A draft order or directive shall be the form in which a proposed order or directive is brought before the city council for consideration and action.
Each draft order or directive shall be written in the same format as an order or directive.
The draft order or directive shall include the name of all sponsors on the final page.
Each draft order or directive shall be marked with the words “DRAFT” on each page.
Each draft order or directive shall contain the following:
The jurisdictional authority “The City Council for the City of Lavon”; followed by
The word “Directive” or “Order” and a space to place the number; followed by
The short title of the order or directive; followed by
The body of the draft order or directive; followed by
A declaration of the effective date; followed by
The words “passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Lavon, Collin County, Texas on this” and a space for the date; followed by
A signature line for the presiding officer; followed by
A signature line for the city secretary; followed by
The names of each sponsor.
(2013 Code, sec.
The mayor or any alderman may sponsor a draft order or directive. A draft order or directive may have multiple sponsors.
The primary sponsor of the draft order or directive shall notify the city secretary of an agenda item as is required in article 2.07.
The wording for consideration of any draft order or directive shall be substantially similar to: “City Council to consider and act on adopting the”, followed by whether it is an order or directive, followed by the short title of the draft order or directive.
Prior to noon on the day designated as the posting date for the agenda, the primary sponsor of each draft order or directive shall deliver to the city secretary an original copy to be distributed with the city council packets.
The city secretary shall ensure a copy of the agenda and draft order or directive is delivered to:
The mayor, in their city council packets;
Each alderman, in their city council packets;
The city administrator, in their city council packets;
Each affected municipal officer; and
Each affected department head.
(2013 Code, sec.; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
When an order or directive appears on the agenda for consideration and action, the presiding officer shall call for deliberations or discussions on the draft order or directive when the item is reached on the agenda.
Each change to the draft order or directive shall be done by an amendment process.
Each change to the draft order or directive shall be done by separate amendment;
Each amendment shall be done by motion and vote; and
The wording for a motion to amend any draft order or directive shall be substantially similar to: “I move to amend the draft (Order or Directive) by”, followed by a statement of exact changes.
(2013 Code, sec.
At any time prior to the adoption of a draft order or directive as an approved order or directive, any sponsor may withdraw from sponsorship of the draft order or directive.
The effect of withdrawal shall be that the name of the withdrawn sponsor shall not appear on any future drafts of the draft order or directive or on the final adopted order or directive as a sponsor.
The withdrawal may be by written notice to the city secretary or by declaration on the record during a city council meeting at a time the draft order or directive is being deliberated.
At any time prior to the adoption of a draft order or directive as an approved order or directive, any sponsor may join the sponsorship of the draft order or directive.
The effect of joining the sponsorship shall be that the name of the new sponsor shall appear on any future drafts of the order or directive and on the final adopted order or directive as a sponsor.
The joining of sponsorship may be by written notice to the city secretary or by declaration on the record during a city council meeting at a time the draft order or directive is being deliberated.
If, at any time during the deliberations, all sponsors withdraw from sponsorship and no others join, the draft order or directive shall be considered unsponsored.
The presiding officer shall immediately call for a motion to continue consideration of the unsponsored draft order or directive.
If the there is no motion or the motion fails, the presiding officer shall call for a motion to table the draft order or directive until it is again sponsored.
In the event a sponsor is named after the draft order or directive was tabled, the draft order or directive may be removed from the table in accordance with the rules in article 2.07.
(2013 Code, sec.
In addition to the record of minutes and the audio recording, the city secretary shall keep a record of each amendment to each draft order or directive and attach it to the draft order or directive.
Unless otherwise specified by law, this record, including each draft of the order or directive submitted for consideration, shall be maintained by the city secretary for a period of five (5) years from the date of last action on the draft order or directive.
The city secretary shall not include any amendments that failed.
The city secretary shall not include any changes that were made except by the proper amendment process.
Prior to the presiding officer and the city secretary signing the final order or directive, the city secretary shall ensure that all approved amendments are included in the written copy of the order or directive.
(2013 Code, sec.
The wording for a motion to approve an unamended draft order or directive as a final order or directive shall be substantially similar to: “I move to approve the (Order or Directive)” (short title of draft order or directive) “as written and submitted.”
The wording for a motion to approve an amended draft order or directive as a final order or directive shall be substantially similar to: “I move to approve the (Order or Directive)” (short title of draft order or directive) “as amended.”
(2013 Code, sec.