Rental rates.
Weekend use.
Any person, group, or organization renting the Sens Center on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday shall be charged $200.00 for a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 8:00 a.m. of one day and continuing until 7:59 a.m. the next day.
Nonprofit/civic use.
Any nonprofit group or senior reserving the Sens Center Monday through Thursday shall not be required to pay rental fees. For the purpose of this section, a nonprofit group shall mean:
Any organization which has a current tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
Any organization that has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation by the Secretary of the State and which is in good standing;
Any organization which holds a charter from a national philanthropic or service organization, e.g. Boy Scouts or Girl Scout of America;
Any organization granted exemption by the city council based on historic or proposed activity intended to contribute to the betterment of the common good of the city, which shall include but not be limited to the city volunteer fire department.
All weekend renters (personal, commercial, and nonprofit) of the Sens Center are required to pay a key/damage/cleanup deposit upon receipt of the key. The key deposit shall be $400.00. Said deposit will be forfeited should the city administrator or his designee deem that the facility or grounds are left in an unclean or unsanitary manner, if the key is not returned to the city by the next working day, or if any damage is done to the premises.
(Ordinance 1571 adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 1710 adopted 4/16/2024)