An auxiliary police force is hereby established to be known as the “police reserve force.” This force shall be comprised of volunteers who have met the approval of the chief of police and meet the moral and legal requirements as prescribed by the state. There shall be no limit as to the number of members of this force.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 2, adopted 2/11/13)
All members of the police reserve force will have completed the prescribed application of the city and received approval by the chief of police. Each applicant will be checked through the county sheriff’s office and must be found clear of any record of felony conviction or arrests for any cause indicating a lack of personal and moral responsibility. Each applicant must further successfully complete and meet all requirements of the state as they pertain to a reserve officer. All expenses for physical and psychological examinations will be the responsibility of the applicant.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 3, adopted 2/11/13)
Under all circumstances, police reserve force policy, acceptance or denial of membership in the police reserve force, and disciplinary action will rest in the authority of the chief of police. At such time that the police reserve force attains a membership of three (3) officers, the chief of police will select either a regular police officer or reserve officer to act as reserve coordinator. The reserve coordinator will be responsible for scheduling duty periods and keeping accurate records thereof and will make a monthly report to the chief of police. The chief of police will make quarterly reports concerning the police reserve force to the city council at its regular meetings. All reserve officers, working with the city’s regular police officers, on a regular schedule and tour of duty or acting in an emergency situation, will be under the jurisdiction of the chief of police or other fully certified regular police officer on duty, and in other situations, shall be under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff or deputies of the county sheriff’s office.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 4, adopted 2/11/13)
Any member accepted to the reserve police force must have successfully completed an accredited police academy and have received his peace officer license by the state.
Minimum tour of duty.
All reserve officers must complete at least one tour of duty, or accumulated tours of duty, each month of not less than sixteen (16) hours, or such number of hours as approved by the chief of police.
Times on duty.
All reserve officers are forbidden to act in their capacity as a reserve officer at any time other than a regular scheduled tour of duty with the city. The exception to this rule is when the reserve officer is called upon to serve in times of emergency or directly requested assistance by any fully certified peace officer of the state. Under any and all such emergencies, available reserve officers are considered automatically on duty for the purpose of traffic control and prevention of possible crime as a result of the emergency situation.
Firearms and other equipment.
As it pertains to the reserve police force, the chief of police will at all times reserve the right to approve or disapprove the carrying of firearms by any reserve officer. Firearms, handcuffs, batons, and C.S. gas are defined in this article as instruments for the protection of the reserve officer to be used only to prevent bodily harm to the officer or when all other efforts fail as an instrument to provide for successful arrest of a resisting suspect, or when on the scene of a major crime in progress.
Drawing of weapon.
Any time a reserve officer deems it necessary to draw a side arm, riot gun, or rifle, a detailed written report is to be furnished to the chief of police within twenty-four (24) hours of such action by that officer to explain and justify said action.
Use of batons and C.S. gas.
Use of batons and C.S. gas shall be limited to only those reserve officers who have been properly certified in their use of such equipment and said use shall be limited only as a means of self-defense, or to gain compliance of resisting individuals.
Use of handcuffs.
Handcuffs are to always be applied to a prisoner in such a manner that they do not cause unnecessary bodily harm to the prisoner.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 5, adopted 2/11/13)
It is unlawful for any individual to impersonate any police officer or reserve officer. Violation of this provision will be penalized as defined by the laws of the state.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 6, adopted 2/11/13)
The city’s police reserve force is not formed nor intended to exist for the purpose of replacing law enforcement to the extent as defined for regular law enforcement bodies of the state or of the city. The city’s police reserve force is organized for a two-fold purpose and interest:
The police reserve force is intended to exist as a limited law enforcement body whose basic duties are to assist regular police officers in the pursuance of their duties, and when needed, fill in for regular police officers to provide the city with adequate police protection, and reserve officers shall conduct their tours of duty in the manner as would be expected of a regular police officer.
The police reserve force is intended to assist regular police authorities at special events and traffic control. In the absence of a regular police officer, the police reserve force is expected to patrol the city for the safety and security of the city’s citizens and the general public. In cases of major incidences, reserve officers are expected to request assistance from regular city police officers, county sheriff deputies or other state peace officers.
(Ordinance 13-0211-02, sec. 7, adopted 2/11/13)