There is hereby created the office of the city manager of the city.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.301)
The city manager shall be appointed by the governing body of the city. The term “governing body” shall be interpreted to include the mayor and city council.
The city manager may be removed in accordance with the terms of his or her contract of employment.
During the absence or disability of the city manager, the governing body may designate some properly qualified person to perform the duties of the office of the city manager.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.302; Ordinance adopting Code)
The city manager shall furnish a surety company bond to be approved by the governing body.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.303)
The salary of the city manager shall be fixed by the governing body.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.304)
The city manager shall be administrative head of the municipal government. As such, it shall be his duty to see that all laws and ordinances are enforced. It shall be his duty also to assume complete responsibility for directing the executive departments of the city, within the limits set by law. Any instructions or changes on city policy or personnel will be put in writing by the city manager and copies distributed among city employees.
In personnel transactions involving all employees and appointees of the city, the city manager shall have the power to appoint and remove all city employees and appointees.
The city manager shall have the right and the duty to attend all meetings of the governing body, and he shall have the right to take part in the discussions of such body, but without vote. The city manager shall be entitled to notice of all meetings, regular and special, of the governing body. He shall recommend to the governing body for adoption such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient.
It shall be the duty of the city manager to make and execute all lawful contracts on behalf of the city with regard to matters within his jurisdiction and to take care that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise are faithfully kept and performed. Pursuant to those ends, he shall call to the attention of the governing body all violations of contracts and franchises.
The city manager shall act as the business manager for the city under the direction of the governing body. He shall have supervision over all city property and shall have charge of or supervision over the accounting work of the city.
The city manager shall be the purchasing agent for the city and shall approve all vouchers in payment of city purchases, provided that all purchases involving the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in one (1) transaction or for one (1) purpose shall first be authorized or approved by the governing body. All purchases shall be subject to the limitation imposed by the city’s budget.
The city manager shall present to the governing body monthly reports covering the work of each department for which he is responsible together with such other special reports as may be required. At the end of the fiscal year, he shall prepare and present to the governing body a written annual report summarizing the work of each department and including a statement of the financial condition of the city, with recommendations for the ensuing year and for subsequent years.
The city manager shall each month prepare and present to the governing body a statement showing the exact financial condition of the city as of the end of the preceding month, including a statement of current assets and liabilities and summarized statements of income and expenditures, detailed as to funds and departments.
The city manager shall prepare and present to the governing body, at the end of each fiscal year, a budget estimate of incomes and expenditures for the ensuing year for the consideration of the governing body.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.305)
The city manager shall exercise such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, ordinance or resolution of the governing body. If such law, ordinance or resolution is made, it shall be carried out within a 30-day period, except for extenuating circumstances, which shall be approved by the city government.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.306)