The city council, after public hearing and proper notice to all parties affected and after recommendation from the planning and zoning commission, may authorize the creation of a planned development district.
The planned development district is a district which accommodates planned associations of uses developed as integral land use units such as industrial districts, offices, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, retail centers, residential developments or any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners. A planned development district may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilization not permitted by other zoning districts in this chapter. While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions, which would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established herein to ensure against misuse of increased flexibility.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
An application for a planned development district shall specify the base district(s), and the use or the combination of uses proposed. Uses which may be permitted in a planned development district must be specified if not permitted in the base district(s). Specific use permits allowed in a base zoning district are allowed in a planned development district only if specifically identified at the time of approval by the city council.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Development requirements for each separate planned development district shall be set forth in the ordinance granting the planned development district and shall include, but may not be limited to: uses, density, lot area, lot width, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, building material coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, lighting, hours of operation, project phasing or scheduling, management associations, and other requirements as the city council may deem appropriate.
All applications for a planned development district shall list all requested deviations from the standard requirements set forth throughout this chapter. The planned development district shall conform to other sections of this chapter unless specifically excluded in the granting ordinances granting the planned development district.
Detailed site plan.
A detailed site plan shall be submitted as a part of the planned development district application shall set forth the final plans for development of the planned development district. Changes of detail on the detailed site plan, which differ from the approved detailed site plan, but do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to the adjacent property, the uses permitted, or increase the density, building height or coverage of the site, the off-street parking ratio or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site, or do not significantly alter the landscape plans as indicated on the approved site plan, may be authorized by the city council without an amendment to the planned development district ordinance.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
In a planned development district for residential uses, property owner or homeowner associations are to be established for the purpose of ownership, maintenance and management of open spaces. The initial term of the agreement, covenants and restrictions establishing and creating the homeowners' association shall be for a twenty-five (25) year period and shall automatically renew for successive ten (10) year periods, and the homeowners' association may not be dissolved without the prior written consent of the city.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Planned development districts may require a city/developer facilities agreement prior to or contemporaneous with the final plat approval. This agreement shall reflect the cost-sharing agreement between the city and the developer for the installation or over-sizing of utility systems, perimeter streets, mandatory construction or dedication of park or open space area, landscaping or greenbelt development or other comparable items, phasing of the development, maximum density or intensity of use during the construction process, and the maintenance of open space.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
All planned development districts approved in accordance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance in its original form, or by subsequent amendments thereto, shall be referenced on the zoning district map, and a list of such planned development districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein, shall be maintained as a part of this code.
(Ordinance 2006-01-00548, sec. 1, adopted 1/3/06; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)