For the purposes of this article, the term “drive-in restaurant” means and shall be deemed to be any restaurant where food or beverages are served directly to or are permitted to be consumed by patrons in automobiles, motorcycles or other vehicles parked on the premises.
(1973 Code, sec. 19-52; 1991 Code, sec. 20-51; 2007 Code, sec. 28-75)
The owner, lessee or operator of any drive-in restaurant shall maintain quiet and good order upon the premises thereof and shall not permit disorderly or other unlawful conduct or loitering thereon, nor shall he cause or permit any noise or nuisance on the parking lot of the drive-in restaurant whereby the quiet and good order of the neighborhood may be disturbed.
(1973 Code, sec. 19-53; 1991 Code, sec. 20-52; 2007 Code, sec. 28-76)
It shall be unlawful for any person on the premises of a drive-in restaurant to:
Race the engine of any motor vehicle; needlessly bring to a sudden start or stop any motor vehicle; blow any horn of any motor vehicle; or cause to be made any other loud or unseemly noise, nuisance or disturbance whereby the quiet and good order of the premises or the neighborhood may be disturbed.
Enter the premises of any drive-in restaurant in a motor vehicle of any kind and park the vehicle and leave the premises without getting the consent of the owner or operator thereof.
Enter the premises of any drive-in restaurant in a motor vehicle of any kind and use such premises for cruising, racing, as a shortcut to another street, or to annoy or endanger any person or other vehicle lawfully on the premises.
Congregate in groups of three or more persons and linger and loiter at any location on the premises of any drive-in restaurant other than in the restaurant building or in a legally parked vehicle.
Remain on the premises of the drive-in restaurant after having been directed to leave by the owner, manager or other person in charge of the premises.
(1973 Code, sec. 19-54; 1991 Code, sec. 20-53; 2007 Code, sec. 28-77)
It shall be the duty of the restaurant operator to post on the premises in a conspicuous location one or more signs bearing the following legend: “Humble City Code prohibits cruising in or congregating and loitering outside of a motor vehicle. No unoccupied vehicles may be left on these premises without the consent of the restaurant operator.”
(1973 Code, sec. 19-55; 1991 Code, sec. 20-54; 2007 Code, sec. 28-78)