There is hereby established a fire department in the city.
(Code 1974, § 6-20)
The members of the fire department shall be a chief, who shall be appointed by the city manager, and such number of other officers, firefighters and employees as the city council may from time to time authorize. The chief shall have immediate direction and control of the fire department, subject to such rules and regulations as the city manager may promulgate.
(Code 1974, § 6-21)
It shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department to see that the laws of the state and the ordinances, orders, rules and regulations of the city council and city manager concerning the department and the operation thereof are carried into full force and effect. It shall be the duty of such members to enforce the rules and regulations made from time to time to secure discipline in the fire department. The chief shall have the power to suspend any subordinate officers, members or employees of the fire department for a violation of such rules and regulations, and shall, upon executing any such suspension, forthwith, in writing, advise the city manager of such suspension and his reasons therefor. The chief shall diligently observe the condition of fire apparatus and the workings of the fire department at all times, and shall report in writing at any time to the city manager and make, in connection with such equipment, such recommendations as he may desire for the efficiency of such equipment and the fire department.
(Code 1974, § 6-22)
Whenever any building in the city is on fire, it shall be lawful for the chief of the fire department, or acting chief, to direct such building, or other building, or structure or fence, which he may deem hazardous or likely to catch fire and spread to other buildings, to be torn down or blown up, or otherwise destroyed, for the purpose of checking or otherwise extinguishing such fire, and neither the city council nor any individual member thereof, nor the chief or any member of the fire department, shall in any way be held responsible for the damaging of property or the destruction thereof that may occur by reason of the attempt of the fire department to extinguish such fire.
(Code 1974, § 6-23)
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-40 in its entirety. Former § 34-40 pertained to roping off fire scene and derived from Code 1974, § 6-24.
Editor’s note-–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-41 in its entirety. Former § 34-41 pertained to command of fire officials at fires and derived from Code 1974, § 6-26.
It shall be unlawful for any person not a member of the fire department to interfere with, or in any manner hinder, any member or employee of the fire department in the discharge of his duties as such.
(Code 1974, § 6-27)
It shall be unlawful for any person not a member of the fire department to interfere with, or in any manner hinder, any of the apparatus belonging to or used by fire department, either at a fire or while traveling to or returning from a fire, or while standing in the fire department quarters, or at any time, unless such person is requested to do so by the chief of the fire department or other duly authorized officer of the fire department.
(Code 1974, § 6-28)