This chapter shall be known as the traffic code of the city and may be cited as such.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-1; 1988 Code, sec. 31-1)
The state Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (article 6701d of the Revised Civil Statutes), as amended, is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in this chapter, with the additions contained in this chapter.
Editor’s note–Since adoption of this provision, the regulations contained in the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (V.T.C.S., article 6701d) have been recodified and are now located in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code.
(1988 Code, sec. 31-2
It shall be the duty of the police department to enforce the street traffic regulations of this city and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this city, to make arrests for traffic violations, to investigate accidents and to cooperate with the city manager and other officers of the city in the administration of the traffic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out those duties specifically imposed upon the department by this chapter and other traffic ordinances of the city.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-6; 1988 Code, sec. 31-3)
The chief of police, by and with the approval of the city engineer, is hereby empowered to invoke regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of this chapter. The chief of police, by and with the approval of the city engineer, is also empowered to make and enforce temporary or experimental regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. No such temporary or experimental regulations shall remain in effect more than ninety (90) days.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-7; 1988 Code, sec. 31-4)
Officers of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police in directing traffic thereat or in the immediate vicinity.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-9; 1988 Code, sec. 31-5)
All territory within two hundred (200) feet of the premises of any hospital in the city is hereby created and established as a zone of quiet.
The chief of police shall have power to establish temporarily a zone of quiet upon any street where a person is seriously ill if requested to do so by the written statement of at least one (1) registered physician certifying to its necessity. Such temporary zone of quiet shall embrace all territory within a radius of two hundred (200) feet of the building occupied by the person named in the request of said physician. Such temporary zone of quiet and any other zone of quiet declared by any ordinance of the city shall be designated by the chief of police by placing at a conspicuous place in the street a sign or marking bearing the words “Quiet Zone.”
Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating a zone of quiet, no person operating a motor vehicle within any such zone shall sound the horn or other warning device of such vehicle, except in an emergency.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-13; 1988 Code, sec. 31-6)
No person upon roller skates, or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device, shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk, and when so crossing such person shall be granted all of the rights and shall be so subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians. This section shall not apply upon any street while set aside as a play street.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-15; 1988 Code, sec. 31-7)
It shall be unlawful for any person, upon being arrested by a police officer of the city for a violation of this chapter, to give as his name to the arresting officer, any other than his true and correct name.
It shall be unlawful for any person, upon being arrested by a police officer of the city for a violation of this chapter, to give as his address to the arresting officer, any other than his true and correct address.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-20; 1988 Code, sec. 31-8)
The judge of the municipal court may designate violations of this chapter which may be satisfied by payment, at the police department, of fines prescribed by the judge, such fines to be within the limits prescribed by section 1.01.009 of this code.
Any person who has received any notice to appear in answer to a traffic charge designated in accord with subsection (a) of this section may, within the time specified in the notice, appear at the police department and answer the charge set forth in such notice by paying the prescribed fine and, in writing, pleading guilty to the charge, waiving a hearing in court and giving power of attorney to the person in charge of the police department to make such a plea and pay such fine in court.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-22; 1988 Code, sec. 31-9)
All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon the forfeiture of bail of any person charged with a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the city treasury and deposited in the general fund.
(1970 Code, sec. 29-23; 1988 Code, sec. 31-10)