Residential setback lines shall control the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of dwellings within this city. The minimum residential setbacks shall be as follows:
Building setbacks:
Front yard: Twenty-five feet (25').
Side yard: Seven and one-half feet (7.5').
Back yard: Ten feet (10').
Should any side other than the front of any residential lot side on any public right-of-way, private drive, street or alleyway, a setback of at least twenty feet (20') must be provided.
Setback dimensions shall be measured from the property line.
When a lot sides a private street, drive or alleyway, setback dimensions shall be measured from the edge of the pavement or curb.
Provided, however, that when a majority of existing structures in a block are not in conformance with the provisions of this section, the city council may grant approval to allow a new structure to be so located upon a lot as to be in line with such existing structures.
(1973 Code, sec. 8-24; 1991 Code, sec. 9-29; Ordinance 06-624, sec. III, adopted 6/13/06; 2007 Code, sec. 12-130; Ordinance 21-894, sec. 1, adopted 3/11/21)
Commercial setback lines shall control the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or repair of commercial structures within this city. The minimum commercial setbacks shall be as follows:
Front building line: Twenty-five feet (25').
Side building line: Seven and one-half feet (7.5').
Rear building line: Ten feet (10').
Should any side other than the front of any commercial lot side on any public right-of-way, private drive, street or alleyway, a setback of at least twenty feet (20') must be provided.
Before any commercial building slab is poured, a current survey showing the lot and exact locations of the proposed slab shall be presented to the building official. This survey shall be less than 90 days old. All commercial building slab elevations shall adhere to section 4.03.003.
When the building official is called for a slab inspection, prior to the pouring of the slab, there must be in place at that time two front property corner stakes. One stake shall be at each of the outside front corners of the property. The stakes must be of the permanent kind (i.e., 36 inches long by five-eighths inch round steel rod), and must have been installed by a licensed surveyor and must not have been tampered with.
If, at the time of inspection, the stakes do not appear to be in the correct place in relation to the setback lines of the building, the inspector, at his discretion, may order the builder to furnish the city with a certified letter from the surveyor, stating that the stakes meet the above requirements.
Commercial buildings constructed on corner lots shall and/or may be constructed on the angular line created by connecting the 20-foot distance in both directions from the vertex of the corner.
Multifamily residential setback lines shall control the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of dwellings within this city. The minimum multifamily residential setbacks shall be as follows:
Front building line: Twenty-five feet (25').
All other building lines: Twenty feet (20').
Setback dimensions shall be measured from the property line.
When a lot sides a private street, drive or alleyway, setback dimensions shall be measured from the edge of the pavement or curb.
(1973 Code, sec. 8-24.1; 1991 Code, sec. 9-30; Ordinance 16-778, sec. 2, adopted 8/10/16; 2007 Code, sec. 12-131; Ordinance 21-894, sec. 2, adopted 3/11/21)
All concrete slab floor elevations shall not be less than 12 inches above the top of the nearest sanitary sewer manhole, or not less than 12 inches above the crown of the street nearest thereto, whichever is the higher elevation.
(1973 Code, sec. 8-25; 1991 Code, sec. 9-31; 2007 Code, sec. 12-132)
Concrete slab floors of structures proposed in areas of the city where natural topography is significantly lower than the crown of the nearest street or the top of the nearest sanitary sewer manhole shall be constructed to a safe and adequate elevation above the natural ground. Factors determining finished floor elevation shall include condition and elevation of the nearest street, stormwater drainage conditions and highest recorded stormwater level in the location of proposed construction. Concrete slab floor elevations proposed in these limited areas of the city shall be approved by the building official and the city manager.
Concrete slab floors proposed in designated floodplains within the city shall comply with provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program.
The following conditions must be met for any building permit for construction for residential use on land below the 500-year flood elevation:
The top of the subfloor of the lowest habitable floor must be elevated to two feet above the 500-year flood elevation.
Construction shall use methods and practices that will minimize flood damage and construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage. FEMA Bulletins 1-93, 2-93 and 3-93 or subsequent revisions shall serve as the guideline for this requirement.
Unless dry-floodproofed, enclosed areas below the 500-year flood elevation must be equipped with flood openings or vents capable of equalizing water levels and hydrostatic loads. Covers of these openings must not interfere with the equalization of water levels in the event of a flood. A licensed architect or registered professional engineer shall certify the flood openings.
Thermal insulation used below the 500-year flood elevation shall be of a type that does not absorb water nor is buoyant.
Water heaters, furnaces, air conditioning systems, electrical distribution panels and any other mechanical or electrical equipment must be elevated to at least two feet above the 500-year flood elevation. Separate electrical circuits shall serve any level below the 500-year flood elevation and shall be dropped from above.
Basements are prohibited.
All air ducts, pipes, propane tanks and storage tanks located below the 500-year flood elevation shall be anchored to prevent flotation. Tanks and ducts shall be vented to at least two feet above the 500-year flood elevation.
In the event of a conflict between this article and article 4.05, the more stringent provisions shall apply.
(1991 Code, sec. 9-31.1; Ordinance 93-462 adopted 1/27/93; Ordinance 18-816, sec. 1, adopted 2/22/18; 2007 Code, sec. 12-133)
Former single-family residential structures that comply with residential building line setback requirements and that are sold or leased for proposed commercial or retail business operations shall not be required to provide one-hour rated interior construction.
(1991 Code, sec. 9-32; Ordinance 93-463 adopted 1/27/93; 2007 Code, sec. 12-134)