Meters for the measurement of water utility services by the city shall be furnished and installed by and shall remain the property of the city, and the charges for water, based on the rates as set out in section 13.02.009, shall be determined by the amount of water used as measured by meters.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-31)
As security to guarantee the payment for all water and services furnished by the city, a deposit shall be made with the utility accounting department at the time of making application for water service. The minimum amount of said deposit shall be as set forth in the master fee schedule.
(Ordinance 19-3700 adopted 9/24/19; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
The deposit shall be refunded to the depositor when he discontinues city water use. All bills and accounts due the city for water service must be paid first.
Such deposit guarantees payment of water, sewer, and sanitation service accounts or damages to service connections or meters caused through neglect, abuses or failure of the customer or his agents to use proper care. The city may apply the deposit or any part thereof to the payment of any such accounts when they become past due.
Customer’s failure to pay the water, sewer, and sanitation bill when due is considered notice from the customer to discontinue service and apply so much of the deposit as is necessary for the payment of the then past due account.
Should a deposit or any part thereof be applied in payment of past due accounts, service may not be reestablished until the deposit is restored to the appropriate current amount.
(Ordinance 11-3563, sec. I (25-33), adopted 9/27/11)
The rates and charges for the consumption of utility services furnished by the city, as well as the charges and fees for connection thereto, shall be as determined by the city council from time to time and on file in the office of the city secretary.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-34)
The charges provided for by this chapter for the various classes of service shall be payable monthly upon bills rendered by the waterworks department.
The charges provided for in this chapter shall become delinquent ten (10) days after said bill is rendered and as printed on the face of the bill. The bill as rendered shall be the net amount of the bill. All bills shall be considered rendered when sent to the customer by the accounting and collections division of the utility department, and the failure to receive any such bill by any consumer shall in no manner relieve such consumer of the duty and necessity of paying for water or sewer service under the terms specified in this chapter.
The net amount due may be paid on or before the past-due date printed on the bill. All payments must be in the possession of the utility accounting department by the 5:00 p.m. close of business on the past-due date to prevent a penalty charge being assessed.
A one-time penalty as set forth in the master fee schedule shall be assessed on all bills not paid on or before the past-due date printed on the bill. All payments must be in the possession of the utility accounting department by the 5:00 p.m. close of business on the past-due date to prevent a penalty charge being assessed. The gross due, which includes penalty, shall be the amount due after 5:00 p.m. on the past-due date.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-35; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
It shall be the duty of the director of finance, upon the failure or refusal of any person, firm or corporation to promptly pay within ten (10) days from date of delinquency any charge or charges levied and assess under the term of this chapter, to discontinue such water or sewer service and refuse further service to such person, firm or corporation until said charges are paid or satisfactory arrangement for payment have been made. The director may at his option extend the payment time period for one additional month before discontinuing such water or sewer service. To avoid additional charges for cut-off services, such payment must be received by 5:00 p.m. the day before the cut off-date. In addition, a fee as set forth in the master fee schedule is hereby assessed for making a service call for the purpose of cutting off service for failure on the part of the consumer to pay water or sewer service or installment charges or for the purpose of collecting a delinquent account or for both if both purposes are accomplished in one service call. Until the account at the premises where service is cut off is paid in full or until the consumer or his agent has made arrangements satisfactory with the director of finance to pay such amounts, such service shall remain cut off.
(Ordinance 09-3518, sec. 1 (25-36) adopted 9/22/09; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
Should collection be required for the purpose of collecting a check given by the customer in payment of a water bill, said check having been presented to the bank and bank having not honored said check, a charge as set forth in the master fee schedule may be assessed.
(Ordinance 10-3536, sec. 1 (25-37), adopted –/–/10; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
The city council shall fix and approve the rates charged by any private public utility company franchised by the city and doing business within the city. It shall be unlawful for any such public utility company or any officer or employee thereof to assess or charge for services rendered at any rate other than the rate so fixed and approved.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-40)
The city shall charge and collect, and every consumer of water shall pay for the water furnished by the city to the consumer the amounts calculated by application of the rates to metered readings as provided for in the master fee schedule. This amendment is effective by ordinance with the first billing of October 1, 2021 upon its passage and publication as required by law.
The monthly rates to be charged for water furnished by the city for all consumers, unless otherwise noted, are as set forth in the master fee schedule.
All rates and charges for utility services shall be billed on one bill. Payment of the amount due on such bill shall be in full for the total amount billed. Partial payment will not be accepted without prior approval from the water department.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-41; Ordinance 21-3721 adopted 9/28/21; Ordinance 22-3733 adopted 9/27/2022; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
For the furnishing of sewer service and sewer connections by the city, the city shall assess monthly rates as set forth in the master fee schedule based on the following rate classes.
Residential rates.
Commercial rates. The commercial rate shall apply to all consumers not described under residential rates. The maximum gallon cap available to single-family dwellings shall not apply to commercial rates.
Should there be a residential or commercial establishment not using city water, or using city water for only a portion of its total water use, then the sewer rates shall be as set forth in the master fee schedule based upon the estimated gallons of water used by said establishment, the same to be arrived at on the basis that it is reasonable and fair to both the resident or commercial establishment and to the city, as approved by the director of finance.
A sewer charge shall not be applied to water meters which are exclusively used for yard watering or an irrigation system. The director of public works shall develop and administer an application procedure for exemptions and said exemptions shall be renewed annually.
Any consumer who wishes to install sewer sampling and meter device may do so if such meets city specifications and the consumer pays acquisition and installation costs. The metering equipment shall become city property and the city shall be responsible for maintaining such. Said consumer shall be exempt from the above charges and shall pay a minimum as set forth in the master fee schedule plus additional charges based on quality as addressed in the city industrial waste ordinance.
State prison rates.
(Ordinance 21-3721 adopted 9/28/21; Ordinance 22-3733 adopted 9/27/2022; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)
The charges for sewer service, refuse collection and vector control shall be made monthly and shall be added to the water bill of each residence, apartment house and commercial establishment connected to the city’s water and sewer service. The person responsible for the payment of the water bill shall also be responsible for the payment of the charges for sewer service, refuse collection and vector control.
(2000 Code, sec. 25-43)
Customers requesting service to be transferred from one address to another will be charged a nonrefundable utility account transfer fee as set forth in the master fee schedule.
(Ordinance 15-3625 adopted 9/17/15; Ordinance 23-3746 adopted 5/23/2023)