The mayor is hereby empowered to offer a reward of $250.00, payable to the person who shall be responsible for the arrest and conviction of any person committing in the city the crime of arson as the same is now defined by the Penal Code of the state.
(1973 Code, sec. 11-1; 1991 Code, sec. 11-161; 2007 Code, sec. 18-151)
Whenever the mayor shall be informed that any fire occurring in the city was of an incendiary origin, he shall call for a report on the same by the city fire marshal. If the marshal shall report that such fire was caused by the commission of the crime of arson, it shall become the duty of the mayor to offer the reward provided in this article, which reward shall be in the form of a proclamation duly issued by the mayor under his official signature and attested by the seal of the city.
(1973 Code, sec. 11-2; 1991 Code, sec. 11-162; 2007 Code, sec. 18-152)
The city manager or designee is hereby directed to have prepared and posted an arson reward notice on placards eight inches by 12 inches in size showing the following reward notice:
The City of Humble, Texas, hereby offers the reward of $250.00 for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found guilty of committing the crime of arson within the corporate limits of the City of Humble, Texas. This reward is a standing offer and shall be paid out of the general fund of the City of Humble, Texas.
Such placards shall be placed in wooden frames under glass and shall be posted inside at least 20 different public buildings within the city, one of which shall be the city hall, in accordance with the regulations of the state department of insurance.
(1973 Code, sec. 11-3; 1991 Code, sec. 11-163; 2007 Code, sec. 18-153; Ordinance adopting 2022 Code)
Upon information being given by any person causing the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of the specific crime of arson and upon the final conviction of such person, the person giving such information shall be entitled to receive the reward offered by this article from the city.
(1973 Code, sec. 11-4; 1991 Code, sec. 11-164; 2007 Code, sec. 18-154)