It shall be unlawful for any person to sort, take or pick any trash or recyclable set on public property for collection.
A resident who placed the items out for collection is excepted from prosecution if they are sorting, taking or picking trash from the receptacle assigned to them.
Any person found to be violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction shall pay a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance 2014-06-03 adopted 6/3/14; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
Any person violating any provision(s) of this division shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 5, adopted 8/23/16; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
It shall be mandatory that each residence, commercial and nonresidential establishment within the corporate limits of the city take and subscribe to the garbage collection service offered by the city through its contract garbage operator.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 1(A), adopted 8/23/16)
The city shall bill customers for garbage collection and recycling fees as established by the city council for garbage collection and recycling service. Such fees may be billed independently or attached to the monthly utility bill of every residence or commercial user that is connected to a utility system for which the city regularly bills.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 1(B), adopted 8/23/16)
Residential units shall be provided an approved trash receptacle and recycle bin provided by the city designated waste collection contractor. The approved receptacle or receptacles shall be roll-out containers. The volume of the container will be designated by the city. The monthly fees assessed on the customer utility bill shall be based on number of containers requested by the customer(s).
The container(s) shall be issued to a residential address and shall not be removed from the premises.
The roll-out containers and recycle bins shall be the property of the waste collection contractor and must not be painted, marked, abused, mutilated, altered or modified in any way. Abuse and damage to a container by customers shall result in an assessment equal to the replacement cost of the containers.
The containers shall be placed at the curb or designated collection point no later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day. The containers must be placed at or near the driveway approximately four feet from any mailbox or other obstacle. Where applicable, the containers must be placed between the sidewalk and the curb. No container may be placed in the street or be placed on any part of a sidewalk. The city secretary or their designee may make reasonable exceptions to the foregoing location requirements as needed to meet unique circumstances or to avoid undue hardship caused by literal compliance.
The containers shall be removed from the curb or designated collection point no later than noon the day after the regular scheduled pickup for the residential unit.
A stolen container shall be reported to the utility billing department.
Trash containers and recycle bins shall be placed and kept behind the front building line except as allowed in subsections (d) and (e) of this section when they are placed adjacent to the street for emptying by the designated waste collection contractor for the city.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 1(C), adopted 8/23/16)
All nonresidential customers shall contract with the city for solid waste collection services.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than the city’s contract provider to collect or remove solid waste materials from a commercial container.
Nonresidential customers shall remit payments for solid waste services directly to the city.
Nonresidential customers may receive recycling services from the city’s contract provider upon request.
The charge for collection and removal of solid waste from premises used for business, industrial, or institutional purposes shall be based upon the size, type and number of containers in use at such establishments and the frequency with which such containers are scheduled to be serviced. Such charges shall be in an amount established, and from time to time amended, by separate action of the city council.
Nonresidential customers shall establish with the city solid waste collection services and acquire an appropriately sized commercial container, such container to be serviced at a frequency that prevents the accumulation of waste outside the container and prevents littering or spilling materials onto public areas or neighboring sites. Collection of nonresidential solid waste shall not be made less than one time per week.
Overfilled containers will not be emptied if a safety hazard exists. The customer will be responsible for removing excess and collection will be rescheduled when the excess material has been removed.
The customer is responsible for providing access to the solid waste container and keeping the area around the top of the container clear of obstructions so that the container can be serviced as scheduled. If the container is blocked and not cleared, service will not be provided. The customer will be responsible for the cost of extra collections required.
Nonresidential containers owned by the contract provider shall not be marked, modified, or damaged by the customer in any way.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 1(D), adopted 8/23/16)
The monthly rates or charges for garbage collection and recycling services and late payment penalties shall be as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 2016-08-07, sec. 2, adopted 8/23/16; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)