The original public square, as the same appears from the donation to the Town of Paris and the plat thereof, is hereby designated as the Plaza.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-53; 1988 Code, sec. 29-71)
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter, exchange or offer for sale, barter or exchange any character of property whatsoever on the Plaza or streets adjacent thereto without first obtaining a special event permit.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an owner or tenant whose primary place of business is adjacent to a sidewalk may utilize a portion of such sidewalk for the exhibition of his wares or merchandise so long as a reasonable amount of sidewalk is left for passage by the pedestrian public.
(1970 Code, sec. 27-54; Ordinance 96-019, sec. 1, adopted 4/8/96; 1988 Code, sec. 29-72)
For purposes of this part, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
A person or entity that produces agricultural products including, but not limited to, fruits, vegetables, fungi, grains, fiber, honey, dairy products, meat, poultry, or eggs, by practice of the agricultural arts upon land that the person or entity owns, rents, leases, or to which the person or entity otherwise has access.
Farmers market.
A designated location used for a recurring event at which a majority of the vendors are farmers or other food producers who sell food directly to consumers. A farmers' market must include at least two vendors who meet the definition of "farmer" as defined in this section and may include vendors who meet the definition of "food producer" as defined in this section. In addition, a farmers' market may include vendors who are not "farmers" or "food producers," provided that "farmers" and "food producers" constitute the majority of vendors who participate in the market throughout the year.
Farmers market and artisan vendor.
A person who is licensed to:
Offers or sells food typically known as "farm grown," "farm originating," or "farm obtained" such as whole produce, plants, nuts, certain meats, honey, egg, and pasteurized dairy products;
Offers or sells product typically known as "handmade" and originating from a trade or occupation of the sort requiring skill and training, particularly manual skill combined with a knowledge of the principles of the art;
Offers or sells prepared food for off-premises consumption in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and/or
Conducts a performance at no charge to the general public, including performing arts such as dance, music, opera, theatre and musical theatre, magic, illusion, mime, spoken word, puppetry, and circus arts; or
Free information, products, or services from an entity that has received a determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service stating that the organization has been determined to be an exempt organization pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) (i.e. § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1984), which determination letter has not been revoked.
Food producer.
A person who grew, raised, processed, prepared, manufactured, or otherwise added value to the food product the person is selling. The term does not include a person who only packaged or repackaged a food product.
Market square.
City of Paris: Block 177, embraced in the territory bounded on the south by the north boundary line of Sherman Street, on the west by the east boundary line of Second Street S.W., on the north by the sound boundary line of Austin Street, and on the east by the west boundary line of First Street S.W., within corporate limits of the city, is hereby designated the Market Square.
10Market Square.tif
Market square manager.
City manager or designee.
Mobile food unit (food truck).
An operational motor vehicle and/or enclosed trailer from which food and associated non-alcoholic beverages are prepared, served and/or sold on public or private property for a period of time which exceeds 60 minutes or two instances of 30 minutes each day. This definition shall also apply to any seating, garbage and/or recycling containers, restrooms, gear or equipment that is associated with the food truck's operation. Division 4, section 5.07.092, Code of Ordinances.
Paris Farmers and Artisan Market.
A designated location used primarily for the distribution and/or sale directly to consumer of food, handmade/artisan goods, and processed and/or pre-packaged foods meant to be consumed on- or off-premises, with proper business license.
Special event.
An occurrence which takes place on a periodic or special occasion, wholly or partly on the city's rights-of-way, public property or private property, which may cause interruption of regular activities of the citizens when the needs of traffic, parking, restrooms, crowds, zoning, etc. exceed the original design and intent of the site or location or may require the special attention and involvement of city personnel or facilities. Examples of such activities are, but not limited to, nonprofit fundraising events, tent sales, parking lot sales, political rallies, amusement rides, parades, disc jockey other than at a permitted dance hall, carnivals, marathon, 5k, walk-a-thon, festival closing of a public street, blocking or restriction of public property where otherwise may be prohibited by this code or any other code adopted by the city.
(Ordinance 2023-015 adopted 3/27/2023)
The use of the market square for the purposes provided in this part shall be under the supervision and control of the market square manager and hereby authorized to direct the assignment of vendor spaces, parking of vehicles in such manner as will avoid confusion and congestion of traffic, and afford reasonable means of access by the public and emergency vehicles.
(Ordinance 2023-015 adopted 3/27/2023)
The market square is hereby dedicated to the use as a farmers and artisan market and may be used for special events as are provided in this part or which may hereafter be provided for by the city council. This section shall not be construed to limit or otherwise restrict the use of the market square property for other purposes by the city, as such purposes shall be designated by the city council, including the construction and use of recreational projects as the city shall designate.
(Ordinance 2023-015 adopted 3/27/2023)
No person or organization are permitted to sell at the market square until first having obtained a farmers and artisan market vendor's license as approved by the market square manager or a special event permit.
All farmers and artisan market business license applicants shall attach copies of all certifications and business licenses required by the state and local health departments when submitting the application for the farmers market and artisan vendor's license.
The market square manager shall be authorized to determine the completeness of each farmer and artisan market vendor's license application and to issue a vendor's license based on said application.
The market square manager shall be authorized to revoke a farmers and artisan market vendor's license upon a determination that the vendor has failed to comply with the provisions of the vendor's license and the guidelines set forth by the city which may from time to time be amended.
Vendors may appeal the determination of the market square manager to deny or revoke a vendor's license by contacting the office of the city manager. The city manager's determination of such an appeal is final. Vending at farmers and artisan market is a privilege and not a right.
(Ordinance 2023-015 adopted 3/27/2023)
The department of planning and community development shall have the authority to adopt guidelines for the use of the farmers and artisans market, which the department may from time to time amend.
(Ordinance 2023-015 adopted 3/27/2023)