The City Council shall have power to levy taxes to the extent and for all purposes authorized by the laws of the State of Texas and by this Charter, in accordance with the limitations thereon fixed by the Constitution of the State of Texas, and to provide for the mode and manner of levying, assessing and collecting the same, and to apportion such taxes as in the discretion of the City Council shall be deemed to be in the best interest of the City.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
It shall be the duty of the City Council annually, to levy, assess and collect such taxes on the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City as may be necessary for general purpose and current expenses of the City, provided that the rate of taxation shall never exceed the limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
The City Council shall have power to annually levy, assess and collect such taxes as may be necessary to pay the interest on, and create a sinking fund or funds for, the bonded or other indebtedness of the City now existing or hereafter to be created.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
The property of all persons owing any taxes to the City of Hutto is hereby liable for all taxes, whether the same be due upon personal or real property, or both, and a lien is hereby expressly fixed upon all such property to secure the payment of said taxes.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
The City Council shall have power to provide by ordinance for the prompt collection of taxes levied, assessed and imposed under this Charter and the ordinances of said City, and it is hereby authorized, and to that end shall have full power and authority to sell, or cause to be sold, all kinds of property, real and personal, and shall make such rules and regulations, ordain and pass such ordinances, as it may consider necessary to the levying, imposing, assessing and collecting of any and all taxes provided for in this Charter and unless otherwise provided by ordinance, all property in said City liable and subject to taxation shall be assessed, and said taxes shall be levied and collected, in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the State of Texas.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
All moneys arising from the collection of taxes levied for the payment of interest on, and providing a sinking fund for, bonded or other indebtedness of the City, shall be maintained in a separate fund, to be designated “Interest and Sinking Fund,” and a separate account shall be kept of the funds applicable to each series of indebtedness.
The City Council may provide by ordinance for the prompt collection by suit, sale or otherwise, of all taxes due the City, of every kind. The Council may also provide penalties for the failure to pay taxes by a given date, provided the penalty shall never exceed that imposed by the State law. The City may proceed in the matter of the forced collection of taxes in all things as provided by applicable law.
(Amended May 6, 2017)