Any unreasonable, loud, disturbing, unnecessary noise which causes material disturbance, discomfort or injury to persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof is declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited.
(Ordinance 2005-11-12 adopted 11/1/05)
Any noise of such character, intensity and continued duration which substantially interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of private homes by persons of ordinary sensibilities is declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited.
(Ordinance 2005-11-12 adopted 11/1/05)
Enforcement for violation of this article may be addressed by any sworn member of the city police department.
(Ordinance 2005-11-12 adopted 11/1/05)
Any person violating or failing to comply with the provisions of this article commits a misdemeanor punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this code. Each day an offense occurs shall be a separate offense.
(Ordinance 2005-11-12 adopted 11/1/05)