A permittee or right-of-way user may request a variance from any of the requirements of this article by filing a written request with the right-of-way manager stating the requirement and the basis for the variance. The right-of-way manager may reject incomplete variance requests. The applicant shall bear its own expenses of the application process.
Any request for a variance from any right-of-way restoration requirement shall be made in writing, in advance of any contemplated work and shall be accompanied by digitally formatted detailed plans of the substituted reconstruction and/or repair of the excavated area, if applicable.
Any request for an exemption and/or variance from any penalty and/or fee, other than as provided in this article, shall be made in writing, and shall be accompanied by a written detailed request stating the reasons therefor.
Any request for an exemption and/or variance from any permit, or any other requirement of this article shall be made in writing, stating in detail all reasons for the requested exemption and/or variance.
The department shall grant or deny an application for a variance and/or exemption within ten days of receipt of the application for variance and/or exemption.
Denial of the variance may be appealed in accordance with section 13.09.051.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)