; Ordinance 1169, § I, 2-28-95; Ordinance 1222, § 1, 11-26-96; Ordinance 1222, § 1, 11-26-96; Ordinance 1289, § 1, 11-11-97; Ordinance 1290, § 1, 11-11-97; Ordinance 1466, § 1, 3-27-01; Ordinance 1478, § 2, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1492, § 1, 8-14-01; Ordinance 1579, § 1, 2-11-03; Ordinance 1614, § 1, 12-9-03; Ordinance 1719, § 1, 2-28-06; Ordinance 1773, § 1, 3-13-07; Ordinance 1786, Exh. A, 11-13-07; Ordinance 1790, Exh. A, 11-13-07; Ordinance 1972, § 2, 9-25-12; Ordinance 2174, § 1, 3-27-18; Ordinance 2332, § 1, 12/13/2022)
Administration charge: $150.00.
Advertising: Actual cost.
Mowing/cleanup: Actual cost.
Mail/legal notice: Actual cost.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-7.29)
Taking and impounding any personal property: $3.00.
Preparing advertisements of sale of each article: $0.50.
Selling each article: $1.00.
Posting notices of sale relating to any one article: $0.50.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-7.67)
Annual permit fee for food service establishment permit, license or certificate: $250.00.
Food handler certificate: $10.00.
Replacement for lost food handler certificate: $5.00.
Annual mobile food service establishment permit, per vehicle: $200.00.
Temporary food service establishment permit, per event location/booth (3 days, 2 times per year)
For profit establishments: $100.00.
For nonprofit establishments: $50.00.
Seasonal food establishment (6 weekends, 2 times per year): $200.00.
Late payment fee:
31 to 60 days after due date: 10 percent of permit fee.
61 to 90 days after due date: 30 percent of permit fee. Over 90 days past due date: Double the permit fee.
Food establishment variance for waiving of rules under Section 229.171(c) of the Texas Food Establishment Rules: $100.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-8.86; Ordinance 1168, § II, 1-10-95; Ordinance 1331, § I, 6-23-98; Ordinance 1525, § I, 3-26-02; Ordinance 1572, § 2, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1877, § 4, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2094, § 2, 11-10-15)
Supermarket/grocery store (food stores over 5,000 square feet gfa) for each department: $250.00.
Convenience stores (food stores under 5,000 square feet gfa): $250.00.
with deli: $350.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-8.101; Ordinance 1525, § II, 3-26-02; Ordinance 1572, § 3, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1877, § 5, 5-25-10)
Annual tax per machine (one-fourth of state tax): $15.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-10.7)
Garage sale permit: No cost.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-10.52; Ordinance 2087, § 3, 9-8-15)
Annual permit fee for person, firm, corporation or organization and a single agent, employee or volunteer: $35.00;
Annual permit fee for each additional agent, employee or volunteer: $10.00;
Annual permit fee for person, corporation, firm or organization that sponsors or employs one or more minors as solicitors: $50.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-10.66; Ordinance 1949, § 2, 3-13-12)
Public swimming pools and spas, annual permit fee: $250.00.
Day care, annual permit fee: $150.00.
(Ordinance 1525, § III, 3-26-02; Ordinance 1572, § 4, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1877, § 6, 5-25-10)
Application fee: $500.00.
Annual renewal fee: 500.00.
Reinstatement fee: 200.00.
(Ordinance 1133,[1] § 5, 3-22-94)
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1133, § 5, adopted Mar. 22, 1994, repealed former § 30-25, which pertained to massage parlors and massage establishments fees, and added a new § 30-25, to read as herein set out.
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1988, § 2, adopted Feb. 26, 2013, repealed § 30-26, which pertained to swimming pools and derived from the Code of 1974, § 11/2-12.10; Ord. No. 1699, § II, 8-30-05; Ord. No. 1740, § 1, 6-27-06; Ord. No. 1877, § 7, 5-25-10.
