The city hereby adopts the International Fire Code published by the International Code Council, 2021 edition, save and except such portions as are hereafter amended, deleted, or modified by this chapter. The 2021 International Fire Code is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and from and after the passage of the ordinance adopting this section, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the city. The adoption of the 2021 International Fire Code does not include the appendices thereto unless specifically adopted in this chapter. A copy of the 2021 International Fire Code will be kept on file in the office of the city secretary.
(Code 1974, § 6-1(a); Ordinance 1088, § I(1), 8-25-92; Ordinance 1124, § II, 1-25-94; Ordinance 1479, § I, 6-12-01; Ordinance 1654, § I, 8-31-04; Ordinance 1931, § I, 1-24-12; Ordinance 2115, § I, 6-28-16; Ordinance 2325, § 1, 10/11/2022)
Whenever and wherever used in the International Fire Code or this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed below:
The word “jurisdiction” shall mean the City of Euless.
The terms "fire marshal, code official, fire code official, fire code authority, code authority, fire prevention officer, fire prevention engineer or authority having jurisdiction" shall mean the fire marshal of the City of Euless or their designee.
The term "International Fire Code" shall mean the 2021 International Fire Code including all supplements, attachments and amendments as adopted by the City of Euless.
REPAIR GARAGE. A building, structure or portion thereof used for servicing or repairing motor vehicles. This occupancy shall also include garages involved in minor repair, modification, and servicing of motor vehicles for items such as lube changes, inspections, windshield repair or replacement, shocks, minor part replacement, and other such minor repairs.
(Code 1974, § 6-1(b); Ordinance 1088, § I(2), 8-25-92; Ordinance 1479, § II, 6-12-01; Ordinance 1654, § II, 8-31-04; Ordinance 1931, § II, 1-24-12; Ordinance 2115, § II, 6-28-16; Ordinance 2325, § 2, 10/11/2022)
The fire code shall be administered and enforced by the fire marshal. The fire chief shall appoint, on the basis of qualifications, one of the classified fire personnel to perform the duties of fire prevention, and such person shall be known as the chief of the bureau of fire prevention and shall perform those duties assigned in this chapter to the fire marshal, fire and arson investigator, fire inspector or fire prevention engineer. Other personnel may be assigned by the fire chief as needed or required to perform one or more of such functions, to hold one or more of such positions and/or assist personnel assigned to or holding one or more such positions.
(Code 1974, § 6-1(c); Ordinance 1088, § I(3), 8-25-92)
The establishment of limits or districts in which storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside, aboveground tanks is to be prohibited, and where the storage of hazardous or explosive materials is restricted, shall be as follows:
The limits referred to in section 5704. and 5706.2.4.4 of the International Fire Code, in which storage of class I and class II flammable or combustible liquids in aboveground tanks is prohibited, are hereby established as follows:
Flammable liquids:
Motor fuels are prohibited in aboveground tanks or in tanks contained within vaults in the entire city, except as follows:
Installations complying with the provisions of the International Fire Code, section 2306, and that are in an area zoned as TX-10, C-2, L-1, I-1, I-2 or TX-121 zoning district;
Temporary storage of flammable liquids as needed for temporary use at construction or similar temporary locations when approved by the fire code official and when in compliance with section 2304.5;
Tanks that are within a planned development district which specifically authorizes such use, when the requirements of the International Fire Code are met; or
Facilities owned or under the direct control of a governmental entity where the fuel is necessary for the operation of emergency generators or other equipment critical to the infrastructure.
Aboveground storage tanks are prohibited for retail sales of motor fuels.
Other flammable liquids are prohibited in aboveground tanks or in tanks contained within vaults in the entire city, except that flammable liquids incidental to a commercial or manufacturing process may be allowed in outdoor aboveground tanks or approved indoor tanks provided the construction, installation, and placement of the tank and the handling and use of the liquid conforms to the requirements of the International Fire Code, and other applicable standards, and further provided that such tanks are located in an area zoned as a TX-10, C-2, L-1, I-1, I-2 or TX-121 zoning district, or are within a planned development district which specifically authorizes such use.
Combustible liquids:
Motor fuels: The storage of motor fuels is prohibited within the entire city, with the following exceptions:
Subdivision development and construction sites when the fuel storage is in compliance with the requirements of the International Fire Code, section 2306.
Installations within the limits allowed under the provisions of section 2306 and complying with the provisions of section 2306 provided the installation is in an area classified as TX-10, C-2, L-1, I-1, I-2 or TX-121 zoning district or has approval for such installation as part of a PD zoning district.
Fuel associated with road projects that are under the control of the Texas Department of Transportation.
Provided that the storage of diesel and other class II motor fuels in outside, aboveground tanks under these exceptions is conditioned that the construction, installation, and placement of the tank and the handling and use of the fuel conforms to the requirements of the International Fire Code and other applicable standards. Aboveground storage tanks are prohibited for retail sales of motor fuels.
Facilities owned or under the direct control of a governmental entity where the fuel is necessary for the operation of emergency generators or other equipment critical to the infrastructure.
