The office of city secretary is hereby established.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.401)
This office shall have all the powers and perform all the duties prescribed to it by law. These duties shall include the following:
The city secretary shall serve as secretary to the city council and shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the council in a book provided for that purpose;
The city secretary shall engross and enroll all motions and resolutions of the city council and ordinances of the city;
The city secretary shall attest all commissions and licenses issued by the city;
The city secretary shall preserve and keep in order all books, papers, documents and records of the city and keep a record of such books, papers, documents and records;
The city secretary shall maintain and have custody of all laws and ordinances of the city;
The city secretary shall have custody of the seal of the city and shall affix the same to obligations of the city only by order of the city council;
The city secretary shall perform such services and comply with such regulations as may be prescribed by any ordinance or resolution adopted by the city council;
The city secretary, in order to comply with the Open Meetings Law, shall post in a place readily accessible to the public and seventy-two (72) hours preceding any meetings, notices of the meetings of the city council;
The city secretary shall perform all other necessary duties that pertain to such office and all other duties as required by the mayor and city council;
The city secretary, and any person duly appointed and acting as city secretary, shall perform the duties prescribed in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 22.073 as well as the duties prescribed in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 22.075 as city treasurer, as well as the duties prescribed in V.T.C.A, Tax Code, as city tax collector, as well as the duties of clerk of the municipal court of the city.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.402)
The city secretary shall execute a bond, payable to the city as required by law, and the city council shall determine the amount of bond at least annually. In the event the city council fails to determine the amount of bond for the succeeding year, then the amount last prescribed shall continue to be the amount of bond required to be executed. Such bond shall be a corporate surety bond and the city shall pay all cost, premium and expense connected therewith.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.403)
The city secretary shall be employed by a majority vote of the city council, with no stated term of office, and shall be removed from office by a majority vote of the city council.
(2000 Code, sec. 8.404)