It is the purpose of this article to provide uniform sign standards and regulations of all signs within the city limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the city, except for some unique provisions applicable to commercial signs in the commercial highway district, in order to insure public safety; protect and promote property values; promote the health, safety, welfare and enjoyment of the public; maintain a positive overall visual appearance throughout the city; and to promote a positive city image reflecting order, harmony and pride and thereby strengthen the economic stability of the city’s business, residential and ETJ areas.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 2, adopted 2/11/13)
All provisions of this article shall apply within the city limits and within the ETJ of the city. All signs erected within the city and within the ETJ of the city shall be erected in accordance with the standards set forth in this article.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 3, adopted 2/11/13)
The permittee, owner, agent, person or persons having the beneficial use of the land or structure on which the sign is located, and the person in charge of erecting the sign, are all subject to the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 4, adopted 2/11/13)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abandoned sign.
An on-premises sign, attached or detached, advertising a business that has closed or ceased operation for a period of sixty (60) calendar days or more.
“A-frame” sign.
A sign constructed in such a manner as to form an “A” or a tent-like shape, hinged or not hinged at the top and each angular face held at an appropriate distance by a supporting member. A sandwich board sign is an example of an “A-Frame” sign.
Attached sign.
Any sign attached to, applied on, or supported by any part of a building (such as a wall, roof, window, canopy, awning, arcade, or marquee) located on the premises.
Awning sign.
A sign that is directly applied, attached or painted onto an awning, which is a retractable or nonretractable projection, shelter or structure of approved materials on a supporting framework that projects from and is supported by the exterior wall or roof of a structure.
A temporary sign made of vinyl, canvas, light fabric, corrugated plastic or other light-weight material located in a nonresidential district.
An off-premises outdoor sign erected for advertising or providing a commercial or noncommercial message which is not related to the services or products sold on, or the sale or lease of, the property on which it is displayed. The term “billboard” includes any of its support, frame, or other appurtenances.
Changeable copy signs.
A sign that is characterized by changeable copy, letters, symbols or numerals that are not permanently affixed to the structure, framing or background allowing the letters, characters, or graphics to be modified from time to time manually or by electronic or mechanical devices, such as, but not limited to, a bulletin board or electronic message board. Changeable copy signs may not be used to display commercial messages relating to products or services that are not offered on the premises.
Changeable electronic variable message sign (CEVMS).
A sign which is characterized by changeable copy, letters, symbols or numerals that are modified by electronic or mechanical devices and that permits lights to be turned on or off intermittently or which is operated in a way whereby light is turned on or off intermittently, including any illuminated sign on which such illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use, including a light emitting diode (LED) or digital sign, and which varies in color or intensity. A CEVMS sign does not include a sign located within the right-of-way which functions as a traffic-control device and which is described and identified in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic-control Devices (MUTCD) approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as the National Standard.
Construction sign.
A sign temporarily placed on a construction site identifying the project, and/or owner, developer, contractor, architect, and may include other information regarding the project.
Dilapidated sign.
Any sign where:
Elements of the surface or background can be seen as viewed from the normal viewing distance (intended viewing distance), to have portions of the finished material missing, or otherwise not in harmony with the rest of the surface;
The structure support or frame members are visibly bent, broken, dented or torn;
The panel is visibly cracked or in the case of wood and similar products, splintered in such a way as to constitute an unsightly or harmful condition;
The sign or its elements are twisted or leaning or at angles other than those at which it was originally erected (such as may result from being windblown or the failure of structural support has occurred);
The message or wording can no longer be clearly read by a person with normal eyesight under normal viewing conditions; or
The sign or its elements are not in compliance with the requirements of the city building code.
Directional sign.
An on-premises sign that is freestanding, the primary purpose of which is to give directions to parking lots, exits, entrances, drive-through windows, or similar directions. Reference to a product, service, business, name other than a subordinate business name or logo, shall disqualify a sign as a directional sign.
Double-faced sign.
One structure containing either one sign with two faces back-to-back oriented in opposite directions, or two signs back-to-back with faces oriented in opposite directions with a distance of not more than three feet (3') between the two signs.
Extraterritorial jurisdiction or ETJ.
The unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the city as defined in chapter 42 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
Flag or flag pole.
A piece of fabric or other flexible material attached to a ground supported staff on one end used as a symbol of a nation, state, political subdivision, corporation, or organization.
Flashing sign.
A sign with lights which illuminate intermittently (for example, a sign with blinking, or moving lights) regardless of wattage, whether directly or indirectly illuminated, except for time and temperature signs.
Illuminated sign.
Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, or designs illuminated by electric lights, luminous tubes, or other means that are specifically placed to draw attention to, to light up, or to provide nighttime viewing of the subject matter on the sign.
Inflatable device sign (IDS).
A sign manufactured of plastic, cloth, canvas or other flexible or light fabric, inflated with air or other gas, secured to the ground or roof of a building.
Integral sign.
A memorial sign or tablet, name of a building, or date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material mounted on the face of a building.
Marquee sign.
A sign, either attached or a detached monument sign, designed to allow advertising or wording to be changed on periodic intervals.
Medallion sign.
A two-sided panel bearing a decorative figure or relief or identifying emblem and limited to the business, address, proprietor and date of establishment.
Menu board sign.
A sign erected in conjunction with a use that incorporates a drive-through or drive-in and generally used to provide service and/or product options and pricing for patrons who remain in a vehicle.
Monument sign.
A freestanding sign characterized by construction of stone, concrete, metal or brick, etc., set on a monument, ground-mounted base. Permanent detached signs in nonresidential zoned districts shall be on-premises monument signs except as provided within this article.
Off-premises sign.
A sign that advertises, promotes, or pertains to a business, person, organization, activity, event, place, service, product, etc., at a location other than where the sign is located.
On-premises sign.
Any sign located on property referring to that location, facility or place of business.
Pole and pylon sign.
Any sign which is erected on a vertical framework consisting of one upright pole or pylon structure, or supports affixed to the ground.
Political sign.
A temporary sign announcing or supporting candidates or issues in connection with any national, state or local election, or otherwise containing primarily a political message.
A lot or unplatted tract, or a combination of contiguous lots or unplatted tracts, if the lot or tract or combination is under single ownership and is reflected in the plat or abstract records of the city. Multi-tenant locations shall be considered as one lot or tract. Premises does not include property used for one- or two-family residential purposes.
Projecting sign.
A sign attached and projecting out from a building face or wall, generally at a right angle to the building a maximum of twelve inches (12"). A projecting sign may advertise the name, telephone number, street address, and/or website information of a business.
Realty sign.
A sign which is used to offer property for sale, lease or rent.
Roof sign.
A sign mounted on and supported by the roof portion of a building or above the uppermost edge of a parapet wall of a building and which is wholly or partially supported by such a building or a sign that is painted directly to or applied on the roof or top of a building or structure. A sign that is mounted on mansard facades, pent eaves or architectural projections, such as canopies or the wall of a building or structure, shall not be considered to be a roof sign.
Searchlight sign.
A sign that is used to announce, direct attention to, or advertise businesses and events or attractions.
Shingle sign.
A sign that denotes only the name, occupation and address of an occupant in a commercial, public, or institutional building.
Any object, device, display or structure which bears words, lettering, parts of letters, figures, numerals, phrases, sentences, emblems, devices, trade names, or trademarks, or other pictorial matter designed to convey information to or attract attention to the subject matter of the sign. This definition shall also include any device, fixture, placard, or structure that uses any color, form, graphic, illumination, symbol, or writing to communicate information of any kind to the public. The term “sign” includes the sign structure.
Snipe sign.
A sign made of any material when such sign is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences, or other objects, and the advertising matter appearing thereon is not applicable to the use of the premises upon which such sign is located.
Special event sign.
Any self-supporting sign specifically announcing one special event sponsored by a civic, nonprofit, or philanthropic organization of public interest. Special event signage shall be reviewed as a part of the overall special event permit as set out in any applicable city ordinance.
Subdivision entry sign.
An attached or monument sign which identifies a development, either residential or nonresidential, and generally refers to the platted name of the subdivision or planned development.
Temporary sign.
Any sign intended for display for a limited period of time.
Unattached sign.
A sign which is carried, wheeled, or moved about without having to detach the sign from a secure anchoring device which is set in the ground or to a building which is set on an approved foundation, or a sign which does not meet the windload pressure requirements set forth in the Texas Administrative Code, title 43, part 1, chapter 21, subchapter I, division 1, section 21.188. Such signs are considered to be unattached if they can reasonably be expected to be blown about in high winds and may cause injuries to pedestrians and traffic hazards. Said signs include, but are not limited to, ground signs, portable signs, and “A-frame” signs. The following signs are not included in this definition: realty signs, individual contractor signs, political signs, signs intended for temporary use for safety reasons due to construction, dangers, or traffic-control, and governmental signs which are intended to inform the public.
Vehicular sign.
Any sign on or in an automobile, trailer, truck, golf cart, or other moving vehicle or on any vehicle parked temporarily, incidental to its principal use for transportation. This definition shall not include signs or lettering on company vehicles that advertise only the company name, address and phone number.