Other combustible liquids: The storage of other combustible liquids is prohibited within the entire city, with the following exceptions:
Other combustible liquids are prohibited in aboveground tanks or in tanks contained within vaults in the entire city, except that combustible liquids incidental to a commercial or manufacturing process may be allowed in outdoor aboveground tanks or approved indoor tanks or containers provided the construction, installation, and placement of the tank or container and the handling and use of the liquid conforms to the requirements of the International Fire Code, and other applicable standards, and further provided that such tanks are located in an area zoned as a TX-10, C-2, L-1, I-1, I-2 or TX-121 zoning district, or are within a planned development district which specifically authorizes such use.
It is the intention of this section to entirely prohibit bulk plants and refineries for flammable or combustible liquids within the corporate limits of the city.
Establishment of safety rules for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The limits referred to in section 6104.2 of the International Fire Code which restrict the storage of LPG is hereby established as to the entire city to the extent allowed by state law; it being the intent of the city to entirely prohibit the bulk storage of LPG within the corporate limits of the city. For the purposes of this code, bulk storage of LPG shall be defined as an aggregate capacity of any one installation exceeding a two thousand (2,000) gallon water capacity.
The storage and use of LPG’s shall be in accordance with the International Fire Code, N.F.P.A. Standard #58, state law and any rules adopted by the Railroad Commission of Texas. Where a conflict exists between these regulations, the more restrictive shall apply to the extent allowed by law.
Liquefied petroleum gas is prohibited in the city, to the extent allowed by state law, with the following exceptions.
Residential zoning districts are permitted one (1) tank per lot, as allowed in 6104.3.3 of the International Fire Code as amended, but not to exceed a five hundred (500) WGC (water gallon capacity) tank, as specified in 6104.3.3, for the purposes of providing gas service to pools, spas or outdoor appliances, provided natural gas is not available to the site, and provided the tank complies with the spacing provisions of this code and can be positioned to be immediately accessible to fire personnel in the event of an emergency.
Commercial zoning districts including such uses in the TX-10 and TX-121 gateway district are permitted tanks of up to an aggregate amount of two thousand (2,000) WGC capacity, provided they meet the provisions of this code. Larger tanks are permitted with a PD or SUP only.
LPG tanks installed prior to the effective date of this section that were in compliance with applicable codes at the time of their installation are allowed to continue in use. Any tank covered by this exception may not be replaced with a tank in violation of this section. New LPG tanks in residential areas, including multifamily, unless exempted elsewhere in this section, are permitted for uses external to the structure only.
It is the specific intent of this section to prohibit the bulk storage of LPG within the city except as herein established.
Quantities referred to in this section are aggregate quantities on each tract of land. It is the responsibility of the property owner and the installer of any LPG tank to insure compliance with these regulations and any tank installed in violation of these provisions must be immediately removed.
The restrictions referred to in section 5601.2.3, in which the quantity of explosives, explosive materials or fireworks are prohibited are established as the entire city; except those locations where the storage or use of materials regulated by chapter 56 of the International Fire Code are permitted by zoning ordinances, the gas well ordinance, and through the issuance of a permit by the fire department.
The limits referred to in section 6104.2 for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas shall also apply to the storage of compressed natural gas (“CNG”) and other alternative fuels. CNG is prohibited except in those areas as are hereby established: The entire city except those areas and quantities as established for liquefied petroleum gases.
The presence of flammable cryogenic fluids as referenced in section 5806.2 in stationary containers is prohibited in the entire city.
Limits on storage of hazardous materials. The presence of hazardous materials in excess of the exempt amounts as defined in the International Fire Code is prohibited in the entire city except properties located within commercial/industrial zoning districts, including such uses in the TX-10 and TX-121 gateway district or where specifically authorized in planned development districts or through an SUP.
(Code 1974, § 6-1(d); Ordinance 1088, § I(4), 8-25-92; Ordinance 1479, § III, 6-12-01; Ordinance 1654, § III, 8-31-04; Ordinance 1697, § 1, 8-16-05; Ordinance 1931,[1] § III, 1-24-12; Ordinance 2115, § III, 6-28-16)
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1931, § III, adopted Jan. 24, 2012, changed the title of § 34-104 from districts to storage of hazardous materials.
The 2021 International Fire Code is amended and changed in the following respects:[1]
(Code 1974, § 6-1(e); Ordinance 1088, § I(5), 8-25-92; Ordinance 1124, §§ I, III, 1-25-94; Ordinance 1134, § I, 4-12-94; Ordinance 1177, § VII, 5-23-95; Ordinance 1207, § II, 5-14-96; Ordinance 1415, § I, 3-28-00; Ordinance 1479, § IV, 6-12-01; Ordinance 1654, § IV, 8-21-04; Ordinance 1688, §§ II, III, 5-31-05; Ordinance 1931, § IV, 1-24-12; Ordinance 2115, § IV, 6-28-16; Ordinance 2175, § 1, 10-24-17; Ordinance 2325, § 3, 10/11/2022)
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-106 in its entirety. Former § 34-106 pertained to service stations and derived from Code 1974, §§ 6-63(a), 6-66(a), (c) and Ord. No. 1606, § I, 10-14-03.
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-107 in its entirety. Former § 34-107 pertained to mobile service station units prohibited and derived from Code 1974, § 6-71.