In the event that the abatement of any violation is not immediately necessary for the protection of the health and welfare of the inhabitants of the City, the Code Official shall give written notice in accordance with Section 545.210, of this Code, to the owner or occupant of the premises where such violation exists or their agent stating the nature of such violation and ordering its immediate abatement. If the whereabouts of the owner or occupant of the premises where such alleged violation exists or their agent are unknown and notice cannot be served upon them, then such notice shall be posted on the premises where such violation exists for a ten-day period. In the event such violation is not abated within such ten-day period the Code Official may file a complaint with respect in Raymore Municipal Court.
In the event such violation is not abated within the time prescribed in the written notice as set forth in Subsection (A), of this Section, the Code Official may:
Issue a citation to the property owner and/or property owner's agent; and/or;
Have the violation abated, in which case the Code Official shall bill the property owner for the actual costs plus an administrative charge approved by the Governing Body and listed in the Schedule of Fees and Charges adopted by the Governing Body. The bill shall be sent by first class U.S. mail to the property owner and/or property owner's agent. The City shall receive full payment within ten (10) days of the date the bill was sent or the full amount will be added to the next regular tax bill forwarded to such owner by Cass County and said charge shall be due and payable by said owner at the time of payment of such tax bill.
Whenever it becomes necessary to abate a violation immediately in order to secure the general health of the City, or any of its inhabitants, the Code Official is authorized to abate such violation without notice, and use any suitable means or assistance for that purpose, whether employees of the City or private contractor employed for the purpose of abating the violation, or any other help or assistance necessary therefor. The Code Official shall certify the cost as a special tax bill against the property on which such violation was located, if within the City limits. The tax shall be collected like other special tax bills and shall be a first lien on the property until paid.
It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of private property, their agent, or the person causing or maintaining any violation to abate the same after an order by the Code Official, Chief of Police or Law Enforcement Officer in accordance with the terms prescribed in such order.
Whenever any household goods, bedding, clothing, putrid or unsound meat, pork, fish, vegetables, fruit, hides or skins of any kind, or any other article, are found within the City which, in the opinion of the Code Official is dangerous to the health of the inhabitants, the Code Official shall have the power and authority to cause the same to be destroyed in such manner as they may direct, and they may employ such persons as they see fit for that purpose.
If any violation abated by the Code Official as provided in Section 545.330 and 545.335 of this Property Maintenance Code extended before the abatement over the property of more than one (1) owner, the cost of abating the same shall be assessed in proportion to the amount of work and expense for each proportionate part of the entire work and the area, and the special tax bills provided for in this division shall be levied and collected accordingly.