[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Greenville 7-14-2022 by L.L. No. 1-2022. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following is the policy of the Town of Greenville with regard to the use of technology devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, audio recorders, video recorders, and cameras; and communications technology, including, but not limited to, email, texting, and social networking sites (including blogs, message boards, wikis, social and professional networking websites, and content sharing sites, etc.), as to matters involving the business, operations, or information of the Town. Both technology devices and communications technology are collectively referred to herein as "social media." By express reference herein, this policy also pertains to the use of Town computers, phones, cameras, and other electronic assets to access email, texting, or social networking accounts and to transmit words, images, and the like. The term "agent," as used herein, refers to employees, officers, volunteers, and agents of any classification of the Town.
It is the policy of the Town that no information, whether in written, video, audio, photograph or other form, that is obtained while carrying on the duties of employment for the Town shall be disclosed, disseminated, distributed, shared, posted or otherwise disbursed in any format, whether by instant messaging, texting, paging, email, social networking sites or other information sharing services, websites and/or blogs, or otherwise, without the express, prior written approval of the Town Board of the Town of Greenville.
Any photographic or video images taken by an agent of the Town in the course and scope of their employment duties are the sole and exclusive property of the Town and are under the control of the Town Board of the Town of Greenville, or its designee. This includes any images taken intentionally or inadvertently with an agent's own electronic imaging device or the device of another. Images taken by an agent in the course and scope of their employment may be disseminated or distributed, in any way, only with the express written approval from the Town Board.
It is the policy of Town that should any agent elect to log onto or access social media from electronic assets of technology, computers or internet access, owned or provided by the Town, such user shall have no expectation of privacy as to any information that they input or review while in contact with social media, including passwords, codes or other information that is reviewed or that enables access to the social media. Moreover, by utilizing social media via the electronic assets of technology, computers or internet access owned or provided by the Town, such users understand that they are providing the Town with access to their social media and therefore agree that a user's actions to access social media from the electronic assets of technology, computers or internet access owned or provided by the Town constitutes the user's understanding and agreement that the user has no expectation of privacy in the social media and consents to access the employee's social media by the Town at the Town's discretion. This shall include all review materials that may be resident on the social media, including passwords, text messages, tweets, email communications, PDFs, and pictures that are sent to such users or reviewed by such users on the social media. Users of electronic assets owned or provided by the Town agree not to use said assets to access pornographic, gambling, or other websites containing derogatory or defamatory content or that promote content that a reasonable person would find offensive and which may tend to demean or damage the integrity or reputation of the Town if subjected to public scrutiny.
To the extent that agents of Town post comments to social media outside the scope of their employment responsibilities, such agents may not include any confidential information of the Town, may not violate any confidence or privilege, and may not make any statements that would give a reasonable person the impression that the views expressed by the agent are the views, policies, or opinions of the Town. Agents should refrain from posting critical or derogatory comments about any other agent. Any grievances or complaints that an agent has about the Town should be made through recognized and normal channels pursuant to the Town's Personnel Policies[1] and applicable employment contracts and not through social media. Agents may not post to any online forums using any official email address provided by the Town. Agents may not utilize any logos, drawings, trademarks, copyrights or other images or photographs of events or equipment typically associated with or obtained in conjunction with Town activities or responses without the express, prior written approval of the Town Board of the Town of Greenville or its designee.
Editor's Note: See Chapter 41, Personnel Policies.
It is the policy of the Town that no person operating any Town-owned vehicle, or personal vehicle while in the course of performing Town duties, shall use any handheld device for the purpose of texting or talking with another.
A violation of this policy may be deemed to be misconduct and serve as the basis for disciplinary action by the Town.
Please take notice to the extent that this chapter may conflict with applicable portions of the Town Law of the State of New York, it is the stated intention of the Town to exercise its authority to supersede and amend, as granted under Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York § 10. The Town hereby provides notice that it is exercising its authority to supersede and amend pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York § 22.