The city hereby confirms and clarifies the municipal court for the city.
The city municipal court is the primary court of the city.
The city municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the justice of the peace of the precinct in which the city is situated, in all matters arising under the criminal laws of the state, in which the matter is [punishable] by fine only.
The city municipal court shall have jurisdiction in all matters arising under the Code of Ordinances, ordinances and laws of the city.
(2013 Code, sec.
The city hereby creates the position of municipal court judge for the city.
The municipal court judge shall be the chief judicial officer for the city.
The municipal court judge shall be responsible for the smooth and ethical operation of the municipal court.
(2013 Code, sec.; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The city hereby confirms and clarifies the position of municipal court clerk of the city.
The court clerk shall be responsible for the keeping the minutes of the proceedings of the city municipal court.
The court clerk shall be responsible for the issuing all processes of the city municipal court.
The court clerk shall be responsible for the keeping the records of the city municipal court.
The court clerk shall be responsible for all other duties of a court clerk.
The court clerk shall be responsible for all other duties assigned to the municipal court clerk by the municipal court judge.
The municipal court clerk shall be appointed by and accountable to the municipal court judge for the city.
The court clerk shall work under the direction and supervision of the municipal court judge for the city.
The municipal court clerk shall receive compensation as contained in the budget and agreed upon by the municipal court clerk and the municipal court judge.
(2013 Code, sec.; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
City prosecutor’s office.
The city hereby confirms and clarifies the city prosecutor’s office for the city.
The city prosecutor’s office shall have jurisdiction to prosecute all cases before the municipal court of the city including all matters arising under state law, the Code of Ordinances, and ordinances and laws of the city.
City prosecuting attorney.
The city hereby confirms and clarifies the position of city prosecuting attorney for the city.
The city prosecuting attorney shall be responsible for the prosecution of all cases in the city municipal court.
The city prosecuting attorney shall be appointed by and accountable to the municipal court judge for the city.
The city prosecuting attorney shall work under the direction and supervision of the municipal court judge.
The municipal prosecutor shall receive compensation as contained in the budget and agreed upon by the city prosecuting attorney and the municipal court judge.
(2013 Code, secs.,; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
Editor’s note–Former section 2.05.041 pertaining to the building security fee and deriving from Ordinance 98-1-2 adopted 1/15/98 and Ordinance adopting 2018 Code, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2020-04-07 adopted 4/21/20.
Editor’s note–Former section 2.05.042 pertaining to the technology fee and deriving from Ordinance 99-08-01 adopted 8/5/99 and Ordinance adopting 2018 Code, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2020-04-07 adopted 4/21/20.
A nonrefundable fee in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code shall be charged as a special expense each time a person requests to take a defensive driving course for the purpose of having the charge dismissed after the successful completion of the course. The fee shall be paid into the city treasury to recover the costs incurred by the city in processing the person’s request for defensive driving school.
(Ordinance 90-9 adopted 11/1/90; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)