In accordance with state law, every dwelling unit provided for a tenant shall be provided with at least one (1) approved listed smoke detector installed outside, but in the vicinity of, each separate bedroom in the dwelling unit, on a ceiling or wall. Such smoke detector(s) shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures, except smoke detector(s) being installed on a ceiling must be no closer than six inches (6") to a wall, and if on a wall it must be no closer than six inches (6") and no farther than twelve inches (12") from the ceiling.
(2000 Code, sec. 3.1201)
It shall be the duty of each landlord to install, inspect and repair smoke detector(s) in any dwelling unit occupied by a tenant and owned by him. The landlord shall determine that the smoke detector(s) is in good working order by following the recommended test procedures of the manufacturer at the beginning of a tenant’s possession or at the time of installation. During any term of a lease or during a renewal or extension thereof, it is the landlord’s duty to inspect and repair the smoke detector(s) only if the tenant gives the landlord notice of a malfunction or requests to the landlord that it be inspected or repaired. The landlord must comply with the tenant’s request for inspection or repair within seven (7) days after the request has been made. The landlord will be exempt from his duty to repair any smoke detector damaged by the tenant unless the tenant pays in advance a reasonable repair or replacement cost, including labor, materials, taxes and overhead.
Also, the landlord is not obligated to provide batteries for any battery-operated smoke detector(s) after a tenant takes possession if the smoke detector(s) was in good working order at the time the tenant took possession.
(2000 Code, sec. 3.1202)
The landlord shall not be held liable nor shall have violated this article for failure to inspect, repair or replace any smoke detector(s) upon notice by the tenant if the tenant has not paid all rent due or for reasonable damages caused by the tenant to the smoke detector(s) causing it to malfunction.
(2000 Code, sec. 3.1203)