Any occupancy or use of the shelter house supervised by or sponsored by the parks and recreation department shall not be subject to this division, but the same shall be subject to the directions and regulations of the director of parks and recreation.
(2000 Code, sec. 18-36)
Any person desiring to use the shelter house, located in what is known as the Broadway Street Park or Running Water Draw Regional Park, shall sign an application requesting the use of said shelter house, giving the date the use is desired.
(2000 Code, sec. 18-37)
Along with the application for use of the shelter house, the applicant shall make a deposit in an amount as required by the city council from time to time, which shall be known as a cleaning deposit. Such deposit shall be kept by the city secretary in an escrow account.
(2000 Code, sec. 18-38)
When the occasion for which the shelter house was reserved has by any one individual, or a group, terminated, then the supervisor of the parks department or his agent shall make an inspection of the premises, and if the same have been cleaned to his satisfaction and no extraordinary damage has been caused by the negligence of said parties, the cleaning deposit shall be returned to the person making the deposit; otherwise it will be paid to the city as liquidated damages.
(2000 Code, sec. 18-39)
Any person making application to use the shelter house shall agree (and said agreement shall be embodied in the application) that the city shall not be liable to such person, his invitees or any other person attending the gathering at the invitation of such applicant or his group for any damages to person or property caused by negligence, or due to the shelter house building or any appurtenances thereof being improperly constructed or becoming out of repair, nor for any damages from any defects for want of repair of the building of which these premises form a part, but the applicant shall agree to accept the premises as suitable for the purposes for which he, or his party, intend to use the same and each and every appurtenance thereof, and that he waives defects therein and agrees to hold the city harmless from all claims for any such damages.
(2000 Code, sec. 18-40)