For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
Dealer in junk and junk shop.
Any person buying, selling, receiving for storage, or in any way acquiring or dealing in junk as defined in this article. This shall not include licensed pawnbrokers, the operator of a junk wagon, as herein defined, nor any person purchasing junk from a licensed junk dealer exclusively.
Scrap iron, tin, brass, copper, lead, zinc or any other scrap metals and their alloys; bones, rags, cloth, rubber, rope, tinfoil, bottles, old cotton, mechanical garden tools, or utensils; dismantled or used plumbing fixtures, appliances or parts; dismantled gas fixtures, fittings, pipes, appliances or parts; dismantled or used water heaters, fixtures, fittings, pipes or parts; used lawn hose or harness; doors, window sash or glass, metals or parts thereof; or any character of unserviceable building or building materials, or houses to be wrecked. The term “junk” shall include unserviceable or secondhand automobiles purchased from the general public for the purpose of being dismantled, together with the purchase of unserviceable or used parts and accessories, not including tires and tubes.
Junk wagon.
Every wagon operating in the city for the purpose of purchasing, collecting or gathering up or selling junk throughout the city or any portion thereof.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.01)
Every dealer shall obtain from the mayor an annual license to pursue his business, and shall pay therefor a fee as provided for in the fee schedule. Such license shall be granted for a period of one year and shall be renewed by the dealer at the annual expiration thereof, and in addition thereto the dealer shall pay on each junk wagon operated by such dealer the amount of the license fee hereinafter prescribed for operators of junk wagons.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.02)
Every person operating any junk wagon within the city shall obtain from the assessor and collector of taxes an annual license for the privilege of operating such wagon so operated. Such license shall be granted for a period of one year and shall be renewed by such person at the annual expiration thereof.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.04)
The license issued to a junk dealer in accordance with this division shall be displayed in his place of business so that it can be seen by his patrons. The license issued to the operator of a junk wagon shall be displayed on the wagon for which it was issued, so that it can be seen by the person dealing with such junk wagon operator.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.03)
All keepers of junk shops and dealers in junk doing business or offering to do business in the city shall at all times keep on hand books of report blanks, to be furnished by the city free of charge upon application to the city secretary, in which shall be legibly written in duplicate at the time any junk is purchased by or deposited for any purpose with such dealer an accurate description in the English language of the articles purchased or deposited, the amount of money paid for the same or loaned thereon, the time of purchase or deposit thereof, and the name, age, sex, signature, residence, race, nationality and the approximate height and weight of the person selling or depositing such junk, together with the name of the state issuing the license and number of the license of the automobile in which such junk shall be delivered to the dealer. The report blanks shall be in book form and printed, numbered and executed in duplicate and signed by such dealer and by the party selling or depositing such article. The original of such report shall be retained in the book in numerical order by the dealer, and shall be at all times open to the inspection of the chief of police or any member of the police force of the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.05)
The duplicate of the report required by section 4.03.035 shall be delivered to the chief of police before 10:00 a.m. of the day following the date of such purchase or deposit of any article of junk.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.06)
It shall be unlawful for any such dealer to alter, change or obliterate any entry in the book of records or report blank.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.07)
Each article of junk purchased by or deposited with a junk dealer shall have written or stamped thereon or attached thereto the serial number on the report made to the chief of police of the purchase or deposit of such article, which number shall at all times be kept plain and legible. Each article of junk purchased by or deposited with such dealer shall be retained by him in its original form, shape and condition for a period of ten days after such purchase or deposit, during which time such article shall not be sold or permitted to be redeemed or removed from the place of business of such dealer; provided that the chief of police may release the same by written order at any time prior to the expiration of the ten-day period.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.08)
Any person selling or depositing any amount of junk with a dealer who is not well and personally known to the dealer shall be identified by some reputable citizen known to the dealer, whose signature and address shall be placed on the report required by section 4.03.035.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.09)
A junk dealer shall not purchase or receive for deposit nor have in his possession any article of junk from which the manufacturer’s serial number or brand has been removed or obliterated.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.10)
No junk dealer or operator of a junk wagon shall purchase or receive in pledge or on deposit for any purpose any article from any minor or which may be owned or claimed by or in the possession or control of any minor, unless the parents or guardian of such minor shall state in writing that such transaction took place with the parents’ or guardian’s full knowledge and consent, which written statement shall be signed by such parents or guardian and have thereon the address and telephone number, if any, of such parents or guardian, and shall be delivered to the chief of police with the report of such purchase or deposit.
(2001 Code, sec. 111.11)