The regular election for the choice of members of the council as provided in Section 14 of this Charter shall be held each year on the uniform election date provided by state law that occurs in or about May. The council may, by resolution, order a special election, fix the time for holding same, and provide all means for holding such special election. All elections shall be held in accordance this Charter and with state laws as they may, from time to time, be amended.
(Ordinance 95-053, sec. 1, adopted 9/13/95; Resolution 2007-055 adopted 5/21/07, Prop. 48; Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
The council shall make all regulations which it considers needful or desirable, not inconsistent with this Charter or the laws of the State of Texas, for the conduct of municipal elections, for the prevention of fraud in such elections and for the recount of ballots in case of doubt or fraud. Municipal elections shall be conducted by the appointed election authorities, who shall also have power to make such regulations not inconsistent with this Charter, with any regulations made by the council or the laws of the State of Texas.
(Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
Any qualified person may have his or her name placed on the official ballot as a candidate for council member at any election held for the purpose of electing council members by filing with the city clerk, no later than the time provided by state law, a sworn application in the form provided by the State of Texas, and shall meet all the requirements set forth by this Charter and by state law as it may, from time to time, be amended.
(Ordinance 95-053, sec. 1, adopted 9/13/95; Resolution 2007-055 adopted 5/21/07, Prop. 49; Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
The names of all candidates for the council as hereinbefore provided, except such as may have withdrawn, died or become ineligible, shall be printed on the official ballots without party designations, in accordance with the Texas Elections Code. If two or more candidates have the same surnames, or have names so similar that it is likely to cause confusion, each of those candidates may have printed on the ballot a brief distinguishing description or title, not to exceed four words, following the candidate’s name. The description or title may only refer to the candidate’s place of residence or present or former profession, occupation, or position. However, the description or title may not refer to a public office. The order of the names on the ballot, the form of the ballot, and the deadline for having the ballots printed shall be accomplished in compliance with state law.
(Resolution 2007-055 adopted 5/21/07, Prop. 50; Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
At the regular municipal election or any special election held to fill vacancies on the city council, the winning candidate for the office of councilmember shall be the one who receives more than 50 percent of the votes cast for the office. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent, a runoff election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code between the two candidates who received the most votes.
(Resolution 2007-055 adopted 5/21/07, Prop. 51; Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
All city elections shall be governed, except as otherwise provided by the Charter, by the laws of the State of Texas governing general and municipal elections, so far as same may be applicable thereto; and in event there should be any failure of the general laws or this Charter to provide for some feature of the city elections, then the city council shall have the power to provide for such deficiency, and no informalities in conducting a city election shall invalidate the same, if it be conducted fairly and in substantial compliance with the general laws, where applicable, and the Charter and ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)
Returns of elections, general, runoff and special, shall be made by the election officers to the city council, and shall be canvassed by the council and the result of the election declared, at a regular or special meeting of the council occurring after the date of the election, in the manner and during the time required by state law for the canvassing of elections.
(Ordinance 95-053, sec. 1, adopted 9/13/95; Resolution 2007-055 adopted 5/21/07, Prop. 52; Ordinance 2022-090, ex. B, adopted 12/12/2022)