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1988, § 3, adopted Feb. 26, 2013, repealed § 30-27, which pertained to recreation areas or facilities and derived from the Code of 1974, § 11/2-12.14; Ord. No. 1069, § I, 11-26-91; Ord. No. 1208, § II, 6-25-96; Ord. No. 1221, § 1, 10-22-96; Ord. No. 1237, §§ 1-5, 8-12-97; Ord. No. 1346, § 1, 12-8-98; Ord. No. 1354, § 1, 4-13-99; Ord. No. 1421, § 1, 4-11-00; Ord. No. 1460, § 1, 2-27-01; Ord. No. 1464, § 1, 3-14-01; Ord. No. 1569, § 1, 2, 12-10-02; Ord. No. 1572, § 5, 1-14-03; Ord. No. 1699, § III, 8-30-05; Ord. No. 1740, § 2, 6-27-06; Ord. No. 1877, §§ 8, 9, 5-25-10; Ord. No. 1881, § 1, 8-31-10.
Library materials and facilities.
The following fees are established for use or misuse of library materials and facilities:
Duplicate library card
Items lost or damaged
Replacement cost plus $10.00 per item reprocessing fee
Items not listed in replacement data bases:
Children’s book, CD, or DVD
Adult hard cover book
Trade paperback book
Mass market paperback
Missing bar code
Cost of sending overdue notice by certified mail
Actual cost of postage
Fax received, per page
Fax send, per page
Copies (from copier, microfiche reader/printer, and personal computers), per page
Collection agency charge for overdue and non-returned materials
Actual cost of collection agency charge
Color copies
$1.00 per page
Library meeting room:
Base room charge:
Euless residents: $60.00 per hour.
Non-Euless residents: $120.00 per hour.
Attendant fee - per hour (if required):
Payment policy:
A signed contract and payment in full of the room charge is required to secure the room reservation. Refunds on room charges are made when the cancellation is received in writing two weeks prior to the event. If the reservation is cancelled less than two weeks prior to the event refunds will be considered on an individual basis.
Damage deposits:
This deposit will serve as security for any additional cleanup of the facility and will be applied toward any damage to the facility. The deposit is to be paid by separate check with signed contract. The damage deposit will be refunded to the patron within ten business days after the date of the reservation and after a thorough inspection of the meeting facility. The damage deposit will be refunded if the reservation is cancelled two weeks prior to the event. If the reservation is cancelled less than two weeks prior to the event the damage deposit refund will be considered on an individual basis.
No food or drinks served: $50.00.
Food or drinks served: $200.00.
Security officer:
Actual cost. All events will be reviewed to determine if the city will require security officer(s) be present. This fee is in addition to attendant fee.
An approved caterers’ list will be available to those wishing to have an event catered. Approval of a caterer involves providing a certificate of insurance with the city named as an additional insured on said certificate, a copy of certificate of health, and a signed catering agreement with the city is due two weeks prior of planned event.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-12.34; Resolution 91-772, 11-12-91; Ordinance 1105, § II, 2-9-93; Ordinance 1218, § 1, 9-24-96; Ordinance 1291, § 1, 11-25-97; Ordinance 1302, 1-27-98; Ordinance 1346, § 2, 12-8-98; Ordinance 1369, 6-22-99; Ordinance 1394, § 1, 11-23-99; Ordinance 1514, § 1, 11-27-01; Ordinance 1569, § 1, 2, 12-10-02; Ordinance 1572, § 6, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1614, § 2, 12-9-03; Ordinance 1699, § IV, 8-30-05; Ordinance 1740, § 2, 6-27-06; Ordinance 1877, § 10, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2087, § 4, 9-8-15; Ordinance 2253, § 2, 8-24-20; Ordinance 2330, § 1, 11/22/2022; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Permit: $25.00 processing fee (additional fees may apply).
Residential/block/neighborhood - delivery/setup: $25.00.
Nonresidential/commercial - delivery/setup: $75.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-13.24; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Ambulance fees for the use of city ambulances will be set in accordance with the formula set forth by the third-party billing agency. The third-party agency will use reasonable best efforts to determine and use standard pricing for the services. Charges and rates for services will be based on prevailing charges and provider’s demographic service area.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-15.29; Ordinance 1676, § 1, 2-8-05)
Annual certificate of convenience and necessity: $500.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-15.29)
Application, per wrecker: $25.00.
Annual wrecker permit (expires December 31): $25.00.
Permits and fees apply to companies within city limits and nonconsent pulls only.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-15.45)
Water: Fees for water or sprinkler meters and meter boxes shall be an amount equal to actual cost of materials and labor plus 15 percent.
Tap fees: Applicants are encouraged to have taps to water and sewer lines made by a private contractor to specifications established by the city engineer. If taps are made by city personnel, the applicant shall pay a fee therefor equal to the cost of labor and materials plus 15 percent.
