The provisions of this article shall apply to any person, entity, organization or business engaged in the keeping or maintaining of animals at any nonresidential location including any educational facility, and shall also apply to any location or facility whether residential or nonresidential where the sale or offering for sale of animals or animal products including meat, milk, eggs, fur or fiber takes place such as pet shops or otherwise, or any like location or facility by whatever name such activity may be identified.
(Ordinance 15-05, sec. 3, adopted 10/21/15)
The facilities for housing animals at any facility or location within the scope of section 2.02.001 shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair so as to prevent injury to the animals. All buildings, premises and containers used to house or transport animals shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Equipment shall be provided and used for the proper storage and disposal of waste material in such manner as to control vermin, insects and obnoxious odors. The premises shall provide effective measures for controlling and preventing the infestation of animals and premises with external parasites and vermin.
(Ordinance 15-05, sec. 3, adopted 10/21/15)
Enclosures for all animals shall be suited to the species of animals, structurally sound and maintained in good repair to protect animals from injury and escape. Enclosures shall be constructed and maintained so as to enable the animals to remain clean and dry when appropriate for the species. All animals shall be kept in proper enclosures except during the cleaning of the enclosures.
Walls and floors of enclosures shall be designed and constructed of nonabsorbent, nonporous materials, impervious to moisture. If wire or grid flooring is used, it must be made of galvanized, stainless steel or plastic-coated wire and be of adequate gauge to support the animal(s) without sagging and to prevent the animals’ feet from passing through the openings. Enclosures in current use shall be cleaned and disinfected daily or more often if necessary to maintain a sanitary condition.
Enclosures shall be designed and constructed to provide adequate physical comfort of the animals. Each animal shall be provided with sufficient space to turn about freely and easily stand, sit or lie in a comfortable, natural position. Animals housed in groups must be maintained in compatible groups. No female dog or cat in season (estrus) shall be housed in the same primary enclosure with male animals except for breeding purposes.
(Ordinance 07-05, sec. 2 (6.3.03), adopted 5/17/07)
The facilities housing animals shall be sufficiently heated or cooled to protect animals from temperature extremes and to provide for the health and comfort of the animals at all times. The temperature of the air surrounding the animals shall be maintained, under normal conditions, at a minimum of 65 degrees and a maximum of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, except for those animals that, because of their species, require a different ambient temperature for reasonable comfort. Animals shall be provided protection from the direct rays of the sun.
Housing for animals shall be adequately ventilated in such a manner as to minimize drafts, offensive odors and moisture condensation and to provide for the health and comfort of the animals at all times. Ventilation shall be deemed adequate only if mechanical ventilation such as exhaust fans, exhaust vents or air conditioning is provided and properly operated.
Facilities housing animals shall have ample, well-distributed light by natural or artificial means, or both, providing not less than 30 footcandles of illumination for a minimum of eight hours in each twenty-four-hour period, except where contraindicated for health reasons. Enclosures shall be placed to protect animals from excessive illumination.
(Ordinance 07-05, sec. 2 (6.3.04), adopted 5/17/07)
Animals shall be provided with food that is wholesome, palatable, free from contamination and of sufficient quantity and nutritional value to maintain animals in good health. Animals, other than certain reptiles that are not fed at least once daily under normal husbandry practices, shall be fed at least once every calendar day, except as dictated otherwise by hibernation, veterinary treatment, normal fasts, or other commonly accepted eating patterns recognized by professionals expert in the care of the animals concerned. Young animals shall be fed at least two times per day unless continuous feeders are provided. Feeding pans shall be durable and sanitized daily. Self-feeders may be used for the feeding of dry food, provided that they are cleansed and sanitized regularly to prevent molding or caking of food. If disposable food receptacles are used, they shall be discarded after each feeding. Food shall be stored in facilities that adequately protect against deterioration, molding or contamination by vermin.
Potable water shall be provided at all times to each animal in accordance with its needs, except as otherwise directed by hibernation, veterinary treatment [or] common practices recognized by professionals who are expert in the care of the animals concerned. Water dispensers shall be of a design and number to dispense adequate quantities of water, without spillage, for the species of animal to be served. Water containers shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once each day. Sipper-tube type water bottles, if used, shall be kept clean and sanitized regularly, free of dirt, debris and algae, and sanitized prior to an animal being placed in an enclosure.
Burning of waste, bedding or debris.
The burning of any excreta, bedding or debris from animal enclosures is prohibited.
(Ordinance 07-05, sec. 2 (6.3.05), adopted 5/17/07)