For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
Private Swimming Pool.
Shall mean and include all constructed pools which are used, or intended to be used, as a swimming pool in connection with a single-family residence and available only to the family of the householder and his private guests.
Public and Semipublic Swimming Pools.
Shall mean and include any swimming pool other then a private swimming pool.
Swimming Pool.
Shall mean and include any constructed pool used for swimming or bathing, over twenty-four (24) inches in depth or with a surface exceeding two hundred (200) square feet.
Swimming Pool Plumbing.
Shall mean and include all piping, filters and appurtenances used for the proper functioning of the swimming pool. The following definitions shall apply only to such plumbing:
Main Outlet or Suction Piping:
The piping from the deepest part of the pool to the inlet or suction side of the pump.
Vacuum Piping:
The piping from the suction side of the circulating pump connected to a fitting located below the water line and inside of the swimming pool.
Return or Recirculating Piping:
The piping which extends from the outlet side of the filters to the pool.
Backwash Piping:
The piping which extends from the backwash outlet of the filters to its terminus at the point of disposal.
Facing Piping:
The piping, with all valves and fittings, which is used to connect the filter system together as a unit.
An approved plumbing fixture or device of such material, shape and capacity, as to adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste piping, so constructed and located so as to be readily cleaned.
Any material or apparatus by which water is clarified.
Under Drain:
An appurtenance at the bottom of the filter to assure equal distribution of water through the filter media.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-1)
Before commencing the construction of any swimming, bathing, spray, fountain, public, semipublic, or private swimming pool, a permit authorizing such work shall be obtained from the city building inspector.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-2)
Application for swimming pool permits shall be accompanied by plans and specifications in sufficient detail showing the following:
Plot plan elevations with dimensions all drawn to scale;
Pool dimensions, depths and volume in gallons;
Type and size of filter systems, filtration and backwash capacities;
Pool piping layout, with all pipe sizes thereon shown, and types of material to be used;
The rated capacity and head at filtration and backwash flows of the pool pump in gpm with the size and type of motor;
Location and type of waste-disposal system;
Electrical wiring details; and
Such other information as may be required by the building inspector.
The above requirements shall not void any requirements by any other department, city, state or federal government for permits, plans or approval.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-3)
The fee for any permit issued under the provisions of this article for the construction of any swimming pool shall be as set by the city council and on file in the office of the city secretary.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-4)
Every person who contracts to construct and install swimming pools in the city shall file a bond in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) payable to the city, which bond shall guarantee that all work performed and materials utilized shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations as set forth in this article, will comply in all respects with the provisions of the plumbing, building and electrical codes of the city for the current year, and shall guarantee payment of any and all fees that may become due. Such bond shall indemnify and protect any person with whom the pool contractor contracts to do work, from damages sustained on account of failure of the pool contractor to perform the work so contracted for and shall indemnify and protect the city against all costs expended which may in any way accrue against the city in certificate issued by the building inspector. Such bond shall guarantee the payment of all damages for personal injuries to anyone on account of any excavation made in or any obstruction placed upon any street or sidewalk in the city by anyone while engaged in and about the performance of such work and all damages for injury in or encroachment upon the property of abutting lot owners or other persons in constructing the improvements or doing the work herein mentioned. Such bond shall further guarantee the defense of all suits and hold the city harmless from any and all loss or damage on account of either personal injuries or injuries to property.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-5)
The issuance of a swimming pool permit, based upon submitted plans and specifications, shall not prevent the building inspector from requiring the correction of errors in the plans and specifications, or prevent the stopping of construction operations being carried on thereunder, when in violation of this article or of any other pertinent ordinance, or prevent the revoking of any approval when issued in error.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-6)
All swimming pools shall have proper facilities for the disposal of wastewater.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-7)
All equipment, construction and piping for indoor pools shall be equal to the types prescribed in the plumbing code for indoor plumbing installations.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 28 1/2 , Section 28 1/2-8)