The board procedure for the conduct of public hearings is generally as follows:
Board chair reads listed topic information for public hearing.
Board chair opens the public hearing.
Staff presents its report.
Board members may ask questions of staff.
The applicant or appellant then has the opportunity to present comments, testimony, or arguments. In the case of an appeal when the appellant is different from the applicant, the appellant should be called upon first to provide comments or testimony. The applicant or appellant shall have a total of fifteen (15) minutes for a presentation when recognized by the board chair. The initial comments or presentation shall be limited to ten (10) minutes and the rebuttal or concluding comments shall be limited to five (5) minutes.
Board members may ask questions of the applicant and/or appellant.
Members of the public are provided with the opportunity to speak for or against the issue.
The public hearing is closed.
The board deliberates and takes action.
(Ordinance 2019-23 adopted 12/12/19)
Any public hearing being held, noticed or ordered to be held by the board may, by order, notice or motion, be continued to any subsequent meeting.
(Ordinance 2019-23 adopted 12/12/19)
Questions of Speakers.
Members of the board who wish to ask questions of the speakers or each other during the public hearing portion may do so, but only after first being recognized by the board chair. Interaction with the speaker shall be limited to a question or questions, rather than an ongoing dialogue.
Materials for Public Record.
All persons interested in the matter being heard by the board shall be entitled to submit written evidence or remarks, as well as other graphic evidence. All such evidence presented will be retained by the city secretary’s office as part of the record of the hearing, with the requirements of state law.
Germane Comments.
During the public hearing, no person will be permitted to speak about matters or present evidence which is not germane to the matter being considered. A determination of relevance shall be made by the board chair, but may be appealed to the full board.
(Ordinance 2019-23 adopted 12/12/19)
Written communications and petitions concerning the subject matter of the hearing will be noted, read aloud, or summarized by the board chair. A reading in full shall take place if requested by any member of the board.
(Ordinance 2019-23 adopted 12/12/19)