Street cuts: If a utility cannot be bored and the street must be cut, the proposed connection will be assessed a street cut fee of $350.00 per lane (or 12 foot width of pavement) impacted.
Water and sewer impact fees:
Water and sewer impact fees for developments for which the final plat was recorded after June 13, 1990, and before May 25, 1993:
Meter Size
.75" or smaller
Water and sewer impact fees for developments for which the final plat was recorded on or after May 25, 1993, and on or before April 27, 1999:
Meter Size
.75" or smaller
Water and sewer impact fees for developments for which the final plat is recorded after April 27, 1999; and on or before April 9, 2013:
Meter Size
5/8" or 3/4"
Water and sewer impact fees for developments for which the final plat is recorded after April 9, 2013:
Meter Size
5/8" or 3/4"
(Code 1974, § 11/2-16.21; Ordinance 1111, § III, 5-25-93; Ordinance 1346, § 3, 12-8-98; Ordinance 1348, § 1, 1-26-99; Ordinance 1364, § III, 4-27-99; Ordinance 1992, § 3, 4-9-13; Ordinance 2231, § 1, 9-10-19; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Water deposit:
If the deposit is paid or the request for transfer of service is received before noon, service can be connected that same day. If the deposit is paid or transfer of service received after noon, service can be connected the following working day. No specific times can be designated other than four-hour increments (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.). If the customer requires service be turned on immediately, a same day service fee will be charged. In addition to the water deposit, a service initiation fee will be charged to establish a new account.
Residential units
Commercial sprinkler
Shell buildings
Motels, per unit
Apartments, per unit
Office buildings, per suite
Fire hydrant meter deposit
Deposits for commercial customers shall not be less than $100.00 and shall be calculated to equal the multiple of $5.00 nearest the estimated average monthly billing for the particular type of customer involved. Calculation shall be based on water, sewer and garbage monthly billing.
Surety deposit:
If the amount of the surety deposit exceeds $5,000.00, the requirement for the security deposit may be met by providing a surety bond, which shall be in the amount of the deposit otherwise required. Such surety bonds shall be subject to the approval of the city attorney and shall be supported by powers of attorney as he may direct. In addition to any requirements of the city attorney, such surety company shall be licensed to do business in the state and shall be “T-listed.”
Miscellaneous charges:
Water source transfer fee
$275.00 (each occurrence)
Meter relocation
Meter box and/or lid
Cost of materials and labor plus 15 percent.
After hours service call
Same day service fee
48-hour water service
Repair of curb stop 5/8" or 3/4" meter size
Cost of materials and labor plus 15 percent.
Repair of curb stop other size meters
Cost of materials and labor plus 15 percent.
Tampering with meters
$150.00 (additionally, criminal charges may be filed in accordance with Texas Penal Code statutes)
Service initiation fee
Transfer fee
Recheck of meter read
$10.00 All customers are allowed one recheck every six months at no charge; a charge will be assessed for all others unless the meter has been misread.
Emergency cut-off by city personnel (broken pipes or freeze damaged pipes)
No charge
Cut-off for plumbing repairs
No charge. The curb stop at the meter belongs to the city; all customers should have a working cutoff close to their house.
Negligent damage to meter or any associated electronic device
Cost of materials and labor plus 15 percent.
Delinquent accounts:
If any month’s charges are delinquent after 15 days, the water service of the user or customer will be subject to termination.
Delinquent commercial and multifamily utility accounts subject to delinquent turn off will be billed an additional security deposit not to exceed 30 percent of the average monthly billing or as deemed appropriate by the utility billing manager upon review of the utility account.
Failure to return fire hydrant meter for reading
Home collection
Service charge to deliver delinquent tag
Reconnection of service after delinquent turnoff:
Additional deposit: $20.00.
Service charge: $25.00.
Administrative fee associated with placing liens against non-homestead property for unpaid utility bills: $50.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-16.22; Ordinance 1058, § 1, 9-10-91; Ordinance 1091, § 1, 9-8-92; Ordinance 1121, § 1, 9-28-93; Ordinance 1153, § 1, 9-27-94; Ordinance 1179, § III, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1237, § 6, 8-12-97; Ordinance 1394, § 2, 11-23-99; Ordinance 1478, § 3, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1572, § 8, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1614, § 3, 12-9-03; Ordinance 1857, § 1, 8-25-09; Ordinance 1988, § 4, 2-26-13; Ordinance 2087, § 5, 9-8-15; Ordinance 2231, § 2, 9-10-19; Ordinance 2253, § 3, 8-24-20; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and wastewater services furnished or caused to be furnished by the city is as follows:
Water service - Meter charge.