V-shaped sign.
Any freestanding sign constructed of two panels in the form of a “V” when seen from above with a maximum angle between the panels of forty-five (45) degrees.
Wall sign.
A sign erected against an exterior wall, erected parallel to a wall, or painted directly onto a wall.
Wind device.
Any pennant flag, streamer, spinner, balloon, cloud buster balloon, or similar device made of cloth, canvas, plastic, or any flexible material designed to float or designed to move, or moves freely in the wind, with or without a frame or other supporting structure, used for the purpose of advertising or drawing attention to a business, commodity, service, sale or product. Flags, inflatable device signs (IDS), and banners shall not be considered a wind device.
Window sign.
Any sign, poster, window slick, or other similar displayed item excluding banners, located on the internal or external surface of a window that is visible from the public view.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 5, adopted 2/11/13)
No person shall erect, construct, alter, repair, or relocate a sign without first obtaining a permit, unless exempt as outlined in section 3.06.008 of this article.
Each sign permit application shall be accompanied by such drawings, descriptions, and specifications as determined by appropriate city staff.
After a sign permit has been issued, it shall be unlawful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise deviate from the terms and conditions of said permit without prior city approval.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 6, adopted 2/11/13)
No person shall affix or place a sign or bill of any means whatsoever to any public building, property, or thing belonging to the city and in the city limits or in the city’s ETJ or to the building, property, or thing belonging to any other public entity without the written approval of that public entity. This prohibition shall extend also to posting bills within city parks or to trees on public rights-of-way. This section, however, shall not be construed to prevent any public official from posting a governmental sign or bill for a public purpose.
No person shall affix a sign or bill by any means whatsoever to any private property within the city or in the ETJ of the city without having first obtained the permission of the property owner or the property owner’s agent.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 7, adopted 2/11/13)
A sign not expressly permitted is prohibited. The following signs shall not be permitted or erected within the city limits or within the city’s ETJ, except that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the display of the flag of the United States or the flag of the state. The following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in section 3.06.004 of this article, above, entitled “Definitions,” except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abandoned or dilapidated signs.
Changeable electronic variable message signs (CEVMS).
Off-premises signs.
Pole and pylon signs.
Roof signs.
Signs constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other flimsy material with or without frames. This prohibition does not extend to flags.
Signs erected in violation of the building code of the city.
Signs or other advertising structure containing any obscene, indecent, or illegal matter.
Signs placed on the side or rear of any building or property when such sign faces upon a contiguous residential district.
Signs that advertise events or businesses located outside the city limits.
Signs that are illuminated to such intensity as to cause glare or brightness to a degree that could constitute a hazard or nuisance.
Signs which constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or interfere with or obstruct the view of a traffic sign.
Signs which have any visible moving parts, visible revolving parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic or mechanical means including intermittent electrical pulsations, or by action of normal wind currents.
Signs which incorporate in any manner any flashing or moving lights, except time and temperature signs and other similar signs that present public service information.
Signs which make use of any word, phrase, symbol or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Signs which make use of words such as “STOP,” “LOOK,” “DANGER,” or other similar words, phrases, symbols or characters in such a manner as to imply the need or requirement of stopping or the existence of danger.
Signs which no longer advertise a bona fide business activity, campaign or service or a product sold.
Signs with exposed neon conduit or tubing, interior (other than interior encased open/close signs) or exterior neon window signs or lighting displays inside or outside a building so as to be visible from the streets, parking areas, or site boundaries unless approved by the city.
Snipe signs.
String lights or any unshielded light that is within public view and is used in connection with commercial premises for commercial purposes, other than Christmas decorations.
Vehicular signs placed or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers that are parked on a public right-of-way, public property, or private property so as to be visible from public view where the apparent purpose is to advertise or direct people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property.
Signs located on any vacant building, except a sign pertaining to the lease or sale of the building to which it pertains, or a sign which is under lease from the owner or his/her authorized agent when such sign is maintained by a person operating under his/her own bond.
Wind device(s).
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 8, adopted 2/11/13)
The following signs are exempt from the permit requirement set forth in section 3.06.005 of this article, and are allowed to be erected within the city limits or within the city’s ETJ. The following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in section 3.06.004 of this article, above, entitled “Definitions,” except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Governmental signs.
Menu boards that are a maximum of eight feet (8') in height and do not exceed seventy-two square feet (72 s.f.) in area. Only two menu boards are permitted per drive-through.
Real estate signs to advertise the sale/lease of the premises upon which the sign is located and not exceeding thirty-two square feet (32 s.f.) for commercial properties and not exceeding nine square feet (9 s.f.) for residential properties.
