No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or openings into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Department.
Separate and independent service lines shall be provided for every building unless otherwise required or approved by the Department.
Existing service lines may be used in connection with new applicants only when they are found, on examination and tested by the Department, to meet all requirements of this chapter. This examination may require exposing of the old line by excavation, video inspection of the lateral or other methods which will be furnished and paid for by the applicant.
Gravity service lines shall be PVC SDR26, pressure service lines shall be HDPE DR 11, or other suitable material approved by the Department. Joints shall be tight and waterproof. If installed in filled or unstable ground, the service line foundation shall be engineered such that it will support the service line such that it will not settle or leak. Such foundations shall be prepared by a professional engineer or licensed architect and must be approved by the Department.
The size and slope of the service line shall be subject to the approval of the Department, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four inches. The slope of such four-inch pipe shall not be less than 1/4 inch per foot. The slope of a six-inch pipe shall be not less than 1/8 inch per foot.
Whenever possible, the service line shall be brought to the structure at an elevation below the basement floor. No service line shall be laid parallel to and within three feet of any bearing wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The service line shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment. Changes in direction shall be made only with proper fittings and with approval of the Department. Accessible cleanouts may be required by the Department in cases of alignment changes or long runs of pipe.
For applicants in which any service line is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such service line shall be lifted by approved mechanical means and discharged to the service line. The mechanical means shall be owned and maintained by the applicant, meet all applicable specifications and be approved by the Department.
The service lines shall also comply with rules and regulations of Saratoga County Sewer District # 1.
Connection of roof downspouts, foundation drains, cellar drains, areaway drains, building drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a service line or drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sewer are not and shall not be permitted.
All excavations required for the installation of a service line shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Department and in full accordance with applicable codes, except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected and approved by the Department.
All joints and connections shall be made gastight and watertight in accordance with the applicable specifications.
The connection of the service line into an existing public sewer shall be made at the property line, or, if a service line connection has not previously been provided, the service line will be connected to the existing public sewer. The cost of constructing and maintaining the service line from the public sewer to the property line will be at the district's expense. The cost of constructing and maintaining the service line from the property line to the structure will be at the applicant's expense. All costs and expense incidental to the installation, connection and maintenance of the service line, either new or existing, shall be borne by the applicant. The applicant shall indemnify the district and the Town from any loss or damage that may, directly or indirectly, be occasioned by the installation of the service line. The method of connection of the service line to the public sewer will be dependent upon the type of sewer material used, and in all cases shall be approved by the Department.
All tapping into the public sewer mains shall be performed by or under the supervision of the Department. No tapping shall be done after November 1 or before April 1 unless weather permits, at the discretion of the Department.
No additions or alterations whatsoever, in or about public sewer mains or service lines, shall be made by any person until application therefor has been made to the Department and written permission is given.
The fee for standard tapping shall be such sum as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Town Board and must be paid before a permit will be issued. All tapping shall be performed by an employee of the Town or by such other person or entity as the Town Board may designate. The Department reserves the right to consider whether standard tapping is appropriate or estimate costs that will become due for non-standard tapping.
The applicant for the service line permit shall notify the Department when the service line is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Department.
When trenches are opened for the laying of service line pipes, such trenches shall be inspected by the Department before the trenches are filled, and the applicant performing such work shall notify the Department when the laying of service line is completed.
"As-built" drawings shall be provided to the Department by the applicant within 30 days of completion of the project.
Prior to any excavation for service line installation, a permit for such excavation shall be obtained from the Department.
As the Town cannot reasonably be expected to monitor all changes in the ownership or use of properties served by Town sewer, it shall be the duty of any property owner, or any other Town sewer user, to give the Town at least 30 days written advance notice of any change in ownership or use. The current property owner will be liable for all current and overdue sewer charges. Any unpaid sewer charges shall become a lien on the property.
Service line traps shall only be installed if conditions require as determined by a professional engineer and if permitted by the Department.
Every sanitary service line equipped with a trap, sewage sump, ejector, receiving tank, oil separator or similar equipment shall be provided with a fresh-air inlet pipe connected to the service line immediately upstream from and within four feet of such trap or equipment. The fresh-air inlet pipe shall be extended to the outer air and shall be terminated in an open end at least six inches above grade. The open end shall be protected by a perforated metal plate permanently fixed in the mouth of the inlet. A return bend with its protected open end at least six inches above grade shall be installed within the property line in an approved location, when the trap is located outside the structure. The size of the fresh-air inlet pipe shall be at least 1/2 of the diameter of the service line at the point of connection, but not less than three inches.
In areas where sanitary sewers drain to a wastewater pumping station, an approved backwater valve shall be installed, at the applicant's expense, in all structures subject to flooding during a failure of the pumping facilities. The location of said backwater valve shall be shown by the applicant's design professional and as approved by the Department.
Unless directed otherwise in writing by the Department, privately owned sewage pump stations or low pressure grinder pump stations with a backup power supply shall have a wet well storage capacity of not less than the flow generated from one peak hour. Low pressure grinder pump stations without a backup power supply shall have a minimum wet well size of 70 gallons per EDU.
Whenever any street or public grounds shall be opened for the purpose of making a connection with the mains or for the laying of sewer lines or fixtures, public safety and convenience shall be duly regarded, and the street or public place shall be restored to its original condition as soon as possible, and all work must conform to the safety requirements as set forth by the State of New York and OSHA. The applicant must obtain all required permits from any other agencies having jurisdiction and provide a copy to the Department. Such permits shall be displayed as required by each agency.
Except as otherwise provided for herein, the District shall own and maintain the common low-pressure sewer forcemain and sewer laterals up to and including the service valve boxes serving any property with a LPSS authorized under this article.
Property owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of LPSS components beyond the service valve box serving any property.
If the Department determines that LPSS components require repair or replacement to protect public health and safety, the Town shall issue written notice requiring the property owner to complete repairs or replacement to avoid completion of work by the Town at the property owner's expense.
Upon reasonable notice, the Town shall complete any repair or replacement deemed necessary by the Department at the property owner's expense.
Any expense or penalty shall constitute a lien upon the subject property and shall draw interest equal to interest on delinquent taxes, and may be collected in the same manner as delinquent taxes.