Rental charges and cleaning deposit.
Any person or entity desiring to rent the Italy Community Center (hereinafter called “center”) shall pay the amounts established by city council from time to time.
All rental fees are nonrefundable.
After the center is vacated, the cleaning deposit shall be returned after the center is inspected and found to be clean. If, however, the center is in need of cleaning, the cleaning deposit shall be forfeited to the city and used to pay cleaning costs.
Reduced or waived fees; cleaning fee.
Any municipality, school, community service organization, museum, Girl Scouts, or law enforcement agency shall enjoy the use of the center without charge. However, if the center is rented for the purpose of a money-raising benefit, there shall be a rental charge in the amount established by city council from time to time.
Any library or church group desiring to rent the center shall pay rental fee in the amount established by city council from time to time.
An inspection will be made of the center after each rental. If the inspection finds the center is not clean, a cleaning fee in the amount established by city council from time to time will be billed to the entity who last rented the center to pay the cleaning costs.
Chair rental.
Any person or entity who desires to rent the chairs located in the center and desiring to take them off the premises shall pay a rental fee in the amount established by city council from time to time.
All rentals will be made and conducted through the city hall located at 101 West Main Street, Italy, Texas.
(Ordinance 040502 adopted 4/13/04)