The monthly minimum charge shall be based on meter size as follows:
Meter Size
Monthly Charge
*All residential living units and multifamily living units shall be billed a monthly base charge equivalent to the monthly charge for a 5/8-inch meter.
Water service - Volume charge per 1,000 gallons.
The monthly volume charge for water service is as follows:
0–2,000 gallons
$5.67 per 1,000/gallons
3,000–8,000 gallons
$6.60 per 1,000/gallons
9,000–15,000 gallons
$7.17 per 1,000/gallons
16,000–35,000 gallons
$7.70 per 1,000/gallons
Over 35,000 gallons
$8.30 per 1,000/gallons
Commercial, industrial and multifamily:
Total consumption
$6.93 per 1,000/gallons
Fire hydrant and gas well meters:
Total consumption
$12.19 per 1,000/gallons
Irrigation service - Volume charge per 1,000 gallons.
The monthly volume charge for water service is as follows:
Residential, commercial, industrial and multifamily:
0–8,000 gallons
$6.93 per 1,000/gallons
9,000–15,000 gallons
$7.17 per 1,000/gallons
16,000–35,000 gallons
$7.70 per 1,000/gallons
Over 35,000 gallons
$8.30 per 1,000/gallons
Supplemental irrigation:
Total consumption
$12.19 per 1,000/gallons
Reclaimed water service -Volume charge per 1,000 gallons.
The monthly volume charge for water service is as follows:
Total consumption
$2.38 per 1,000/gallons
0–8,000 gallons
$5.89 per 1,000/gallons
9,000–15,000 gallons
$6.09 per 1,000/gallons
16,000–35,000 gallons
$6.55 per 1,000/gallons
Over 35,000 gallons
$7.06 per 1,000/gallons
Construction and gas well meters:
Total consumption
$10.85 per 1,000/gallons
Water service - Other:
Water service for municipally owned property and buildings that are part of or connected to form a parcel of at least a minimum of 50 acres shall be $2.38 per 1,000 gallons.
Wastewater service - Residential.
The wastewater service charge for residential customers shall be based on 90 percent of metered water. Wastewater service charges on 90 percent metered water shall not exceed 12,000 gallons per billing period per living unit. The monthly minimum per living unit shall be as follows:
Within corporate limits, $13.00, plus $5.35 per 1,000 gallons of 90 percent of metered water.
Outside corporate limits, $17.50, plus $5.35 per 1,000 gallons of 90 percent of metered water.
Wastewater service - Commercial and industrial.
Commercial and industrial wastewater charges shall be based on 100 percent of metered water. The monthly minimum shall be as follows:
Within corporate limits, $13.00, plus $5.35 per 1,000 gallons of metered water.
Outside corporate limits, $17.50, plus $5.35 per 1,000 gallons of metered water.
The following provisions apply to all commercial and industrial customers:
Customers who show proof that a significant portion of metered water does not enter the wastewater system shall not be billed for that portion that does not enter the wastewater system.
Monitored group class customers shall be billed according to section 86-51 of this Code.
Industrial cost recovery group customers shall be billed according to section 86-51 of this code plus the additional charges in section 86-52 as required.
Wastewater service - Other:
Wastewater service for all club houses, convention facilities, and restaurants on municipally owned property of a minimum of 50 acres shall be billed at the current city rate of $13.00 plus $5.35 per 1,000 gallons of metered water.
The above rates are based upon total costs to the city to operate the system including, but not limited to, cost to purchase treated water from the Trinity River Authority of Texas, cost of wastewater treatment by the Trinity River Authority of Texas, and cost of distribution of water and collection of wastewater by the city. The minimum charge and/or volume charge may be adjusted by the city council from time to time.
Master deposit.
