The following words and terms when used in this article shall have the following meanings:
means the lateral lines of a roadway, whether constructed above grade or not, which are not intended for vehicular travel.
Improved shoulder
means a paved shoulder.
means that area or portion of a divided street, road or highway within the city separating the two roadways of said street, road or highway and shall be held to include the curb, if any, at the outer edge of said area.
Public right-of-way
That real property owned by the city, county, state or federal government or owned by a non-government entity or person, which property is dedicated to public use;
Including but not limited to sidewalks, medians, curbs, shoulders, improved shoulders, roadways, walkways, paths and any other area so owned, dedicated, used or reserved for public use;
Which is used or reserved for public use, including but not limited to use by vehicles, pedestrians and public utilities; and
That is in the area extending from the right and left of the center line of a public street, roadway or highway to the nearest property line which marks the juncture of private property and public right-of-way.
means that portion of the public street which is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the curb, berm or shoulder. In the event that a public street includes two or more separate roadways, “roadway” means each roadway separately.
means the portion of the highway that is:
Contiguous to the highway;
Designed or ordinarily used for parking;
Set off from the roadway by different design, construction or marking; or
Not intended for normal vehicular travel.
means that improved surface which is between the curblines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, and is improved and designed for or is ordinarily used for pedestrian travel.
Street or highway
means the entire width between the right-of-way lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
(Ordinance 1136, § I, 4-26-94)
A person commits an offense if he or she stands on or in any manner occupies a shoulder, improved shoulder, sidewalk, median or public right-of-way in the areas set out in section 70-82 to solicit or attempt to solicit a ride, employment or business or charitable contributions from the occupants of any vehicle, other than a lawfully parked vehicle.
A person commits an offense if he or she stands on or in any manner occupies the shoulder, improved shoulder, sidewalk, median or public right-of-way in the areas set out in section 70-82 for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any product, property or service to the occupant of any vehicle, other than a lawfully parked vehicle.
It is an exception to subsections (a) and (b) that the person engages in such conduct with another pedestrian.
This section does not relieve responsibility for compliance with V.A.T.C.S. Article 6701d, section 81, Pedestrians on Roadways.
This section does not relieve any person, firm or corporation from responsibility for compliance with any licensing, permitting or inspection provisions applicable to that person, firm or corporation or the business carried out by such person, firm or corporation, and contained elsewhere in this Code of Ordinances.
(Ordinance 1136, § I, 4-26-94)
No person shall engage in the acts set forth in section 70-81(a) and (b) at any time:
Within 1,000 feet (measured to and from the nearest corner of the intersecting street, highway or roadway measured along the curb, shoulder, improved shoulder or public right-of-way line of the following intersections:
South Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at West Euless Blvd.
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at the North Service Road of Airport Freeway.
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at the South Service Road of Airport Freeway.
and any portion of any exit ramp or entrance ramp within the aforesaid designated 1,000 feet.
Within 500 feet (measured to and from the nearest corner of the intersecting street, highway or roadway measured along the curb, shoulder, improved shoulder or public right-of-way line of the following intersections:
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at Trojan Trail.
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at Midway Drive.
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at Harwood Road.
North Industrial Boulevard (FM 157) at Glade Road.
North Euless Main Street at West Euless Boulevard.
North Euless Main Street at the North Service Road of Airport Freeway.
North Euless Main Street at the South Service Road of Airport Freeway.
North Euless Main Street at Midway Drive.
North Euless Main Street at Harwood Road.
North Euless Main Street at Mid-Cities Boulevard.
North Euless Main Street at Bear Creek Parkway.
Fuller-Wiser Road at Harwood Road.
Fuller-Wiser at Ash Lane.
West Euless Boulevard (S.H. 10) at Vine Street.
West Euless Boulevard (S.H. 10) at Ector Drive.
West Euless Boulevard (S.H. 10) at Wilshire Drive.
West Euless Blvd. (S.H. 10) at Westpark Way.
West Euless Blvd. (S.H. 10) at Raider Drive.
Westpark Way at the South Service Road of Airport Freeway.
Ector Drive at the North Service Road of Airport Freeway.
(Ordinance 1136, § I, 4-26-94)
Any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee thereof who violates any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, thereof, shall be fined as provided in section 1-12 of the Code of Ordinances.
Any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee thereof who violates any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 1136, § I, 4-26-94)