Exceptions: one generic freestanding sign (e.g., “House for Sale”) per cul-de-sac, regardless of the number of houses for sale, is permitted. The sign may be placed on city property at the entrance to the cul-de-sac and must be removed when the house is sold or is no longer for sale. The sign shall not exceed two square feet (2 s.f.) in size.
Shingle signs that do not exceed two square feet (2 s.f.).
Signs attached to a residence or apartment building stating only the name or number of the building or owner or the accessory use of a dwelling for a home occupation, provided that such sign shall not exceed two square feet (2 s.f.).
Signs on bulletin boards customarily incidental to places of worship, libraries, museums, social clubs, societies or charitable organizations and located on-premises provided the sign does not exceed thirty-two square feet (32 s.f.) in area.
Public utility signs or markers.
Traffic or other municipal signs, railroad crossing signs, danger, and such temporary, emergency or nonadvertising signs as may be approved by the city.
Window signs that do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the exterior window area.
Political signs, subject to the following conditions.
The sign is located on private real property with the consent of the property owner;
The sign does not exceed eight feet (8') in height;
The sign may not have an effective area greater than thirty-six feet (36');
The sign shall not be illuminated; and
The sign shall not contain any moving elements.
For purposes of this subsection, “private real property” does not include real property subject to an easement or other encumbrance that allows the city to use the property for a public purpose.
One (1) construction sign per contractor may be placed on a permitted construction site for the duration of the construction permit.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 9, adopted 2/11/13)
Garage sale/open house sign.
A no-cost permit listing all locations must be secured from the city. The size shall be limited to three square feet (3 s.f.). These freestanding signs may be located at each street change leading to the house for sale or garage sale and may be located on city-owned property.
Banner sign.
A no-cost permit, limited to a 60-day period and mounted wholly within the business property, shall be permitted for each business property.
Searchlight sign.
A no-cost permit, limited to a 30-day period, shall be permitted.
Special event sign.
A no-cost permit to display a sign containing a message directly relating to a special event, provided that such sign may be displayed no more than fourteen (14) days prior to the special event and must be removed within two (2) days after the conclusion of the special event, not to exceed six (6) special events a year per organization.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 10, adopted 2/11/13)
Except for businesses located within the city’s commercial highway district under the city’s zoning ordinance, as amended, each business shall be limited to one (1) detached sign on premises unless the business is part of a multiple commercial site and in that case the site shall be limited to one (1) detached on-premises sign per lot. Commercial signs in the commercial highway district shall be governed by section 3.06.011 of this article, below. Signs permitted under this section shall not exceed 1/2 square foot of sign area per one foot of street frontage on any chosen public street, up to a maximum of 100 square feet (100 s.f.) per sign with a maximum height of twenty feet (20').
Sign area.
For the purposes of this section, sign area shall be measured as follows: (i) square or rectangular sign: length times height of the sign; (ii) irregular-shaped sign: area of rectangles or triangles or combination thereof necessary to enclose the sign face.
Sign height.
Measurement of sign height shall be from either grade or street elevation, whichever is higher.
Street frontage.
The property line adjacent to the right-of-way of a public street. Where a premises fronts on more than one public right-of-way or street, excluding alleys and service ways, the provisions of this section shall apply to each frontage.
Detached on-premises commercial signs shall meet the following criteria:
Signs shall meet the windload pressure requirements as set forth in the Texas Administrative Code, title 43, part 1, chapter 21, subchapter I, division 1, section 21.188.
Signs shall conform to the city’s standard specifications for building material, designs and landscaping. Large corporations may apply for a variance to allow for uniform sign requirements.
Monument signs shall employ the same material, colors, and textures as the associated primary structures.
No sign shall be illuminated to such intensity or in such a manner as to cause a glare or brightness to such a degree that it constitutes a hazard or a nuisance.
Signs shall not exceed a brightness of two hundred foot (200') lambert at a property line.
No lighted sign shall be erected within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a residential development unless the lighting is shielded from the view of the residential development.
In order for a nonconforming detached commercial sign to continue, it shall meet the following criteria:
Have existed at the time the conditions changed to make the sign nonconforming.
Have been lawful on the date it became subject to control by the city.
Remain substantially the same as it was on the date it became subject to the city’s control.
May not be relocated even if the sign is sold, leased, or otherwise transferred, without affecting its status, unless the relocation is a result of a right-of-way acquisition requiring relocation to a conforming area.