Customers may place a master deposit with the City in the amount of twice the current residential deposit. This deposit will be held on file until the customer requests it be refunded. Customers must request service starts and disconnects in writing. All accounts will be charged the current service initiation fees. No master deposits are allowed on commercial accounts.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-16.23; Ordinance 1058, § 2, 9-10-91; Ordinance 1091, § 2, 8-9-92; Ordinance 1121, § 2, 9-28-93; Ordinance 1199, § 1, 1-9-96; Ordinance 1394, § 3, 11-23-99; Ordinance 1478, § 4, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1579, § 2, 2-11-03; Ordinance 1664, 10-26-04; Ordinance 1714, § 1, 11-22-05; Ordinance 1787, § 1, 9-11-07; Ordinance 1830, § 1, 9-23-08; Ordinance 1857, § 2, 8-25-09; Ordinance 1877, § 11, 5-25-10; Ordinance 1881, § 2, 8-31-10; Ordinance 1923, § 1, 8-30-11; Ordinance 1963, § 1, 8-28-12; Ordinance 2003, § 1, 8-27-13; Ordinance 2036, § 1, 8-26-14; Ordinance 2082, § 1, 8-25-15; Ordinance 2130, § 1, 8-30-16; Ordinance 2168, § 1, 9-12-17; Ordinance 2202, § 1, 9-11-18; Ordinance 2231, § 3, 9-10-19; Ordinance 2253, § 4, 8-24-20; Ordinance 2291, § 1, 8-16-21; Ordinance 2317, § 1, 8/22/2022; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023; Ordinance 2396, 8/19/2024)
Proposed well depth in feet
500 and less
1,000 and greater
This fee would include all plan review and inspection labor.
Electrical permit fees will also apply. See section 30-10.
Prior to the reenactment of § 30-36, pursuant to Ord. No. 1478, Ord. No. 1394, § 4, adopted Nov. 23, 1999, deleted former § 30-36 in its entirety, which pertained to reconnection of water and sewer service and derived from the 1974 Code, § 11/2-16.4; and Ord. No. 1237, § 7, adopted Aug. 12, 1997.
(Ordinance 1478, § 5, 6-26-01)
Customer monthly service charge
Volume charge per 1,000 gallons BOD
Strength charge, per pound of BOD
TSS per pound of suspended solids
Monitoring charge
100% of cost to city
(Code 1974, § 11/2-16.25; Ordinance 1857, § 3, 8-25-09; Ordinance 1881, § 38-31-10; Ordinance 1923, § 2, 8-30-11; Ordinance 1963, § 2, 8-28-12; Ordinance 2003, § 2, 8-27-13; Ordinance 2036, § 2, 8-26-14; Ordinance 2082, § 2, 8-25-15; Ordinance 2130, § 2, 8-30-16; Ordinance 2168, § 2, 9-12-17; Ordinance 2202, § 2, 9-11-18; Ordinance 2231, § 4, 9-10-19; Ordinance 2253, § 5, 8-24-20; Ordinance 2291, § 2, 8-16-21; Ordinance 2317, § 2, 8/22/2022; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023; Ordinance 2396, 8/19/2024)
The schedule of miscellaneous fees is as follows:
Processing fee on credit and charge card transactions: Where the city implements credit and charge card transaction processing fees, these fees will be charged in accordance with applicable third-party processing fees.
Delinquent court debt or account referred for collection: Additional 30 percent fee.
Returned check: $35.00.
Municipal court of record technology fee, per incident: $4.00.
Municipal court of record local truancy prevention and diversion fund: $5.00.
Municipal court of record building security fee: $4.90.
Fees related to documents and publicly available information will be charged according to state law.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-20; Ordinance 1073, § II, 2-11-92; Ordinance 1105, § I, 2-9-93; Ordinance 1179, § IV, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1188, § I, 9-12-95; Ordinance 1208, § III, 6-25-96; Ordinance 1237, § 8, 8-12-97; Ordinance 1394, § 5, 11-23-99; Ordinance 1478, § 6, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1572, § 9, 1-14-03; Ordinance 1614, § 4, 12-9-03; Ordinance 1740, § 4, 6-27-06; Ordinance 1814, § 1, 6-10-08; Ordinance 1857, § 4, 8-25-09; Ordinance 1877, § 12, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2253, § 6, 8-24-20; Ordinance 2330, § 2, 11/22/2022; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
The schedule of fees for zoning shall be as follows:
Applications for change of zoning: $500.00. Plus $10.00 per acre over 25 acres
Applications for specific use permit containing site area (including parking) between:
Zero to five acre: $300.00.
Five to 25 acres: $500.00.
Over 25 acres: $500.00.
Plus $10.00 per acre over 25 acres
Renewal of specific use permit required by condition: One-half of the original specific use permit fee
Applications for temporary use permits: $100.00.
