There is hereby created the Keep Jacksboro Beautiful board, which shall be composed of five members who shall be resident citizens, taxpayers, and qualified voters of the city and who shall abide by guidelines as established by the city council for all board members. Members of the board shall be appointed by a majority vote of the city council.
(Ordinance O-01-03 adopted 1/14/2003; 1997 Code, sec. 33.45)
The board will meet once a month in open session, officially post agendas, [of] items to be considered and keep official record of the minutes of the meeting.
The board will be an advisory board and make recommendations for policies, programs or procedures to the city council for consideration and/or adoption or approval.
The board is established for the purpose of enhancing the appearance, environment and the entranceways of the city.
The board shall be appointed or reappointed to terms of one year.
The board members shall following adoption of this division at their first meeting elect by nomination and majority vote a chairperson and vice-chairperson who shall serve in that capacity until the city council considers appointments or reappointments to the board each October.
(Ordinance O-01-03 adopted 1/14/2003; 1997 Code, sec. 33.46)