The municipal government provided by this charter shall be known as the “council - manager government.” Pursuant to its provisions and subject only to the limitations imposed by the state constitution, the statutes of this state and by this charter, all powers of the city shall be vested in an elective council, hereinafter referred to as the “city council,” which shall enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies and appoint the city manager, who in turn shall be responsible to the city council for the execution of the laws and the administration of the government of the city. All powers of the city shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this charter, or if the manner be not prescribed, then in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance, the state constitution or the statutes of the state.
The boundaries of the City of Gonzales shall be the same as have heretofore been established, which boundaries are more fully set out and described by metes and bounds on the official map filed in the office of the City Secretary.
The boundaries of the City of Gonzales may be enlarged and extended by the annexation of additional territory designated in the manner and in conformity with the procedures set forth in TEX. LOC. GOV’T. CODE CHAPTER 43, as now or hereafter amended.
Whenever there exists within the corporate limits of the City of Gonzales any territory not suitable or necessary for city purposes, the city council may, upon a petition signed by a majority of the qualified voters residing in such territory if the same be inhabited, or without any such petition if the same be uninhabited, by ordinance duly passed, discontinue said territory as a part of said city; said petition and ordinance shall specify accurately the metes and bounds of the territory sought to be eliminated from the city and shall contain a plat designating such territory so that the same can be definitely ascertained; and when said ordinance has been duly passed the same shall be entered upon the minutes and records of said city, and from and after the entry of such ordinance said territory shall cease to be a part of said city, but said territory shall still be liable for its pro rata share of any debts incurred while said area was a part of said city, and the city shall continue to levy, assess and collect taxes on the property within said territory to pay the indebtedness incurred while said area was a part of the city as though the same had not been excluded from the boundaries of the city.