Annual permit for permanent off-premises sign, per year: $35.00.
Weekend permit for temporary off-premises signs, per weekend: $10.00.
Special event sign, per event: $40.00.
Applications for variances, waivers and special exceptions:
Requiring city council action:
Special exception to minimum masonry requirements: $250.00.
Special exception in conjunction with CUD zoning change requests: $100.00.
Special signage program: $500.00.
Requiring board of adjustment action:
Variance to the zoning district regulations: $250.00.
Residential: $150.00.
All others: $235.00.
Variance to sign regulations: $450.00.
Appeals to the board of adjustments, per hearing: $125.00.
Requiring planning and zoning commission action:
Variance to the fence and wall regulations: $250.00.
Site plan approval, per request:
Zero to 25 acres: $350.00.
Greater than 25 acres: $500.00.
Plus $10.00 per acre over 25 acres
Gated neighborhood (serving more than one dwelling unit):
Nine or less dwelling units per acre, per dwelling unit: $50.00.
More than nine dwelling units per acre, per residential structure: $100.00.
Zoning verification letter: $100.00.
(Code 1974, § 11/2-A; Ordinance 1073, § I, 2-11-92; Ordinance 1179, § V, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1332, § I, 6-23-98; Ordinance 1346, § 4, 12-8-98; Ordinance 1668, § 1, 11-23-04; Ordinance 1877, § 13, 5-25-10; Ordinance 1988, § 5, 2-26-13; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Application for preliminary plat
Application for final plat, where public improvements are proposed
Plus $5.00 per acre or $3.00 per lot or unit
Application for final plat, where no public improvements are proposed
Conveyance plat
Corrected plat, where no public improvements are proposed
Filing fee
Where any final plat, replat, conveyance plat, minor plat, corrected plat or zoning variance decision is filed with Tarrant County for recording, a fee equal to the amount charged by the Tarrant County Clerk will be required.
Land plan application
Plat extension
Same as original plat fee
Public works inspection
Rates are per staff member and multiple staff members may be utilized depending on the work being performed:
Administration: $65.00
Engineering review or inspection: $115.00
Field technicians: $85.00
(a) Permit applicant to submit quantities of proposed civil infrastructure improvements along with anticipated project schedule. Quantities to include linear feet of water improvements, linear feet of sewer/wastewater improvements, linear feet of drainage improvements, number of drainage structures or inlets, square feet of detention pond, square feet of sidewalk and parking lot pavement, square feet of subgrade-improved paving (fire lane). Schedule shall depict duration of time to complete all proposed civil infrastructure in calendar days or months.
City engineering staff will develop the inspection fee based on the information provided. The estimated fee will be due in full prior to the issuance of a notice to proceed by the city. The city will track the costs of oversight, inspection and review during the project. Prior to acceptance of improvements the final bill will be due. The city will issue a refund for any fees that exceeded actual costs of project.
Public works inspection (after hours and weekends)
Additional $100.00 per hour/two-hour minimum required.
Public works water main bacteriological testing
First test $75.00 per sample (includes one retest). Subsequent retests: $150.00 per sample.
Replat, where public improvements are proposed
Plus $100.00 if a public hearing is required
Plus $5.00 per acre or $3.00 per lot or unit
Replat, where no public improvements are proposed
Special studies (hydraulic analysis, traffic analysis, etc.)
Actual cost plus 10%
Street and drainage escrow, per linear foot per foot of width
Sanitary sewer pro-rata (lineal foot frontage)
Variances or special exceptions to the planning regulations (Ch. 84, Articles IX, X, XI and XII of the Code of Ordinances (UDC), per hearing)
Water pro-rata (lineal foot frontage)
(Code 1974, § 11/2-B.7; Ordinance 1179, § VI, 6-27-95; Ordinance 1478, § 7, 6-26-01; Ordinance 1614, § 5, 12-9-03; Ordinance 1814, § 2, 6-10-08; Ordinance 1877, § 14, 5-25-10; Ordinance 2087, § 6, 9-8-15; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
The following schedule of drainage charges is hereby levied against all real property lying within the city subject to drainage charges under V.T.C.A., Local Government Code chapter 552, subchapter C.
Basic drainage charge.
