The intent of this district is to provide a clustered village setting with a rural country style as a retail and neighborhood services area.
(1995 Code, sec. 9-60; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
No land shall be used and no building shall be erected, altered, converted or used for a use other than those specified in section 14.03.801, schedule of uses, and article 14.02, division 4, specific use permits.
Any retail store or personal service listed in section 14.03.801 shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
The business establishment supplies the everyday shopping needs of the area.
The business is conducted wholly within an enclosed building.
Such use not be objectionable because of odor, excessive lights, smoke, dust, noise, vibration, or similar nuisance.
No mobile homes or HUD-code manufactured homes as defined herein shall be permitted.
Major development by specific use permit.
All drive-through, drive-in, and drive-up businesses shall require a specific use permit.
(Ordinance 2015-08-00816 adopted 8/20/15; Ordinance 2017-08-00861 adopted 8/3/17; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Buildings shall be clustered on site.
No roof with a pitch less than three to twelve (3:12).
All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view either by landscaping materials or materials that blend with the building.
Refuse collection areas shall be screened from view.
Parking and drives to be weather-impervious surface. Parking and fire lanes shall be a minimum of three thousand five hundred pounds per square inch (3,500 psi) concrete of six inches (6") thick with six inches (6") of flex base material compacted to ninety-five percent (95%).
Development shall comply with performance standards (article 14.04, division 3, of this chapter).
(1995 Code, sec. 9-62; Ordinance 2012-06-00718, sec. 6, adopted 6/21/12; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Buildings shall not exceed a height of more than twenty-five feet (25').
The height shall be measured from the sidewalk or ground surface elevation along the side of the building fronting onto a public right-of-way to the highest point of the roof excluding chimneys, weather vanes and similar materials.
(Ordinance 2011-09-00685, sec. 1, adopted 9/1/11; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Lot area.
Minimum three (3) acres net, exclusive of all street rights-of-way and the 100-year floodplain as determined by a registered surveyor.
Building area.
The total building area shall not exceed a floor-area-to-land ratio of 0.30 to 1.
Front yard.
Minimum fifty feet (50') from property line.
Side yard.
Minimum fifty feet (50') from property line.
Rear yard.
Minimum fifty feet (50') from property line.
Impervious coverage.
The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of the total lot area.
Development shall comply with performance standards (article 14.04, division 3, of this chapter).
Replacement of buffering/screening/fencing.
All existing buffering, screening, and fencing that is replaced is required to be replaced with materials required by code for new construction. If there is no material listed for the application then the replacement will match existing material for buffering, screening, or fencing, the item being replaced.
(1995 Code, sec. 9-64; Ordinance 2011-09-00685, sec. 1, adopted 9/1/11; Ordinance 2015-08-00816 adopted 8/20/15; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Prior to issuance of any building permit, an application in writing, for the approval of the site plan, together with electronic copies, shall be filed with the city secretary. The plans are to be submitted at least fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days before the meeting of the planning and zoning commission at which they are to be considered if the site plan is to be considered at such meeting. No site plan will be considered by the city until the prescribed filing fees have been paid. Applicant shall submit proof of written notification set forth in section 10.03.037 of the Code of Ordinances. The site plan shall contain those items as designated by approved city procedure, but not be limited to the following information:
The boundaries and dimensions of the proposed development, including total area.
Adjoining property, owners, and zoning.
Contour lines at five-foot (5') intervals.
Location map.
Existing or platted streets, public rights-of-way, easements or railroads within or adjacent to the tract.
Existing and proposed utility lines showing sizes of water and sewer lines.
Existing and proposed fire hydrants and fire lanes.
Location of all easements.
Building setback lines.
Location and dimensions of buildings.
Means of ingress and egress.
Engineering for drainage.
Areas designated for landscaping and location of exterior lighting.
Parking area locations and specifications.
Must be drawn to an acceptable scale.
Must provide signature lines for chairman of planning and zoning commission, city engineer, and mayor to signify approval.
For the purpose of assisting in-process planning, a properly designated "preliminary" site plan may be submitted for consideration. Approval of a "preliminary" site plan will not imply approval of all elements of a site plan.
Final plans shall be approved by city council as provided in article 14.02, division 5, of this chapter.
(1995 Code, sec. 9-65; Ordinance 1996-11-00343, sec. 10, adopted 11/4/96; Ordinance 2015-08-00816 adopted 8/20/15; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Prior to issuance of any building permit, an electronic copy in portable document format (PDF) of a landscape plan shall be submitted to the city secretary. The plans are to be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the planning and zoning commission meeting at which they are to be considered. The landscape plan shall be approved or disapproved based on its compliance with the following requirements and any other deemed necessary to promote the character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods:
Plans shall be to same scale as approved site plan.
A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the gross area must be landscaped.
The area between the property line and the street shall be included in the landscape plan and shall be maintained by the abutting property owner.
Heights of landscaping materials shall be such that they do not create safety hazards for vehicular traffic by blocking sight lines at ingress and egress points.
The specifications shall state the common names, sizes, and quantity of all materials to be utilized.
Where the property abuts a different zoning district, it shall be screened as provided in article 3.18 of this code.
It shall be the property owner's responsibility to permanently maintain the approved landscaping in a neat and orderly manner.
Final plans shall be approved by city council as provided in this chapter.
(Ordinance 2011-09-00685, sec. 1, adopted 9/1/11; Ordinance 2015-08-00816 adopted 8/20/15; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, an electronic copy in portable document format (PDF) of a proposed architectural elevation of the building or buildings shall be submitted to the city secretary. The plans are to be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the planning and zoning commission meeting at which they are to be considered. The proposed architectural rendering, including use of site and/or building signage, shall be approved or disapproved based on its ability to create a village setting with a rural country style as a retail and neighborhood services area. This effort shall entail several design fixtures such as the use of clustered buildings as opposed to strip-type development. Sloping roofs are required as are overhanging colonnades.
Final plans shall be approved by city council as provided in this chapter.
(1995 Code, sec. 9-67; Ordinance 2015-08-00816 adopted 8/20/15; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
See article 14.04, division 2.
(1995 Code, sec. 9-68; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)