Except as provided by subsections (b)-(e) below, each candidate for an appointment as a member of any board or commission shall meet the following requirements:
Be a registered voter of the city;
Shall reside within the corporate limits of the city including territory annexed prior to appointments and individuals appointed;
The members of the Hutto Economic Development Board of Directors shall reside within the county.
Members of the library advisory board shall reside in the Hutto Independent School District.
Members of the parks advisory board shall reside within the city limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city,· provided, however, that no more than two (2) members of the board shall reside in the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Members of the historical preservation commission shall reside within the city limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city; provided, however, that no more than two (2) members of the commission shall reside in the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Current city councilmembers, that are currently serving on the Hutto Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors are not required to resign from the Hutto Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors when running for re-election.
(Ordinance O-2021-022 adopted 5/6/21)
Any member of a city board or commission or the board of directors of the Hutto Economic Development Corporation who is absent for 25 percent or more of the meetings of such board, commission, or corporation within a 12-month period may become eligible to be removed from said board, commission, or corporation board.
A written notice shall be sent to the member, and city council when it appears that an individual has violated the attendance policy. The council will review each case and decide on removal or other action. If a member is removed from a board, commission, or corporation board, that position shall be considered vacant and a new member shall be appointed by the city council.
(Ordinance O-2021-022 adopted 5/6/21)
The city council shall make annual appointments to the boards, commissions and corporation boards as terms expire of each year. If vacancies occur other than by expiration of a term, the city council shall appoint a member to fill the remainder of the vacated term. When a vacancy occurs, the councilmember occupying a city council place corresponding to the place number for a board, commission or corporation board shall review applications for appointment and recommend an individual for city council approval not later than the date of the second regular city council meeting after the vacancy occurs. If a councilmember does not recommend an individual for city council approval as provided for in this subsection or if the office is vacant at the time the vacancy occurs, any councilmember may recommend an individual for city council approval. Each member currently occupying a board, commission or corporation board position shall be assigned a place number pursuant to the chart attached as exhibit A to Ordinance O-18-07-05-8B. For boards and commission where the number of members is increased pursuant to this section the new positions shall be assigned a place number. Terms of board and commission members and corporation directors shall be altered and established pursuant to the notation on the attached exhibit A to Ordinance O-18-07-05-8B. Certain terms expiring in 2019 are reduced and will expire June 30, 2019.
The chair and vice-chair for each city board, commission, or corporation shall be elected from the membership of the board or commission by an affirmative majority vote of the members. The city council will appoint the chair and/or vice-chair if:
The board or commission cannot agree by majority vote amongst themselves by the end of the 2nd regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission; or
The chair or vice-chair is removed from the board or commission and a successor is not appointed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of commission.
Terms for each board or commission shall consist of staggered terms.
(Ordinance O-2021-022 adopted 5/6/21)
Each board, commission, or corporation must hold regular meetings at a predefined time. Special called meetings may be made at the request of the chair or notice from city staff for consideration of business.
Meetings must be posted in accordance to the Open Meetings Act and open to the public.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership of the board.
Any issue to be voted on shall be resolved by a majority of those present.
Written records of meetings must be kept and made available to the public, showing its action on each case.
(Ordinance O-2021-022 adopted 5/6/21)