Hourly rate for police unit (vehicle) on security detail, per hour: $15.00.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Animal control: chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances. All fees set forth shall apply as adopted by the county commissioner’s court for the regional animal shelter, as amended.
Dog registration for sterilized animal, per tag:
Dog registration for unsterilized animal, per tag:
Impoundment fee, registered:
Impoundment fee, unregistered:
Return charge for loose livestock that are picked up, per occurrence:
Holding fee, per day:
Rabies vaccination, per animal:
Pick up deceased owner animal, per animal:
Fee for dropping off animal - owner surrender, per occurrence:
Additional drop-off fee with litter, per occurrence:
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
The municipal judge has discretion to charge the maximum fee per state law depending on the violation. In addition to traffic fines, a person convicted of a misdemeanor shall pay court cost mandated by the state. Other fines charged are established in the Code of Ordinances and state law.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
As stated in chapter 1, section 1.01.009 of the code, the city council may establish the following penalties:
A fine up to $2,000.00 in all cases arising under the ordinances, resolutions, rules or orders that govern: fire safety, zoning, public health and sanitation;
A fine up to $4,000.00 in all cases arising under the ordinances, resolutions, rules or orders that govern illegal dumping of refuse; and
A fine up to $500.00 for all other city violations.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Unlawfully passing a school bus is punishable by a fine of $500.00–$1,250.00 for first offense, or $1,000.00–$2,000.00 for second or subsequent offense.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Conviction of this offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $175.00 or more than $350.00; if a person has been previously convicted of this offense, it is punishable by fine of not less than $350.00 or more than $1,000.00.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Conviction of this offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $500.00 or more than $750.00; if a person has been previously convicted of this offense, it is punishable by a fine not less than $550.00 or more than $800.00; and if that person has been convicted three times of this offense, a fine of not less than $800.00 or more than $1,100.00.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Municipal court shall collect a fee of $15.00 from a person who has been convicted, pays any part of a fine, court cost or restitution on or after the 31st day after the date judgment is entered.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)
Fees under this subsection are to be reviewed and regulated by the county and cities health district.
(Ordinance O-2022-018 adopted 5/19/22; Ordinance O-2023-014 adopted 4/6/2023)