There is hereby created an airport advisory committee of the city (the “committee”) to be composed of seven (7) members, to act in an advisory capacity to the city council. All members shall be residents of the city or owners of real property situated within the city limits or individuals who own or operate businesses located within the city, and all members shall be appointed by the city council. These members shall be known to be interested in the municipal airport.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(a), adopted 10/23/06)
All members of the committee shall serve for two-year terms, which shall be staggered to ensure and promote stability of the committee. During the first meeting, all members will draw lots for terms so that three (3) such members shall serve a one-year term and four (4) such members shall serve two-year terms. Thereafter, all appointed successors of such members shall be approved by the city council for a term of two years.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(b), adopted 10/23/06)
All vacancies on the committee occurring prior to the expiration of a member’s term shall be appointed by the city council to fill the unexpired term, filled in the manner herein set forth for initial appointments.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(c), adopted 10/23/06)
The committee shall select from its members a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary (“committee officers”). The committee officers shall hold office for terms of one year, or until their successors are elected.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(d), adopted 10/23/06)
In the event any member should be absent for three consecutive regular meetings without formal consent of the committee, such member’s place on the committee shall be deemed to be vacated, and a successor shall be appointed by the city council.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(e), adopted 10/23/06)
One copy of all minutes of the committee shall be filed with the city secretary.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(f), adopted 10/23/06)
The committee shall meet quarterly. It shall be the duty of the committee to advise the city manager, the airport manager and the city council concerning the future development of the airport, as well as operation and maintenance of the airport.
The committee shall:
Follow the rules of the Open Meetings Act.
Act only in an advisory capacity to the airport manager in all matters pertaining to the airport.
Encourage the development of adequate airport facilities for all users of the airport.
Annually present an annual report to the city council.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(g), adopted 10/23/06)
The committee shall at all times seek to promote close cooperation among the city and all private citizens, institutions, and agencies interested in the municipal airport.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(h), adopted 10/23/06)
The citizen members of the committee shall serve without pay.
(Ordinance 537-06, sec. 15(i), adopted 10/23/06)