For the purposes of this article, “portable storage building” means any building of one hundred square feet or less in size which shall be built on skids or which is not built on a foundation so attached to the ground so as to become a part of the real estate upon which it is located. Such building must be so constructed so as to be capable of being moved from place to place on the property upon which it is located with little or no difficulty.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.1301)
It shall not be necessary for any person, firm, association or corporation to obtain a building permit from the city for the location of a portable storage building located on any lot, parcel or tract of land located within the corporate city limits on property zoned for single-family residential or two-family residential use; provided, however, only one such portable building shall be allowed under the terms of this article per dwelling unit.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.1302)