May not be removed for any reason, including repair.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 11, adopted 2/11/13)
For businesses located within the city’s commercial highway district under the city’s zoning ordinance, as amended, each such business shall be limited to one (1) detached sign on premises unless the business is part of a multiple commercial site and in that case the site shall be limited to one (1) detached on-premises sign per lot. Signs permitted under this section shall not exceed a maximum of 229 square feet (229 s.f.) per sign with a maximum height of one hundred feet (100').
Sign area.
For the purposes of this section, sign area shall be measured as follows:
Square or rectangular sign: Length times height of the sign;
Irregular-shaped sign: Area of rectangles or triangles or combination thereof necessary to enclose the sign face.
Sign height.
Measurement of sign height shall be from either grade or street elevation, whichever is higher.
Street frontage.
The property line adjacent to the right-of-way of a public street. Where a premises fronts on more than one public right-of-way or street, excluding alleys and service ways, the provisions of this section shall apply to each frontage.
Detached on-premises commercial signs shall meet the following criteria:
Signs shall meet the windload pressure requirements as set forth in the Texas Administrative Code, title 43, part 1, chapter 21, subchapter I, division 1, section 21.188.
Signs shall conform to the city’s standard specifications for building material, designs and landscaping. Large corporations may apply for a variance to allow for uniform sign requirements.
Monument signs shall employ the same material, colors, and textures as the associated primary structures.
No sign shall be illuminated to such intensity or in such a manner as to cause a glare or brightness to such a degree that it constitutes a hazard or a nuisance.
No lighted sign shall be erected within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a residential development unless the lighting is shielded from the view of the residential development.
In order for a nonconforming detached commercial sign to continue, it shall meet the following criteria:
Have existed at the time the conditions changed to make the sign nonconforming.
Have been lawful on the date it became subject to control by the city.
Remain substantially the same as it was on the date it became subject to the city’s control.
May not be relocated even if the sign is sold, leased, or otherwise transferred, without affecting its status, unless the relocation is a result of a right-of-way acquisition requiring relocation to a conforming area.
May not be removed for any reason, including repair.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 12, adopted 2/11/13)
No off-premises commercial signs are allowed within the city limits or the city’s ETJ.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 13, adopted 2/11/13)
Weeds shall be kept cut in front of, underneath and around the base of on-premises detached signs and no debris shall be permitted so near thereto that the same shall constitute a fire hazard.
Signs shall be kept free from all hazards, such as, but not limited to, faulty wiring and loose fastenings, and must be maintained at all times in such safe condition so as not to be detrimental to the public health and safety.
All signs and sign support structures shall be kept in good repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times.
No new permit is required for both conforming and nonconforming on-premises detached signs involving the following activities:
Replacement of nuts and bolts; nailing, riveting or welding; cleaning and painting; and manipulation to level or plumb the sign structure.
Replacement of parts, as long as the basic design or structure of the sign is not altered and materials of the same type are used.
Replacement of poles, as long as no more than one-half of the poles are replaced in any 12-month period.
Changing the advertising message, including changing the sign face, as long as similar materials are used to replace the sign face.
A new permit is required for the following maintenance activities:
Adding lights to an un-illuminated sign or adding more intense lighting to an illuminated sign whether or not the lights are attached to the sign structure.
Changing any dimensions.
Changing the number of poles in the sign structure, unless the number of poles in a multiple pole structure is reduced to accommodate a reduction in the size of the original sign, provided that the original sign is not removed and replaced with another sign.
Changing the materials used in the construction of the sign, such as replacing wooden materials with metal materials.
Adding faces or changing the sign configuration, such as changing from a “V” configuration to a stacked configuration.
Moving the sign structure of a sign face in any way.
Replacing more than one-half of the poles in a multiple pole sign structure in any 12-month period.
Making repairs that exceed 60% of the cost to erect a new sign of the same type at the same location.
A new permit shall not be issued for a nonconforming sign.
A permit application shall contain the following:
Affidavit of ownership.
Scale drawing or plat showing the exact location with all dimensions.
Scale drawing of detached sign showing all dimensions and the exact text.
List of materials to match design and color(s) of the architecture of the building(s).
Description of any or all methods of illumination.
Statement of windload capacity.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 14, adopted 2/11/13)
Any sign erected, altered, used, or maintained in violation of this article shall constitute a public nuisance. If the owner or operator fails to remove the sign within thirty (30) days after being notified in writing to do so, it may be removed by the city at the expense of the owner or person affixing, using or maintaining it. Any sign so removed shall be stored or impounded and shall not be returned to the owner until all applicable charges and permits are obtained.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 15, adopted 2/11/13)
Except as otherwise provided in this article, any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each and every day of occurrence of the violation of the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate violation.
(Ordinance 13-0211-01, sec. 16, adopted 2/11/13)