No circus, menagerie or other show of like character shall be allowed to parade upon or travel over any of the streets, avenues, or highways of the city with any of their heavy wagons, personalities or equipment without first obtaining from the city secretary a license therefor.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XI, Chapter 111, Section 111.30)
The fee for any license required by the provisions of this division shall be the rate stated in the master rate and fee schedule and shall be paid to the city at the time the application for such license is made.
(Ordinance 2021-24 adopted 9/9/21)
When all provisions of this division are complied with, the city manager shall cause a license to be issued under the terms and provisions hereof.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XI, Chapter 111, Section 111.32)
The chief of police and the police officers of the city are hereby directed to abate as a nuisance any attempt to use the streets, alleys and other ways in the city without such license by any such circus or menagerie, and to prevent any such encroachment upon such streets or highways.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XI, Chapter 111, Section 111.33)