The monthly drainage rate is hereby established at $22.72 per impervious acre of land. This rate may be modified by the City Council from time to time by a modification of such basic drainage charge. Impervious land area shall be calculated by multiplying the acreage of the parcel by the runoff coefficient for the particular land use as specified in subsection (3) of this section.
Single-family residential.
The monthly municipal drainage utility charge for each single-family residential parcel is hereby levied at $3.00.
All other lots, tracts and parcels of land within the city shall be charged on the basis of the acreage contained in such lot, tract or parcel of land, and the use made of such property in accordance with the following schedule of drainage charges, which are hereby levied against all such remaining lots, tracts and parcels of land within the city.
Land use
Runoff Coefficient
Monthly Charge per Acre
Vacant land
Parkland and open space
(Ordinance 1040, § I, 12-11-90; Ordinance 1063, § I, 10-22-91; Ordinance 1187, § I, 9-12-95; Ordinance 1254, § 1, 9-9-97; Ordinance 2171, § 1, 10-24-17; Ordinance 2286, § 1, 8-10-21)
License fee.
$10.00 per dwelling unit, with a maximum of $1,200.00, payable at time of annual licensing.
License or renewals shall be assessed an additional fee increase of:
10 percent of license fee if within one month of due date;
30 percent of license fee if within two months of due date; and,
50 percent of license fee if thereafter.
Primary inspection and secondary inspection fees.
Applicable to tier 2 and tier 3 properties, a fee of ten dollars per dwelling unit times the number of primary inspection and subsequent secondary inspection(s) performed in 12-month period of time, calculated at time of annual licensing, payable monthly.
Reinspection fees.
A fee of $100.00 shall be charged by Code Compliance for a second reinspection due to a noted violation at a previous inspection.
New license fee.
If a change in ownership of the complex occurs during the period that a license is otherwise valid, the landlord of the complex shall have 30 days from the date of the change of ownership to file a new license application with code compliance and shall pay a $25.00 fee to re-issue the license
New license late fee.
License re-issues received by code compliance more than 30 days after ownership change shall be assessed a late fee of $75.00 at the time of license re-issue.
(Ordinance 1097, § II, 10-13-92; Ordinance 1851, § 2, 6-23-09; Ordinance 1975, § II, 11-13-12)
The fee for the use of public street, alley or sidewalk space for construction purposes is $150.00 per week for a given project. This fee is for the impact to traffic for the loss of availability of the street, alley or sidewalk.
(Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Base administrative fee: $500.00. Other costs/fees: Actual cost.
(Ordinance 1179, § VII, 6-27-95)
Gas well pad site permit: $1,500.00.
(May be credited towards gas well operations permit fee for first well) Gas well operations permit (per well): $3,000.00.
Amended permit: $540.00. Extended permit: $270.00.
Supplemental permit (change in depth or use from current permit): $180.00. Operator transfer: $720.00.
Seismic site inspection: $360.00. Annual fee (per well): $500.00. Fracture pond: $500.00.
Contract fee for technical expertise (per each new, supplement, or amended application review) - not to exceed amount for actual expenses.: $5,000.00.
Contract fee for gas well inspection services provider (per gas well): $5,000.00.
Each major activity inspection, including re-drilling, re-working, and refracture stimulation) (not to exceed amount for actual expenses): $5,000.00.
Right-of-way use (pipeline) application fee: $1,500.00. Right-of-way use fee (per linear foot): $46.00.
Construction plan review/inspection fee: 3 percent of construction cost.
Inspection (after hours and weekends): additional $50.00 per hour (two hour minimum).
(Ordinance 1760, § I, 11-28-06; Ordinance 1852, § 4, 6-23-09)
Contract fee paid by applicant for technical expertise for review of application, not to exceed $7,500.00.
(Ordinance 1826, § 3, 9-9-08; Ordinance 2359, 8/21/2023)
Overweight load, single-trip permit only: $60.00.
Oversize load:
Single-trip: $60.00.
Not to exceed 30 days: $120.00.
Not to exceed 60 days: $180.00.
Not to exceed 90 days: $240.00.
Not to exceed 365 days: $270.00.
(Ordinance 1899, § 2, 1-25-11)
Certificate of Registration: $25.00.
(Ordinance 2138, 9-27-16)
The schedule of fees for short-term rentals shall be as follows:
Application for permit: $200.00.
Permit renewal: $200.00.
Application for special exception: $150.00 (in accordance with section 30-39).
(Ordinance 2307, 6-28-2022)