Optional development review committee meeting.
Prior to the official submission of an application for review and consideration, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the development services staff to schedule a development review committee (DRC) meeting. This meeting will alert the applicant to the ordinances that apply to the specific project.
Members of DRC.
Members of DRC are made up of representatives from the departments that have direct communication with all aspects of the development process: Planning, engineering, building, fire, public works, health, and parks.
Meeting request.
To schedule a DRC meeting, the applicant requests a DRC meeting with the development services staff, and such request shall describe the type of development desired and/or the type of application intended for submittal along with an initial concept plan. The applicant shall then be notified by the development services staff of the time and place for the requested meeting.
Vested rights.
There shall be no vested rights based on the DRC meeting.
Following the DRC meeting, the applicant may proceed with the submittal of the appropriate application(s), including, but not limited to, the conveyance or preliminary plat, final plat, civil plans, and building plans.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Application contents generally.
All applications shall be submitted on a form supplied by the development services staff with the required information and exhibits as stated on the application form. Incomplete applications shall not be accepted.
Application timing.
Development services staff shall establish submittal deadlines for all applications decided by the director of development services and by the commission. Such submittal schedule will be posted on the city website.
An application must be considered officially complete in accordance with section 10.03.023(c), determination of completeness [sic], of this subdivision ordinance prior to being processed for review and consideration.
Fees required.
Every application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees set forth in the city’s fee schedule, as approved by city council and as may be amended from time to time. Fees are not refundable and are not a guarantee of approval. Review of the application will not begin until the appropriate fees have been processed by the city.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Initiation by owner.
An application required under this subdivision ordinance may be initiated only by the owner of the land subject to the application, or by the owner’s duly authorized representative. If the applicant is a representative of the property owner, the application shall include a written and notarized statement from the property owner, such as a duly executed power of attorney, authorizing the representative to file the application on the owner’s behalf.
The procedures within this chapter shall apply to all applications that are required by the city and submitted in accordance with this subdivision ordinance.
Official filing date.
The 30-day time period established by state law and by this subdivision ordinance shall begin on the “official filing date.” The official filing date is further defined as the date on which the plat has met all the requirements of the subdivision ordinance following staff or administrative review, fees have been paid, and that plat is scheduled for final approval by the planning and zoning commission by placing the plat on the commission agenda.
Owners dedication language.
Refer to the plat checklist (available online) for the appropriate owner dedication language to include on the plat and all other plat signature block wording and form.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Action by responsible official.
The responsible official for an application shall initiate internal (i.e., by city departments) review and assessment of the application according to the city’s development review procedures. The responsible official shall also, to the extent possible, work with the applicant by advising on and communicating revisions that may be necessary to bring the application into compliance with city regulations in preparation for consideration by the appropriate decision-maker.
Revisions to exhibits.
The responsible official may enumerate to the applicant such revisions to the plat exhibits as are necessary to bring the exhibit into compliance with the subdivision ordinance. Such revisions shall be made by the applicant or his agent in a timely fashion.
The decision-maker for the application shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application within the time period prescribed by this subdivision ordinance.
Conditions attached.
The decision-maker may attach such conditions to the approval of an application as are reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable requirements of this subdivision ordinance. These conditions of approval shall be completed prior to the plat being filed for record in Denton or Collin County.
Notification of decision.
The city shall send written notice of a decision on an application within fourteen (14) calendar days following the approval date. This written notice will include any future steps the applicant must take.
Notification of city appeal.
Whenever an appeal is requested from a final decision on an application following a public hearing, or whenever the city is to consider revocation of an application that was obtained following a public hearing, personal notice of the appeal, or revocation proceeding shall be provided to the applicant.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Amendments/revisions to an approved application.
Unless another method is expressly provided by this subdivision ordinance, any request to amend or revise an approved application shall be considered a new application, which must be considered in accordance with the procedures governing the original application and the standards in effect at the time such new application is filed with the city.
Unless otherwise expressly provided by this subdivision ordinance, an approved application for a plat or civil plans shall automatically expire one (1) year following the approval date of the application (see section 10.03.041(g), expiration of construction plans), and shall become null and void, and all activities under the application thereafter shall be deemed in violation of this subdivision ordinance, if:
The applicant fails to satisfy any condition that was imposed by this subdivision ordinance or as part of the approval of the application or that was made under the terms of any development agreement, within the time limits established for satisfaction of such condition or term; or
The applicant fails to submit a subsequent complete application required by this subdivision ordinance within the time so required; or
A development agreement has not been approved for the development.
The director of engineering may extend the time of expiration for the plat or construction plans by one (1) year if the applicant has requested the extension in writing and listed the cause for the delay. Any further extension of the expiration date shall be considered by the planning and zoning commission and the commission’s decision shall be final.
If no time limit for satisfaction of conditions is specified in the decision on the application, the time shall be presumed to be two (2) years following the date the application was approved, except as provided through a vested rights petition.
An expiration date may differ from the first anniversary of approval upon approval of a different date being determined pursuant to a vested rights petition (section 10.03.087, vested rights).
Effect of expiration.
Upon the expiration of an approved application, all previously approved applications for the same land shall also expire on the expiration date if the filing of an application was required to avoid expiration for the previously approved application(s), except as provided in section 10.03.026, expiration. Thereafter, a new application must be submitted for consideration and approval subject to regulations in effect at the time the new application is filed.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Two-year expiration established.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision ordinance, for any approved application for which no expiration date was in effect on the date this subdivision ordinance was duly adopted by city council, an expiration date of two (2) years following the date of approval of the application shall apply, unless the applicant files a written petition before such date for a vested rights determination pursuant to section 10.03.087, vested rights, alleging that progress has been made toward completion of the project for which the application subject to expiration was filed. If a vested rights petition is timely filed and subsequently approved, the city council shall determine the expiration date of the application in deciding the petition.
Five-year expiration established.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision ordinance, once an application has expired as described above, all previously approved applications for the same land also shall expire no later than five (5) years following the date of filing of the first application for the project for which the expired application was filed, unless the applicant files a written petition before such date for a vested rights determination pursuant to section 10.03.087, vested rights. If a vested rights petition is timely filed and subsequently approved, the city council shall determine the expiration date of the previously approved applications in deciding the petition.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)