It shall be unlawful for any person to build, construct, lay, alter, remove, demolish, repair or rebuild any section or portion of a concrete sidewalk, concrete curb, concrete gutter, concrete curb and gutter, or concrete driveway within the boundaries of the right-of-way of any public street or alley within the corporate limits of the city, without first obtaining a permit from the city engineer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-22; 1988 Code, sec. 29-41)
No permit required by section 10.05.061 shall be issued until the applicant files, in the office of the city engineer, a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), payable to the city, issued by a surety company approved by the city attorney and licensed to operate in the state, which bond shall be conditioned that the party so bonded will fulfill all the requirements of this division.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-23; 1988 Code, sec. 29-42)
The fee for a permit required by section 10.05.061 shall be as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. If work is begun without obtaining such permit, an additional fee shall be charged for each day’s delay in obtaining the permit. The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from prosecution for violating section 10.05.061.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-24; Ordinance 1565, sec. 18, adopted 10/9/61; Ordinance 1578, sec. 1, adopted 2/12/62; Ordinance 2506, sec. 1, adopted 6/9/80; Ordinance 93-031, sec. 1, adopted 7/12/93; 1988 Code, sec. 29-43)
It shall be the duty of the city engineer to establish the alignment and grade for each section of construction for which a permit is issued under this division. No type of construction covered in this division will be built, constructed, altered or reconstructed except on the alignment and grade so established.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-25; 1988 Code, sec. 29-44)
Materials used in any work for which a permit is required by this division shall conform to the following:
Cement shall be standard portland cement conforming to American Society for Testing and Materials (hereafter, “ASTM”) Designation C74-39 or later revisions.
Concrete aggregates shall consist of natural washed and screened sand, and washed and screened gravel or clean crushed stone, conforming to standard specifications for concrete aggregate ASTM Designation C33-39 or later revisions. Aggregates shall be well graded from coarse to fine, and when tested by laboratory methods shall conform to the following requirements:
Fine Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate
Passing 1-1/2" sieve
Passing 1" sieve
Passing 1/2" sieve
Passing 1/4" sieve
Passing No. 4 sieve
Passing No. 16 sieve
Passing No. 50 sieve
Passing No. 100 sieve
Passing No. 200 mesh - not more
Fine aggregates shall be free from clay lumps and other foreign matter objectionable to good concrete materials.
Reinforcement steel.
If called for in the proposal, reinforcing steel for concrete driveways shall conform to requirements as outlined in ASTM Specification A305-50 or later revisions.
Expansion joints.
Expansion joint filler shall be pre-molded material, of a thickness of one-half inch, and of such character that it will not be deformed or damaged by ordinary handling during hot or cold weather. Material shall be pre-formed bituminous fiber material, ASSHO designation M59-42, latest revisions, or equal.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-26; 1988 Code, sec. 29-45)
In the construction of sidewalks, drives, curbs, and gutters, if the subgrade is composed of clay, a one and one-half (1-1/2) inch sand cushion shall be used if, in the opinion of the city engineer, it is necessary.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-27; 1988 Code, sec. 29-46)
For sidewalks, the concrete mixture shall be a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days (or a 1:21/2:5 mix), and for curbs, gutters, curb and gutters and driveways it shall be a minimum of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days (or a 1:2:4 mix). The mixing time for all concrete shall be a minimum of one (1) minute after all ingredients have been placed in the mixer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-28; 1988 Code, sec. 29-47)
The mixing of concrete for work done pursuant to a permit issued under this division shall be done in a batch mixer approved by the city engineer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-29; 1988 Code, sec. 29-48)
The maximum slump for concrete for curbs shall be four (4) inches, and for gutters, sidewalks and driveways, three (3) inches, unless suitable admixtures are incorporated and approved by the city engineer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-30; 1988 Code, sec. 29-49)
Forms used in the construction of sidewalks, drives, curbs and gutters under the provisions of this division shall be made of wood or metal, of a section satisfactory to the city engineer, straight, free from warp, and of a depth equal to the thickness of the finished product. The forms shall be securely staked to the alignment and grade, and maintained in a true position during the depositing of the concrete. Forms shall be clean and oiled before the pouring of the concrete, and before the pouring of any concrete, the forms will be checked for alignment and grade by the city engineer. The concrete will be placed between the forms to the depth specified, spaded and tamped until thoroughly compacted and until the mortar entirely covers the exposed surface. Expansion joints will be placed where new concrete connects to any old concrete surface or curb. Spacing of expansion joints shall be at points not exceeding twenty (20) feet and shall not extend above the final grade of the finished structure.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-31; 1988 Code, sec. 29-50)
Finishing of the poured concrete in the construction of sidewalks, drives, curbs and gutters shall either be by hand or machine. Hand finishing shall include the floating with a wooden float on the top of the surface until a slight excess of sand appears. Sidewalks shall be marked off in four-foot sections by the use of a jointing tool. On curbs, gutters, and curb and gutters, a trowel finish shall be made, followed by a brush finish. Expansion joints shall be cut to the grade of the finished product, and an edger run on both sides. Sidewalks or driveways shall not be finished where the surface will be slick.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-32; 1988 Code, sec. 29-51)
In the construction of sidewalks, drives, curbs, and gutters, an approved curing compound will be applied to the finished product, in accordance with the city engineer’s instructions.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-33; 1988 Code, sec. 29-52)
No concrete will be poured on frozen subgrade.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-34; 1988 Code, sec. 29-53)
Sidewalks in residential areas shall be four (4) feet in width and in business areas a minimum of six (6) feet in width. All sidewalks shall have a cross slope of one-quarter inch per one (1) foot of width, toward the street and on a grade corresponding to the top of the curb elevation. The property side of the sidewalk shall be located one (1) foot inside the street right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer. Parkways shall be provided in residential areas, with a minimum slope of one-quarter inch and a maximum slope of one (1) inch to the foot of width. Minimum thickness for sidewalks shall be four (4) inches, except that portion which crosses a driveway approach, which shall be six (6) inches thick. Sidewalks shall be poured in one (1) course, unless otherwise authorized by the city engineer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-35; 1988 Code, sec. 29-54)
All driveway approaches shall be a minimum of six (6) inches thick for residential, and eight (8) inches thick for commercial, including the sidewalk area. Approved reinforcing steel can be used if so desired, or if called for in the proposal. The concrete will be poured in one (1) course, but a “dust coat” of dry cement (one part) and sand (two (2) parts) will be permitted if so desired. The maximum width of a driveway for residential purposes will be twenty-five (25) feet for a double driveway and fifteen (15) feet for a single driveway. For business purposes, the maximum width of a combined entrance and exit shall be forty-five (45) feet. The maximum width for separate entrances and exits shall be thirty (30) feet.
