This service shall be for emergency purposes only.
(2005 Code, sec. 8.1.01)
All patients utilizing this service shall be transported to an Arlington hospital except:
Where the patient’s family or other person on behalf of the injured person requests that the patient be taken to some destination other than to an Arlington hospital, provided the injured person will be met at such destination by his physician;
In emergency maternity cases, where prior arrangements have been made, to the hospital of the patient’s or person responsible for the patient’s choice.
In no event shall transportation be at a distance greater than thirty (30) miles from the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 8.1.02)
The fees and charges for the use of the ambulance service shall be as provided in the fee ordinance.
(2005 Code, sec. 8.1.03)
The person transported, or, in the event such person is a minor or incompetent, then such person’s parent or guardian, shall be responsible for the fees or charges incurred for emergency ambulance service. Such fees or charges shall be payable to the city or, at the city’s direction, to its contractor. In the event suit is filed to collect the delinquent account, court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees shall be added to the fees and charges.
(2005 Code, sec. 8.1.04)