Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-131 in its entirety. Former § 34-131 pertained to fire lane marking and derived from Code 1974, § 6-71.
Editor’s note–Ord. No. 1688, § I, adopted May 31, 2005, repealed § 34-132 in its entirety. Former § 34-132 pertained to obstructing fire lanes and derived from Code 1974, § 6-72.
The owner, manager or person having under his or her control any property or premises within the city, which has upon it any hay, straw, bales of wool, cotton, paper, trash, rubble or other substances which have been rendered useless or unmarketable by reason of a fire on such premises, or any debris rendered useless resulting from such fire, shall remove such substance and debris from the premises within 48 hours after being served notice to do so by the fire chief, fire marshal or building official.
Whenever any building or other structure in the city is burned or partially burned, the owner thereof or the person in charge or control of the premises shall within ten days after receiving notice remove all refuse, trash, fire debris, charred or partially burned lumber and other materials involved as a result of the fire from the premises; and if such building or structure has received fire damage to such an extent that it is rendered incapable of being repaired, or has been declared unsafe by the building official, the remaining portion of the structure shall be removed or razed as directed.
Exception: The fire chief or fire marshal may extend the ten-day period of debris removal or demolition when there is an extended continuation of the fire’s investigation, when the insurance adjustment is still pending review or when there are other extenuating circumstances that may call for a temporary delay.
(Ordinance 1479, § V, 6-12-01)
Property owners, managers, or persons in control of any commercial building shall furnish the fire code official a floor plan when alteration and or remodeling takes place that alters the original conditions or the most current conditions and those conditions or alterations are affecting entry and exit ways, interior corridors, offices or work areas, production areas, storage areas, or the location of interior fire protection devices and appliances.
Property owners, managers, or persons in control of any property site shall furnish the fire code official a site plan showing any changes in the designated fire lanes (upon first receiving a review and approval of the fire code official) and dedicated emergency access easements (after obtaining a replat), any changes in fire protection devices or fire department connections, or other outdoor conditions that may affect the operations of the fire department during a fire or hazardous materials emergency.
(Ordinance 1479, § VI, 6-12-01; Ordinance 1654, § V, 8-21-04)
A person shall not commit the following acts during a period of time when the city council, by adoption of an appropriate resolution, shall have imposed a burn ban within the corporate limits of the city due to weather conditions which create a high risk of outdoor wildfires:
A person shall not operate an outdoor cooking appliance other than grills which are fueled by electricity, gas or charcoal.
Outdoor cooking appliances shall not be operated on or within five feet of a combustible surface, or over vegetation unless said vegetation is adequately wetted prior to the cooking operation and a charged water hose is kept within 15 feet of the cooking appliance.
A person shall not operate any device including grills, cooking pits, outdoor fireplaces, fire rings or similar devices that use an open flame and are capable of releasing sparks or embers into the atmosphere.
A person shall not perform any outdoor burning.
The use of grills at city park facilities is prohibited.
A person shall not conduct a cutting or welding operation outside of specific guidelines as may be imposed by the fire marshal, including specific time and weather requirements, special fire watch requirements, pre-wetting requirements and other actions as may be deemed necessary by the fire marshal. A special permit program is in effect for cutting and welding operations during periods of burn bans. A written authorization is required from the fire marshal’s office approving the operation and listing any special requirements prior to work commencing.
Discarding of cigarettes or other burning or heated materials in a manner that could cause a fire is prohibited.
(Ordinance 1741, § 1, 6-27-06)