On type B or type C major thoroughfares, in other than agriculturally or residentially zoned areas, no “head in” parking immediately off the street will be allowed where any maneuvering in or encroachment of public right-of-way is required to make use of the space. If this type of parking is proposed, and the city engineer determines that it meets the above criteria, the maximum width of such entrance will not be limited to forty-five (45) feet, but rather be determined by the surrounding conditions.
A site plan, submitted by the party requesting the permit, showing the location and elevation of all driveways (residential and commercial) must be approved by the city engineer or his representative prior to the issuance of permit.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-36; Ordinance 2594, sec. 1, adopted 10/12/81; 1988 Code, sec. 29-55)
Valley gutters shall be constructed of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch, twenty-eight-day tested concrete, and shall be a minimum of six (6) inches thick. The width of the valley gutter shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet and the gutter shall be constructed in accordance with the standard typical section, as approved by the city engineer.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-37; 1988 Code, sec. 29-56)
Concrete curbs and gutters and curb and gutter shall be constructed in accord with this section.
Standard section.
The thickness of the gutter section shall be six (6) inches and the thickness of the curb section shall be six (6) inches from the point where the gutter line tangent intersects the curb face tangent to the back of the curb section. The curb face shall have a one-inch batter, so that the top of the curb shall measure five (5) inches from the point where the curb face tangent meets the top plane of the curb to the back of the curb section. The height of the curb section shall be twelve (12) inches at the back. The face of the curb section shall have an arc at the top, the radius of which is two and one-half (2-1/2) inches, and an arc with a three-inch radius shall be constructed at the point where the curb face meets the top of the gutter section. The bottom of the curb and gutter section shall be constructed perpendicular to the bottom of the curb section for a distance of six (6) inches and the remaining portion of the bottom of such section shall be tilted so that the lip of the gutter section will be one (1) inch higher than the point where the gutter line tangent intersects the curb face tangent. The overall width of the curb and gutter section shall be twenty-four (24) inches. If the gutter is poured separately from driveways, the overall width will also be twenty-four (24) inches. If curbs are poured separately, the overall width will be eight (8) inches at the base and six (6) inches at the top.
Conformity with existing construction.
The standard curbs, gutters, and curb and gutter section described in subsection (b) shall not be applicable to the construction or reconstruction of any section of curb, gutter, or curb and gutter combination to be built on that side of a street in any block on which there exists any section of concrete curb, concrete gutter or concrete curb and gutter, the section, form and design of which does not conform to that established and provided in subsection (b) of this section. In such instance, any such section of concrete curb, concrete gutter or concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed or reconstructed in accordance or in conformity with the form and design of the existing structure section of the existing curb, gutter, or curb and gutter section.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-38; 1988 Code, sec. 29-57)
When a permit has been issued for the removal or demolition of an existing concrete curb, concrete gutter, concrete curb and gutter, or concrete driveway, for any purpose, the same shall be replaced in accordance with this division meeting all the requirements for new construction, unless authorization by the city council has been given to eliminate same.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-39; 1988 Code, sec. 29-58)
The holder of a permit under this division shall provide, erect and maintain all necessary barricades, suitable and sufficient lights or flares, and danger signals, on all work under construction or repair, and on all materials, equipment, and forms used in construction or repairs, from sundown to sunrise each day, and every day that the construction, repair, materials and forms are a hazard to the public safety.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-40; 1988 Code, sec. 29-59)
The holder of a permit under this division shall indemnify the city against all real or asserted injury to persons or property arising out of or accruing from the construction or repair done pursuant to such permit, or any condition attendant upon such construction or repair work.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-41; 1988 Code, sec. 29-60)
Any person aggrieved or affected by any decision of any administrative officer of the city acting under and by virtue of the provisions of this division may appeal to the city council, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and with the city clerk, a notice of appeal, in writing, specifying the grounds thereof. Such appeal shall stay all proceedings in the furtherance of the action appealed from, until the next regular meeting of the city council, unless such appeal is taken up for consideration by the council before such regular meeting. When, in its judgment, the city council decides that the appeal involves an application for special exception to the regulations of this division, and it is further of the opinion that the public convenience and welfare will not be substantially or permanently injured, it shall, subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, authorize special exceptions to the regulations and provisions of this division.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-42; 1988 Code, sec. 29-61)