A network provider must provide evidence that the network provider has acquired all required authorization pursuant to state law, prior to obtaining a permit to use public right-of-way. The network provider’s right to use and occupy the public right-of-way shall not be exclusive, and the city shall have the right to exercise its police powers and manage its public right-of-way, based on the Texas Local Gov’t Code chapter 284 and all other state or federal laws.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)
A network provider shall notify the right-of-way manager of any sale, transfer, merger or assignment of the ownership or control of a network provider’s business within 30 days of such sale, transfer, merger or assignment. A network provider shall also maintain and provide current point-of-contact information with the right-of-way manager at all times during which the network uses the right-of-way.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)
A network provider shall indemnify the city as specified by Texas Local Government Code, as may be amended.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)
The city hereby adopts the Wireless Services Design Manual pursuant to V.T.C.A. Local Government Code chapter 284. A copy of the manual is available in the city secretary’s office and online at https://www.celina-tx.gov.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)
A network provider shall comply with the city’s wireless services design manual, as amended by the right-of-way manager.
(Ordinance 2017-35, sec. 3.01, adopted 8/8/17)