No mobile or HUD-code manufactured home may be located or emplaced anywhere within the corporate limits of the city for use as a dwelling unit and/or for occupancy unless a location permit for such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home has been issued by the city planning and inspection department, and it shall be unlawful for any person to locate or emplace a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home or cause or permit the same to be located or emplaced unless the requisite location permit has been issued for such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home or unless a seventy-two-hour grace period is applicable.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; Ordinance 2002-13, sec. 2, adopted 3/12/02; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-2)
It shall be the responsibility of the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home owner or his designated agent to apply for and obtain such location permit. If the owner of a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home for which a location permit has been issued is not the owner of the land upon which such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be located or emplaced, then the owner of such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home shall deliver a copy of such permit, or cause same to be delivered, to the legal owner of the land upon which such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be located or emplaced prior to the location or emplacement thereof, except as otherwise provided.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; Ordinance 2002-13, sec. 2, adopted 3/12/02; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-3)
The application for a location permit shall contain the following information:
The name of the company or person emplacing the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home.
The name of the registered owner of the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home.
The legal description, address and owner of the location to which the applicant is intending to move the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home.
A description of the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home, including manufacturer’s serial number, length, width, make and year model.
The location from which the mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is being moved.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; Ordinance 2002-13, sec. 2, adopted 3/12/02; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-4)
Upon receipt of an application for a location permit from a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home owner or his agent, and upon determination that the following listed conditions are satisfied, the building official shall issue an original location permit and one copy to the applicant or his agent:
The proposed location to which such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be moved is in a proper zoning district.
If such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be placed in a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home park, that such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be placed on an approved space, or that emplacement thereon is otherwise permissible.
If such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home is to be placed on a lot outside of a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home park, that the proposed placement is consistent with all zoning regulations.
All applicable vehicle parking requirements are satisfied or as specified for a legal nonconforming space.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; Ordinance 2002-13, sec. 2, adopted 3/12/02; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-5)
Following approval of the application, and for the purpose of defraying the administrative costs of processing such application, a fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be paid for the issuance of the location permit.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-6)
It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of premises to permit a mobile or HUD-code manufactured home to be located or emplaced on such premises unless the requisite location permit has been issued for and displayed upon such mobile or HUD-code manufactured home as provided in section 3-13-34 or unless the seventy-two-hour grace period is applicable.
(Ordinance 79-145, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/79; Ordinance 2002-13, sec. 2, adopted 3/12/02; 1957 Code, sec. 9A-7)